Proabability and Statistics: The Science of Uncert (Hardcover)
暫譯: 機率與統計:不確定性的科學 (精裝版)
Michael J. Evans, Jeffrey S. Rosenthal
- 出版商: W.H. Freeman and Com
- 出版日期: 2003-07-25
- 售價: $1,102
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 638
- 裝訂: Hardcover
- ISBN: 0716747421
- ISBN-13: 9780716747420
機率統計學 Probability-and-statistics
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Unlike traditional introductory math/stat textbooks, Probability and Statistics: The Science of Uncertainty brings a modern flavor based on incorporating the computer to the course and an integrated approach to inference. From the start the book integrates simulations into its theoretical coverage, and emphasizes the use of computer-powered computation throughout.* Math and science majors with just one year of Calculus can use this text and experience a refreshing blend of applications and theory that goes beyond merely mastering the technicalities. They'll get a thorough grounding in probability theory, and go beyond that to the theory of statistical inference and its applications. An integrated approach to inference is presented that includes the frequency approach as well as Bayesian methodology. Bayesian inference is developed as a logical extension of likelihood methods. A separate chapter is devoted to the important topic of model checking and this is applied in the context of the standard applied statistical techniques. Examples of data analyses using real-world data are presented throughout the text. A final chapter introduces a number of the most important stochastic process models using elementary methods.
1. Probability Models
1.1 Probability: A Measure of Uncertainty
1.1.1 Why Do We Need Probability Theory?
1.2 Probability Models
1.3 Basic Results for Probability Models
1.4 Uniform Probability on Finite Spaces
1.4.1 Combinatorial Principles
1.5 Conditional Probability and Independence
1.5.1 Conditional Probability
1.5.2 Independence of Events
1.6 Continuity of P
1.7 Further Proofs (Advanced)
2. Random Variables and Distributions
2.1 Random Variables
2.2 Distribution of Random Variables
2.3 Discrete Distributions
2.3.1 Important Discrete Distributions
2.4 Continuous Distributions
2.4.1 Important Absolutely Continuous Distributions
2.5 Cumulative Distribution Functions (cdfs)
2.5.1 Properties of Distribution Functions
2.5.2 Cdf's of Discrete Distributions
2.5.3 Cdf's of Absolutely Continuous Distributions
2.5.4 Mixture Distributions
2.5.5 Distributions Neither Discrete Nor Continuous (Advanced)
2.6 One-dimensional Change of Variable
2.6.1 The Discrete Case
2.6.2 The Continuous Case
2.7 Joint Distributions
2.7.1 Joint Cumulative Distribution Functions
2.7.2 Marginal Distributions
2.7.3 Joint Probability Functions
2.7.4 Joint Density Functions
2.8 Conditioning and Independence
2.8.1 Conditioning on Discrete Random Variables
2.8.2 Conditioning on Continuous Random Variables
2.8.3 Independence of Random Variables
2.8.4 Sampling From a Population
2.9 Multi-dimensional Change of Variable
2.9.1 The Discrete Case
2.9.2 The Continuous Case (Advance)
2.9.3 Convolution
2.10 Simulating Probability Distributions
2.10.1 Simulating Discrete Distributions
2.10.2 Simulating Continuous Distributions
2.11 Further Proofs (Advanced)
3. Expectation
3.1 The Discrete Case
3.2 The Absolutely Continuous Case
3.3 Variance, Covariance and Correlation
3.4 Generating Functions
3.4.1 Characteristic Functions (Advanced)
3.5 Conditional Expectation
3.5.1 Discrete Case
3.5.2 Absolutely Continuous Case
3.5.3 Double Expectations
3.5.4 Conditional Variance
3.6 Inequalities
3.6.1 Jensen's Inequality (Advanced)
3.7 General Expectations (Advanced)
3.8 Further Proofs (Advanced)
4. Sampling Distributions and Limits
4.1 Sampling Distributions
4.2 Convergence in Probability
4.2.1 The Weak Law of Large Numbers
4.3 Convergence with Probability 1
4.3.1 The Strong Law of Large Numbers
4.4 Monte Carlo Approximations
4.5 Convergence in Distributions
4.5.1 The Central Limit Theorem
4.6 Normal Distribution Theory
4.6.1 The Chi-Square Distribution
4.6.2 The t Distribution
4.6.3 The F Distribution
4.7 Further Proofs (Advanced)
5. Statistical Inference
5.1 Why Do We Need Statistics?
5.2 Inference Using a Probability Model
5.3 Statistical Models
5.4 Data Collection
5.4.1 Finite Population Sampling
5.4.2 Random Sampling
5.4.3 Histograms
5.4.4 Survey Sampling
5.5 Some Basic Inferences
5.5.1 Descriptive Statistics
5.5.2 Types of Inference
6. Likelihood Inference
6.1 The Likelihood Function
6.1.1 Sufficient Statistics
6.2 Maximum Likelihood Estimation
6.2.1 The Multidimensional Case (Advanced)
6.3 Inferences Based on the MLE
6.3.1 Standard Errors and Bias
6.3.2 Confidence Intervals
6.3.3 Testing Hypotheses and P-values
6.3.4 Sample Size Calculations: Length of Confidence Intervals
6.3.5 Sample Size Calculations: Power
6.4 Distribution-Free Models
6.4.1 Method of Moments
6.4.2 Bootstrapping
6.4.3 The Sign Statistic and Inferences about Quatiles
6.5 Large Sample Behavior of the MLE (Advanced)
7. Bayesian inference
7.1 The Prior and Posterior Distributions
7.2 Inferences Based on the Posterior
7.2.1 Estimation
7.2.2 Credible Intervals
7.2.3 Hypothesis Testing and Bayes Factors
7.3 Bayesian Computations
7.3.1 Asymptotic Normality of the Posterior
7.3.2 Sampling from the Posterior
7.3.3 Sampling from the Posterior Using Gibbs Sampling (Advanced)
7.4 Choosing Priors
7.5 Further Proofs (Advanced)
8. Optimal Inferences
8.1 Optimal Unbiased Estimation
8.1.1 The Cramer-Rao Inequality (Advanced)
8.2 Optimal Hypothesis Testing
8.2.1 Likelihood Ratio Tests (Advanced)
8.3 Optimal Bayesian Inferences
8.4 Further Proofs (Advanced)
9. Model Checking
9.1 Checking the Sampling Model
9.1.1 Residual Plots and Probability Plots
9.1.2 The Chi-square Goodness of Fit Test
9.1.3 Prediction and Cross-Validation
9.1.4 What Do We Do When a Model Fails?
9.2 Checking the Bayesian Model
9.3 The Problem of Multiple Tests
10. Relationships Among Variables
10.1 Related Variables
10.1.1 Cause-Effect Relationships
10.1.2 Design for Experiments
10.2 Categorical Response and Predictors
10.2.1 Random Predictor
10.2.2 Deterministic Predictor
10.2.3 Bayesian Formulation
10.3 Quantitative Response and Predictors
10.3.1 The Method of Least Squares
10.3.2 The Simple Linear Regression Model
10.3.3 Bayesian Simple Linear Model (Advanced)
10.3.4 The Multiple Linear Regression Model (Advanced)
10.4 Quantitative Response and Categorical Predictors
10.4.1 One Categorical Predictor (One-Way ANOVA)
10.4.2 Repeated Measures (Paired Comparisons)
10.4.3 Two Categorical Predictors (Two-Way ANOVA)
10.4.4 Randomized Blocks
10.4.5 One Categorical and Quantitative Predictor
10.5 Categorical Response and Quantitative Predictors
10.6 Further Proofs (Advanced)
11. Advance Topic--Stochastic Processes
11.1 Simple Random Walk
11.1.1 The Distribution of the Fortune
11.1.2 The Gambler's Ruin Problem
11.2 Markov Chains
11.2.1 Examples of Markov Chains
11.2.2 Computing with Markov Chains
11.2.3 Stationary Distributions
11.2.4 Markov Chain Limit Theorem
11.3 Markov Chain Monte Carlo
11.3.1 The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
11.3.2 The Gibbs Sampler
11.4 Martingales
11.4.1 Definition of a Martingale
11.4.2 Expected Values
11.4.3 Stopping Times
11.5 Brownian Motion
11.5.1 Faster and Faster Random Walks
11.5.2 Brownian Motion as a Limit
11.5.3 Diffusions and Stock Prices
11.6 Poisson Processes
11.7 Further Proofs
A. Mathematical Background
A.1 Derivatives
A.2 Integrals
A.3 Infinite Series
A.4 Matrix Multiplication
A.5 Partial Derivatives
A.6 Multivariable Integrals
A.6.1 Non-rectangular Regions
B. Computations
C. Common Distributions
D. Tables
D.1 Random Numbers
D.2 Standard Normal Distributions
D.3 Chi-square Distribution Probabilities
D.4 Student Distribution Probabilities
D.5 F Distribution Probabilities
D.6 Binomial Distribution Probabilities
與傳統的入門數學/統計教材不同,《機率與統計:不確定性的科學》帶來了現代的風格,基於將計算機納入課程和綜合推論的方法。從一開始,這本書就將模擬整合到其理論內容中,並強調在整個過程中使用計算機驅動的計算。數學和科學專業的學生只需具備一年的微積分基礎,即可使用這本教材,體驗應用與理論的清新結合,超越單純掌握技術細節。他們將獲得機率理論的全面基礎,並進一步了解統計推論的理論及其應用。本書提出了一種綜合的推論方法,包括頻率方法和貝葉斯方法。貝葉斯推論被發展為似然方法的邏輯延伸。專門有一章 devoted於模型檢查這一重要主題,並在標準應用統計技術的背景下進行應用。全書中提供了使用真實數據進行數據分析的範例。最後一章介紹了幾個最重要的隨機過程模型,使用基本方法進行說明。
1. 機率模型
1.1 機率:不確定性的度量
1.1.1 我們為什麼需要機率理論?
1.2 機率模型
1.3 機率模型的基本結果
1.4 有限空間上的均勻機率
1.4.1 組合原則
1.5 條件機率與獨立性
1.5.1 條件機率
1.5.2 事件的獨立性
1.6 P的連續性
1.7 進一步的證明(進階)
2. 隨機變數與分佈
2.1 隨機變數
2.2 隨機變數的分佈
2.3 離散分佈
2.3.1 重要的離散分佈
2.4 連續分佈
2.4.1 重要的絕對連續分佈
2.5 累積分佈函數(cdfs)
2.5.1 分佈函數的性質
2.5.2 離散分佈的cdf
2.5.3 絕對連續分佈的cdf
2.5.4 混合分佈
2.5.5 既非離散也非連續的分佈(進階)
2.6 一維變數變換
2.6.1 離散情況
2.6.2 連續情況
2.7 聯合分佈
2.7.1 聯合累積分佈函數
2.7.2 邊際分佈
2.7.3 聯合機率函數
2.7.4 聯合密度函數
2.8 條件與獨立性
2.8.1 在離散隨機變數上的條件
2.8.2 在連續隨機變數上的條件
2.8.3 隨機變數的獨立性
2.8.4 從母體中抽樣
2.9 多維變數變換
2.9.1 離散情況
2.9.2 連續情況(進階)
2.9.3 卷積
2.10 模擬機率分佈
2.10.1 模擬離散分佈
2.10.2 模擬連續分佈
2.11 進一步的證明(進階)
3. 期望
3.1 離散情況
3.2 絕對連續情況
3.3 變異數、協方差與相關性
3.4 生成函數
3.4.1 特徵函數(進階)
3.5 條件期望
3.5.1 離散情況
3.5.2 絕對連續情況
3.5.3 雙重期望
3.5.4 條件變異數
3.6 不等式
3.6.1 詹森不等式(進階)
3.7 一般期望(進階)
3.8 進一步的證明(進階)
4. 抽樣分佈與極限
4.1 抽樣分佈
4.2 機率收斂
4.2.1 大數法則的弱法則
4.3 機率為1的收斂
4.3.1 大數法則的強法則
4.4 蒙地卡羅近似
4.5 分佈的收斂
4.5.1 中心極限定理
4.6 常態分佈理論
4.6.1 卡方分佈
4.6.2 t分佈
4.6.3 F分佈
4.7 進一步的證明(進階)
5. 統計推論
5.1 我們為什麼需要統計?
5.2 使用機率模型的推論
5.3 統計模型
5.4 數據收集
5.4.1 有限母體抽樣
5.4.2 隨機抽樣
5.4.3 直方圖
5.4.4 調查抽樣
5.5 一些基本推論
5.5.1 描述性統計
5.5.2 推論的類型
6. 似然推論
6.1 似然函數
6.1.1 充分統計量
6.2 最大似然估計
6.2.1 多維情況(進階)
6.3 基於MLE的推論
6.3.1 標準誤與偏差
6.3.2 信賴區間
6.3.3 假設檢定與P值
6.3.4 樣本大小計算:信賴區間的長度
6.3.5 樣本大小計算:檢定力
6.4 無分佈模型