Introduction to Game Design, Prototyping, and Development: From Concept to Playable Game with Unity and C# (2nd Edition)
暫譯: 遊戲設計、原型製作與開發入門:從概念到可玩遊戲,使用 Unity 和 C#(第二版)

Jeremy Gibson Bond




Master the Unity Game Engine to Design and Develop Games for Web, Mobile, Windows, macOS, and More!

If you want to design and develop games, there’s no substitute for strong hands-on experience with modern techniques and tools—and that is exactly what this book provides. The first edition was frequently the top-selling game design book on Amazon, with more than 70% of the reviews being 5 stars. In a testament to the iterative process of design, this new edition includes hundreds of improvements throughout the text, all designed to make the book easier to understand and even more useful. This book was written with Unity 2017; the website will cover changes for later versions of the software.

Award-winning game designer and professor Jeremy Gibson Bond has spent more than a decade teaching game design and building great games. In that time, his most successful students have been those who combine knowledge of three critical disciplines: game design theory, rapid iterative prototyping, and practical programming. In this book, Bond distills the most important aspects of all three disciplines into one place.

Part I: Game Design and Paper Prototyping
• The Layered Tetrad framework: a synthesis of 50 years of game design theory
• Proven practices for brainstorming and refining game designs through the iterative process of design
• Methods and tools to manage game projects and small teams
• Processes to make playtesting and feedback easier

Part II: Digital Prototyping with Unity and C#
• Chapters that guide you through learning C# the right way
• Instruction that takes you from no prior programming knowledge through object-oriented programming
• Deep exploration of Unity, today’s most popular game engine on both macOS and Windows
• Methods for understanding and debugging code issues you encounter

Part III: Game Prototype Examples and Tutorials
• In-depth tutorials for seven different game prototypes, including a simple action game, a space shooter, a solitaire card game, a word game, and a top-down adventure
• Instructions to compile these games for PC, web, or any of the dozens of other release platforms supported by Unity
• Improved structure and layout that makes the steps of each tutorial easier to follow
• A completely new Dungeon Delver prototype not present in the first edition


掌握 Unity 遊戲引擎,設計和開發適用於網頁、行動裝置、Windows、macOS 等平台的遊戲!

如果你想設計和開發遊戲,沒有什麼能替代對現代技術和工具的強大實作經驗,而這正是本書所提供的。第一版經常是亞馬遜上最暢銷的遊戲設計書籍,超過 70% 的評價為 5 顆星。作為設計迭代過程的見證,這一新版在文本中包含了數百項改進,旨在使本書更易於理解且更具實用性。本書是以 Unity 2017 編寫的; 網站將涵蓋該軟體後續版本的變更。

獲獎遊戲設計師及教授 Jeremy Gibson Bond 在遊戲設計教學和創建優秀遊戲方面已有十多年的經驗。在這段時間裡,他最成功的學生是那些結合了三個關鍵學科知識的人:遊戲設計理論、快速迭代原型製作和實用程式設計。在本書中,Bond 將這三個學科中最重要的方面提煉到了一個地方。

• 分層四元組框架:50 年遊戲設計理論的綜合
• 通過設計的迭代過程進行頭腦風暴和完善遊戲設計的經驗法則
• 管理遊戲專案和小型團隊的方法與工具
• 使遊戲測試和反饋過程更簡單的流程

第二部分:使用 Unity 和 C# 進行數位原型製作
• 指導你正確學習 C# 的章節
• 從無程式設計知識到物件導向程式設計的教學
• 深入探索 Unity,當今最受歡迎的遊戲引擎,適用於 macOS 和 Windows
• 理解和除錯你遇到的程式碼問題的方法

• 七個不同遊戲原型的深入教學,包括簡單的動作遊戲、太空射擊遊戲、接龍卡牌遊戲、文字遊戲和俯視冒險遊戲
• 編譯這些遊戲以適用於 PC、網頁或 Unity 支援的其他數十個發行平台的指導
• 改進的結構和佈局,使每個教學的步驟更易於跟隨
• 一個全新的 Dungeon Delver 原型,第一版中未曾出現的內容