Behavioral Data Analysis with R and Python: Customer-Driven Data for Real Business Results

Buisson, Florent




Most of the data that companies collect is related to customer behaviors, such as clicks on a website or purchases in a supermarket. But data science algorithms and predictive analytics tools aren't that specific, so customer data is treated the same way as, for example, astronomical or genomic data. This practical guide introduces powerful methods for behavioral data analysis that you're probably not aware of.

Advanced experimental design will help you get the most out of your A/B tests, while causal diagrams will allow you to tease out causality from correlation even when you can't run experiments. Written in an accessible style for data scientists, business analysts, and behavioral scientists, this practical book provides complete examples and exercises in R and Python to help you gain more insight from your immediately.

  • Understand the specifics of behavioral data
  • Explore the differences between measurement and prediction
  • Learn how to clean and prepare behavioral data
  • Design and analyze experiments to drive optimal business decisions
  • Use behavioral data to understand and measure cause and effect
  • Segment customers in a transparent and insightful way




- 理解行為數據的特點
- 探索測量和預測之間的差異
- 學習如何清理和準備行為數據
- 設計和分析實驗以推動最佳業務決策
- 使用行為數據理解和衡量因果關係
- 以透明且有洞察力的方式對顧客進行分割


Florent Buisson is head of Behavioral Science at Allstate Insurance Company. He manages a team of behavioral scientists who run data analyses and implement behavioral interventions such as nudges.

He previously worked for a French strategy consulting firm where he used economics and data analysis to answer complex measurement questions, for example building an index measuring the stability of agricultural policies in developing countries on behalf of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization. He also worked in specialty healthcare analytics, analyzing the behaviors of patients with severe diseases.

Florent has published academic articles in journals such as the peer-reviewed Journal of Real Estate Research. He holds a Master's degree in econometrics as well as a Ph.D. in behavioral economics from the Sorbonne University in Paris.


Florent Buisson是Allstate Insurance Company的行為科學主管。他負責管理一個行為科學家團隊,進行數據分析並實施行為干預,例如推動行為改變。

