Targeted Learning in Data Science: Causal Inference for Complex Longitudinal Studies (Springer Series in Statistics)
暫譯: 數據科學中的目標學習:複雜縱向研究的因果推斷(斯普林格統計系列)

Mark J. van der Laan, Sherri Rose



This textbook for graduate students in statistics, data science, and public health deals with the practical challenges that come with big, complex, and dynamic data. It presents a scientific roadmap to translate real-world data science applications into formal statistical estimation problems by using the general template of targeted maximum likelihood estimators. These targeted machine learning algorithms estimate quantities of interest while still providing valid inference. Targeted learning methods within data science area critical component for solving scientific problems in the modern age. The techniques can answer complex questions including optimal rules for assigning treatment based on longitudinal data with time-dependent confounding, as well as other estimands in dependent data structures, such as networks. Included in Targeted Learning in Data Science are demonstrations with soft ware packages and real data sets that present a case that targeted learning is crucial for the next generation of statisticians and data scientists. Th is book is a sequel to the first textbook on machine learning for causal inference, Targeted Learning, published in 2011.

Mark van der Laan, PhD, is Jiann-Ping Hsu/Karl E. Peace Professor of Biostatistics and Statistics at UC Berkeley. His research interests include statistical methods in genomics, survival analysis, censored data, machine learning, semiparametric models, causal inference, and targeted learning. Dr. van der Laan received the 2004 Mortimer Spiegelman Award, the 2005 Van Dantzig Award, the 2005 COPSS Snedecor Award, the 2005 COPSS Presidential Award, and has graduated over 40 PhD students in biostatistics and statistics.

Sherri Rose, PhD, is Associate Professor of Health Care Policy (Biostatistics) at Harvard Medical School. Her work is centered on developing and integrating innovative statistical approaches to advance human health. Dr. Rose’s methodological research focuses on nonparametric machine learning for causal inference and prediction. She co-leads the Health Policy Data Science Lab and currently serves as an associate editor for the Journal of the American Statistical Association and Biostatistics.



Mark van der Laan, PhD, 是加州大學伯克利分校的生物統計學和統計學的Jiann-Ping Hsu/Karl E. Peace教授。他的研究興趣包括基因組學中的統計方法、生存分析、截尾數據、機器學習、半參數模型、因果推斷和目標學習。van der Laan博士獲得了2004年的Mortimer Spiegelman獎、2005年的Van Dantzig獎、2005年的COPSS Snedecor獎、2005年的COPSS總統獎,並且已指導超過40名生物統計學和統計學的博士生。

Sherri Rose, PhD, 是哈佛醫學院的健康政策(生物統計學)副教授。她的工作集中在開發和整合創新的統計方法以促進人類健康。Rose博士的研究方法專注於因果推斷和預測的非參數機器學習。她共同領導健康政策數據科學實驗室,並目前擔任《美國統計協會期刊和生物統計學》的副編輯。