Systemverilog for Verification: A Guide to Learning the Testbench Language Features, 3/e (Hardcover)

Chris Spear, Greg Tumbush




Based on the highly successful second edition, this extended edition of SystemVerilog for Verification: A Guide to Learning the Testbench Language Features teaches all verification features of the SystemVerilog language, providing hundreds of examples to clearly explain the concepts and basic fundamentals. It contains materials for both the full-time verification engineer and the student learning this valuable skill.

In the third edition, authors Chris Spear and Greg Tumbush start with how to verify a design, and then use that context to demonstrate the language features,  including the advantages and disadvantages of different styles, allowing readers to choose between alternatives. This textbook contains end-of-chapter exercises designed to enhance students’ understanding of the material. Other features of this revision include:

  • New sections on static variables, print specifiers, and DPI from the 2009 IEEE language standard
  • Descriptions of UVM features such as factories, the test registry, and the configuration database
  • Expanded code samples and explanations
  • Numerous samples that have been tested on the major SystemVerilog simulators

SystemVerilog for Verification: A Guide to Learning the Testbench Language Features, Third Edition is suitable for use in a one-semester SystemVerilog course on SystemVerilog at the undergraduate or graduate level. Many of the improvements to this new edition were compiled through feedback provided from hundreds of readers.




在第三版中,作者Chris Spear和Greg Tumbush從如何驗證設計開始,然後利用這個背景來演示語言特性,包括不同風格的優缺點,讓讀者在選擇之間做出選擇。這本教科書包含了設計來增強學生對材料的理解的章末練習題。本版的其他特點包括:

- 2009年IEEE語言標準中關於靜態變量、打印格式指定符和DPI的新章節
- UVM特性的描述,如工廠、測試註冊表和配置數據庫
- 擴展的代碼示例和解釋
- 在主要SystemVerilog模擬器上經過測試的大量示例
