Swift Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide, 2/e (Paperback)
暫譯: Swift 程式設計:大 Nerd Ranch 指南(第二版)

Matthew Mathias, John Gallagher



Through the authors' carefully constructed explanations and examples, you will develop an understanding of Swift grammar and the elements of effective Swift style. This book is written for Swift 3.0 and will also show you how to navigate Xcode 8 and get the most out of Apple's documentation. 
Throughout the book, the authors share their insights into Swift to ensure that you understand the hows and whys of Swift and can put that understanding to use in different contexts.
After working through the book, you will have the knowledge and confidence  to develop your own solutions to a wide range of programming challenges using Swift.


透過作者精心構建的解釋和範例,您將能夠理解 Swift 語法及有效 Swift 風格的要素。本書是針對 Swift 3.0 撰寫的,並將指導您如何使用 Xcode 8,充分利用 Apple 的文檔。

在整本書中,作者分享了他們對 Swift 的見解,以確保您理解 Swift 的運作方式及其背後的原因,並能在不同的情境中運用這些理解。

在完成本書的學習後,您將具備知識和信心,能夠使用 Swift 開發出針對各種程式設計挑戰的解決方案。