Chinese Law and Its International Projection: Building a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind

Staiano, Maria Francesca



This book aims to explore the construction of Chinese law, with an evolution that has been strongly inspired by international law that has functioned as a "pioneer of legal civilization" in China. Chinese law is a fluid sedimentation of traditional elements of Chinese culture and the internalization of external elements.

The internal dimension of Chinese legal evolution therefore coincides with a progressive incursion also at the international level, questioning the traditional rules of international relations. The most relevant and comprehensive concept that has been proposed by China in recent years is certainly the idea of building a "community of shared future for mankind." This aspiration demonstrates a global and integral vocation of international law capable of embracing relations of a new type, towards a multi-polar democratization of international relations, which mark the need for the beginning of a new era.


Director of the Center on China Studies of the International Relations Institute of National University of La Plata (IRI-UNLP, Argentina); Ph.D. in International Order and Human Rights at University of Rome "Sapienza" (2013); Master in International Protection of Human Rights at University of Rome "Sapienza" (2009); LL.M. in Law, Specialist in International and Comparative Law at University of Rome "Roma Tre"(2007); Member of the Academic Committee of the Master Program on Chinese Studies at IRI-UNLP; Founder member of the World Association on Chinese Studies (WACS-CASS); Researcher of the CLACSO (Latin American Council of Social Sciences) Working Group on "China and the World Power Map"; Co-organizer of the First Latin American Symposium of the World Forum of Chinese Studies in Buenos Aires 3-4/12/2018 (in collaboration with SASS, CASS, ICBC Foundation, CARI); Associate researcher at the International Legal Studies Institute of National Research Council of Italy (ISGI-CNR); Associate researcher at the University of Granada (Spain); Lecturer in China-Latin America and China-Europe International Relations and Chinese Legal System in Ph.D. and Master in International Relations and in the Master Program on Chinese Studies at UNLP (Argentina); Fellowship Researcher for the Visiting Program for Young Sinologists (VPYS 2018) at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), sponsored by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and Chinese Ministry of Culture and Tourism; Research Fellow for Science and Art Fellowship China Program (SAF - China), sponsored by Ministry of Education, University and Research of Italy (MIUR) at Peking University-School of Law and Beijing Language and Culture University (2010-2012), living three years in Beijing; Author of several scientific articles on Chinese Law, International and Comparative Law, China-Latin America and China-Europe International Relations.


國立拉普拉塔大學國際關係研究所(IRI-UNLP,阿根廷)中國研究中心主任;羅馬大學“Sapienza”校區國際秩序與人權博士(2013年);羅馬大學“Sapienza”校區國際人權保護碩士(2009年);羅馬“Roma Tre”大學法學碩士,國際與比較法專業(2007年);IRI-UNLP中國研究碩士課程學術委員會成員;世界中國研究協會(WACS-CASS)創始會員;拉丁美洲社會科學理事會(CLACSO)“中國與世界強權地圖”工作組研究員;2018年12月3日至4日在布宜諾斯艾利斯舉辦的世界中國研究論壇拉丁美洲首屆研討會聯合組織者(與SASS、CASS、ICBC基金會、CARI合作);意大利國家研究委員會國際法研究所(ISGI-CNR)副研究員;西班牙格拉納達大學副研究員;阿根廷拉普拉塔大學國際關係博士和碩士課程以及中國研究碩士課程的講師,教授“中國-拉丁美洲和中國-歐洲國際關係”和中國法律體系;中國社會科學院(CASS)“青年漢學家訪問計劃”(VPYS 2018)訪問研究員,由中國社會科學院和中國文化和旅遊部贊助;意大利教育、大學和研究部(MIUR)贊助的科學與藝術研究中國計劃(SAF - China)研究員,在北京大學法學院和北京語言文化大學(2010-2012年)進行研究,居住三年;撰寫了多篇關於中國法律、國際與比較法、中國-拉丁美洲和中國-歐洲國際關係的科學文章。