AMOS 結構方程模式最佳入門實用書
- 出版商: 碁峰
- 出版日期: 2018-06-20
- 定價: $760
- 售價: 7.9 折 $600
- 語言: 繁體中文
- 頁數: 776
- ISBN: 9864767976
- ISBN-13: 9789864767977
SPSS、機率統計學 Probability-and-statistics
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梁定澎教授 (President of AIS)--教育部終身榮譽國家講座、中山大學教授
統計分析是社會科學重要的基礎,中介與調節是尋找社會科學研究中複雜關係的重要方法,蕭教授是這個分析的專家。本書專業的內容可以讓研究者清楚瞭解如何進行中介效果與調節效果分析,是從事社會科學研究必備的重要參考書籍 。
Prof. Kwok Kee Wei--Professor and Dean of the School of Continuing and Lifelong Education (SCALE) at the National University of Singapore (NUS). Fellow of the AIS, President of AIS( 2003/4). AIS LEO Award (ICIS2016).
Professor Shiau is an expert in Structural Equation Model (SEM). In this book, he not only provides guidelines but also offers steps to analyze new requirements of mediation and moderation. I believe this well-written AMOS book will help researchers do better in their empirical research studies.
Prof. Patrick Y.K. Chau--Professor and Director of the School of Business, University of Hong Kong
Chang Jiang Scholar (長江學者) at Dalian University of Technology
Editor in Chief of Information and Management (I&M).
This is another good book that Professor Shiau has written in the area of structural equation modelling, after his books on Partial Least Squares. The sections on moderation and mediation analyses are particularly useful. I strongly recommend the book to those scholars, especially young scholars, who are interesting in using structural equation modelling in their empirical research studies. "
第1章 SEM 結構方程模式簡介
第2章 AMOS 統計軟體基本操作
第3章 結構方程模式的學習範例
第4章 結構方程模式的進階學習範例
第5章 結構方程模式實例
第6章 二階驗證因素分析(CFA)
第7章 結構方程模式的中介效果分析(完整版)
第8章 結構方程模式的調節(干擾)效果
第9章 國內外期刊投稿
附錄A 統計分配表
附錄B 參考文獻