The Software Project Manager's Bridge to Agility
暫譯: 軟體專案經理的敏捷橋樑

Michele Sliger, Stacia Broderick



When software development teams move to agile methods, experienced project managers often struggle—doubtful about the new approach and uncertain about their new roles and responsibilities. In this book, two long-time certified Project Management Professionals (PMPRs) and Scrum trainers have built a bridge to this dynamic new paradigm. They show experienced project managers how to successfully transition to agile by refocusing on facilitation and collaboration, not “command and control.”


The authors begin by explaining how agile works: how it differs from traditional “plan-driven” methodologies, the benefits it promises, and the real-world results it delivers. Next, they systematically map the Project Management Institute’s classic, methodology-independent techniques and terminology to agile practices. They cover both process and project lifecycles and carefully address vital issues ranging from scope and time to cost management and stakeholder communication. Finally, drawing on their own extensive personal experience, they put a human face on your personal transition to agile--covering the emotional challenges, personal values, and key leadership traits you’ll need to succeed.


Coverage includes

  • Relating the PMBOKR Guide ideals to agile practices: similarities, overlaps, and differences
  • Understanding the role and value of agile techniques such as iteration/release planning and retrospectives
  • Using agile techniques to systematically and continually reduce risk
  • Implementing quality assurance (QA) where it belongs: in analysis, design, defect prevention, and continuous improvement
  • Learning to trust your teams and listen for their discoveries
  • Procuring, purchasing, and contracting for software in agile, collaborative environments
  • Avoiding the common mistakes software teams make in transitioning to agile
  • Coordinating with project management offices and non-agile teams
  • “Selling” agile within your teams and throughout your organization

For every project manager who wants to become more agile.


Part I    An Agile Overview 7

Chapter 1    What is "Agile"? 9

Chapter 2    Mapping from the PMBOKR Guide to Agile 25

Chapter 3    The Agile Project Lifecycle in Detail 37

Part II    The Bridge: Relating PMBOKR Guide Practices to Agile Practices 49

Chapter 4    Integration Management 51

Chapter 5    Scope Management 67

Chapter 6    Time Management 83

Chapter 7    Cost Management 111

Chapter 8    Quality Management 129

Chapter 9    Human Resources Management 143

Chapter 10    Communications Management 159

Chapter 11    Risk Management 177

Chapter 12    Procurement Management 197

Part III    Crossing the Bridge to Agile 215

Chapter 13    How Will My Responsibilities Change? 217

Chapter 14    How Will I Work with Other Teams Who Aren't Agile? 233

Chapter 15    How Can a Project Management Office Support Agile? 249

Chapter 16    Selling the Benefits of Agile 265

Chapter 17    Common Mistakes 285

Appendix A    Agile Methodologies 295

Appendix B    Agile Artifacts 301

Glossary 321

Bibliography 327

Index 333




- 將《PMBOK®指南》的理想與敏捷實踐相關聯:相似之處、重疊和差異
- 理解敏捷技術如迭代/發布計畫和回顧的角色和價值
- 使用敏捷技術系統性和持續地降低風險
- 在分析、設計、缺陷預防和持續改進中實施質量保證(QA)
- 學會信任您的團隊並傾聽他們的發現
- 在敏捷、協作環境中採購、購買和簽訂軟體合約
- 避免軟體團隊在轉型為敏捷時常見的錯誤
- 與專案管理辦公室和非敏捷團隊協調
- 在您的團隊和整個組織內「推銷」敏捷


第一部分 敏捷概述
第1章 什麼是「敏捷」?
第2章 從《PMBOK®指南》映射到敏捷
第3章 敏捷專案生命週期詳解

第二部分 橋樑:將《PMBOK®指南》實踐與敏捷實踐相關聯
第4章 整合管理
第5章 範圍管理
第6章 時間管理
第7章 成本管理
第8章 質量管理
第9章 人力資源管理
第10章 溝通管理
第11章 風險管理
第12章 採購管理

第三部分 跨越敏捷的橋樑
第13章 我的責任將如何改變?
第14章 我將如何與其他非敏捷團隊合作?
第15章 專案管理辦公室如何支持敏捷?
第16章 推銷敏捷的好處
第17章 常見錯誤
附錄A 敏捷方法論
附錄B 敏捷工件