Handbook of Interpersonal Violence and Abuse Across the Lifespan: A Project of the National Partnership to End Interpersonal Violence Across the Lifes
暫譯: 人際暴力與虐待全生命週期手冊:全國夥伴關係結束人際暴力計畫

Geffner, Robert, White, Jacquelyn W., Hamberger, L. Kevin

  • 出版商: Springer
  • 出版日期: 2021-09-27
  • 售價: $64,640
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$61,408
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 4860
  • 裝訂: Hardcover - also called cloth, retail trade, or trade
  • ISBN: 3319899988
  • ISBN-13: 9783319899985
  • 相關分類: 行銷/網路行銷 Marketing資訊安全
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)



Handbook of Interpersonal Violence Across the Lifespan is an official publication of the National Partnership to End Interpersonal Violence Across the Lifespan (NPEIV). It is a comprehensive state-of-the-science reference work for researchers, practitioners, and policy makers. It is written from a trauma-informed perspective, and utilizes adverse childhood experiences research as its basic developmental framework along with the traumatic effects all forms of interpersonal violence tend to produce. With public health and social justice in mind, this human-rights based handbook also focuses on the overlap and continuum of the various types of interpersonal violence. It integrates all forms of interpersonal violence while dealing with key issues of intersectionality and systems responses.
This two-volume handbook is published in collaboration with the National Partnership to End Interpersonal Violence Across the Lifespan, which aims to:
  • Acknowledge and understand the impact interpersonal violence has on individuals and society
  • Recognize the mental, physical, legal, social, and economic burden of interpersonal violence
  • Respect an individual's basic right to live without violence; value human dignity
  • Promote consensus-based practices while maintaining cultural sensitivity
  • Consider and address the unique needs of vulnerable populations



- 確認並理解人際暴力對個人和社會的影響
- 認識人際暴力所帶來的心理、身體、法律、社會和經濟負擔
- 尊重個人無暴力生活的基本權利;重視人類尊嚴
- 促進基於共識的實踐,同時保持文化敏感性
- 考慮並解決弱勢群體的獨特需求


Robert Geffner, PhD, ABN, ABPP, is President and Founder of a nonprofit international resource and training center (the Family Violence & Sexual Assault Institute in Texas and now in California), and the Founding President of the Institute on Violence, Abuse and Trauma. He is a Distinguished Research Professor of Psychology at Alliant International University in San Diego, and editor of five professional journals (including the Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, Journal of Family Violence, Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma, Journal of Child Custody, and Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma). He has a Diplomate in Clinical Neuropsychology from the American Board of Professional Neuropsychology, and is Board Certified in Couple & Family Psychology from the American Board of Professional Psychology. He is a licensed clinician (Psychologist in CA and in TX, and Marriage & Family Therapist in CA) and directed a full-service private practice mental health clinic in East Texas for over 15 years prior to relocating to California over18 years ago. He has lectured and trained extensively nationally and internationally for over 35 years on the subjects of child abuse, domestic violence, trauma, forensic psychology, child custody, expert witness, human aggression, sexual assault and abuse, long term effects of adverse childhood experiences, the effects of abuse and victimization on the brain, prosecution of interpersonal violence and abuse cases, issues of child abuse and sexual offending for the defense of criminal cases, and diagnostic assessment. He has presented over 450 keynote addresses, plenaries, workshops, and seminars at international, national, regional, and state conferences. Dr. Geffner is a founding member and past president of the American Psychological Association Division of Trauma Psychology, and he is currently President of the National Partnership to End Interpersonal Violence Across the Lifespan (NPEIV) and immediate past president of the American Academy of Couple & Family Psychology. He has been a researcher, trainer, practitioner, and consultant for more than 35 years.
Jacquelyn W. White, PhD, is an Emerita Professor of Psychology at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, where she also served as Associate Dean for Research in the College of Arts and Sciences. She has conducted research on gender issues, sexual victimization, and intimate partner violence for over 35 years, and led one of the few longitudinal studies of sexual and physical dating violence among adolescents and college students. She is co-founder and past president of the National Partnership to End Interpersonal Violence, as well as one of the co-organizers of ARC3: Administrator-Researcher Campus Climate Consortium, a national group working to ensure that campus climate surveys of sexual misconduct are rooted in empirically based research. She is co-editor of the forthcoming American Psychological Association Handbook on the Psychology of Women. In addition to being a former AAAS Congressional Fellow, she is a past editor of Psychology of Women Quarterly, past president of the Southeastern Psychological Association, and past president of the Society for the Psychology of Women. She was co-editor of the two-volume series on Violence against Women and Children, published by the American Psychological Association.
L. Kevin Hamberger, Ph.D., is a Professor of Family and Community Medicine in the Department of Family and Community Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin. Since 1982, his research, scholarship, clinical work, and community work have been in the area of intimate partner violence. For 27 years, Dr. Hamberger conducted a program of treatment and research for domestically violent men. In this arena, Dr. Hamberger's research focused on characteristics and treatment outcome with domestically violent offenders. Dr. Hamberger's research has highlighted that, as a group, domestically violent men do not present with any single profile, but with multiple "personality types," including personality disorders and other psychological problems. Antisocial tendencies and difficulty empathizing with others have been found to predict recidivism following treatment completion. Variables such as alcohol abuse and extreme dysphoria, including depression, anger-proneness and unstable mood, have been related to dropping out of treatment prematurely. More recently, Dr. Hamberger has studied different gender-related contexts and motivations for the use of violence against partners, and as a healthcare issue. He is also presently collaborating with colleagues to develop and implement trauma informed care principles into primary care medical practice settings.
Alan Rosenbaum, Ph.D., is a professor of Clinical Psychology at Northern Illinois University as well as at the Center for the Study of Family Violence and Sexual Assault at NIU. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the National Partnership to End Interpersonal Violence (NPEIV) and Co-Chair of the Translation and Dissemination Action Team. His research interests include the etiology and treatment of aggressive behavior, with a focus on intimate partner violence. He was founding director of the Men's Educational Workshop, at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, which was the largest university based batterer intervention program in the US. He has authored more than 90 journal articles, books, and book chapters and has presented his work both nationally and internationally. He is on the editorial boards of three journals and is associate editor of the Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment, and Trauma.
Viola Vaughan-Eden, PhD, MJ, MSW, is Associate Professor and PhD Program Director with The Ethelyn R. Strong School of Social Work, Norfolk State University in Southeastern Virginia. As a clinical and forensic social worker, she also serves as a consultant and expert witness in child maltreatment cases - principally sexual abuse. Dr. Vaughan-Eden is President of the National Organization of Forensic Social Work, Chair of the Advisory Committee for the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services' CASA/CJA Programs, and President Emerita of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children. She lectures nationally and internationally on child and family welfare to multidisciplinary groups of professionals. Dr. Vaughan-Eden serves as Editor-In-Chief of the Journal of Forensic Social Work and Editorial Advisor for the Journal of Social Work Education. She is the recipient of several honors including the 2012 NASW - Virginia Chapter Lifetime Achievement Award. She is currently President-Elect of the National Partnership to End Interpersonal Violence Across the Lifespan (NPEIV).

Victor I. Vieth, J.D., is Senior Director and Founder of the Gundersen National Child Protection Training Center. He is also the Founder and Director of the Child Advocacy Studies Training (CAST) Programs. As a prosecutor in rural Minnesota, Victor gained national recognition for his work addressing child abuse in small communities. Victor has trained thousands of child-protection professionals from all 50 states and 17 countries on numerous topics pertaining to child abuse investigations, prosecutions and prevention, and has been instrumental in implementing 22 state and international forensic interview training programs plus many undergraduate and graduate programs on child maltreatment. Victor has published countless articles regarding the investigation, prosecution and prevention of child abuse and neglect, and authored Unto the Third Generation, a bold initiative that outlines the necessary steps we must all take to eliminate child abuse in America in three generations.


羅伯特·傑夫納(Robert Geffner),博士,ABN,ABPP,是一個非營利國際資源和培訓中心(德克薩斯州及加州的家庭暴力與性侵犯研究所)的總裁和創始人,也是暴力、虐待與創傷研究所的創始會長。他是聖地牙哥艾聯國際大學的傑出研究心理學教授,並擔任五本專業期刊的編輯(包括《兒童性虐待期刊》、《家庭暴力期刊》、《兒童與青少年創傷期刊》、《兒童監護期刊》和《攻擊、虐待與創傷期刊》)。他擁有美國專業神經心理學委員會的臨床神經心理學專家資格,並獲得美國專業心理學委員會的夫妻與家庭心理學認證。他是一名持牌臨床醫生(加州和德克薩斯州的心理學家,以及加州的婚姻與家庭治療師),在搬到加州之前,他在東德克薩斯州經營了一家全方位的私人心理健康診所超過15年。他在全國和國際上就兒童虐待、家庭暴力、創傷、法醫心理學、兒童監護、專家證人、人類攻擊、性侵犯與虐待、逆境童年經歷的長期影響、虐待和受害對大腦的影響、人際暴力和虐待案件的起訴、兒童虐待和性犯罪的辯護問題以及診斷評估等主題進行了超過35年的廣泛講座和培訓。他在國際、全國、地區和州會議上發表了超過450場主題演講、全體會議、工作坊和研討會。傑夫納博士是美國心理學會創傷心理學分會的創始成員和前會長,目前是全國跨生命週期結束人際暴力夥伴關係(NPEIV)的會長,以及美國夫妻與家庭心理學學會的即時前會長。他在研究、培訓、實踐和諮詢方面已有超過35年的經驗。

雅克琳·W·懷特(Jacquelyn W. White),博士,是北卡羅來納州格林斯伯勒大學的名譽心理學教授,曾擔任文理學院的研究副院長。她在性別問題、性受害和親密伴侶暴力方面進行了超過35年的研究,並領導了少數幾項針對青少年和大學生的性和身體約會暴力的縱向研究之一。她是全國結束人際暴力夥伴關係的共同創始人和前會長,也是ARC3:管理者-研究者校園氣候聯盟的共同組織者,該國家團體致力於確保校園氣候調查的性不當行為根植於基於實證的研究。她是即將出版的美國心理學會《女性心理學手冊》的共同編輯。除了曾擔任美國科學促進會(AAAS)國會研究員外,她還曾擔任《女性心理學季刊》的編輯、東南心理學協會的前會長,以及女性心理學會的前會長。她曾擔任美國心理學會出版的《針對女性和兒童的暴力》兩卷系列的共同編輯。

L·凱文·哈姆伯格(L. Kevin Hamberger),博士,是威斯康辛醫學院家庭與社區醫學系的家庭與社區醫學教授。自1982年以來,他的研究、學術、臨床工作和社區工作一直集中在親密伴侶暴力領域。哈姆伯格博士在過去27年中為家庭暴力男性進行了一項治療和研究計劃。在這個領域,哈姆伯格博士的研究專注於家庭暴力犯罪者的特徵和治療結果。哈姆伯格博士的研究強調,作為一個群體,家庭暴力男性並不呈現任何單一的特徵,而是有多種“人格類型”,包括人格障礙和其他心理問題。反社會傾向和難以同情他人被發現預測治療完成後的再犯率。酒精濫用和極端不快(包括抑鬱、易怒和情緒不穩定)等變數與提前退出治療有關。最近,哈姆伯格博士研究了不同性別相關的背景和使用暴力對伴侶的動機,以及作為一個健康問題。他目前還與同事合作,將創傷知情護理原則納入初級醫療實踐環境中。

艾倫·羅森鮑姆(Alan Rosenbaum),博士,是北伊利諾伊大學臨床心理學教授,也是該校家庭暴力與性侵犯研究中心的成員。他是全國結束人際暴力夥伴關係(NPEIV)董事會成員,並擔任翻譯和傳播行動小組的共同主席。他的研究興趣包括攻擊行為的病因和治療,重點是親密伴侶暴力。他是馬薩諸塞州醫學院男性教育工作坊的創始主任,該計劃是美國最大的基於大學的施暴者介入計劃。他已發表超過90篇期刊文章、書籍和書籍章節,並在全國和國際上展示了他的工作。他是三本期刊的編輯委員會成員,並擔任《攻擊、虐待與創傷期刊》的副編輯。

維奧拉·沃恩-伊登(Viola Vaughan-Eden),博士,MJ,MSW,是位於維吉尼亞州東南部諾福克州立大學Ethelyn R. Strong社會工作學院的副教授和博士課程主任。作為臨床和法醫社會工作者,她還擔任兒童虐待案件(主要是性虐待)的顧問和專家證人。沃恩-伊登博士是全國法醫社會工作組織的會長,維吉尼亞州刑事司法服務部CASA/CJA計劃的諮詢委員會主席,以及美國專業兒童虐待學會的名譽會長。她在全國和國際上對兒童和家庭福利進行講座,對多學科專業團體進行培訓。沃恩-伊登博士擔任《法醫社會工作期刊》的主編和《社會工作教育期刊》的編輯顧問。她獲得了多項榮譽,包括2012年維吉尼亞州社會工作者協會終身成就獎。她目前是全國跨生命週期結束人際暴力夥伴關係(NPEIV)的當選會長。

維克多·I·維斯(Victor I. Vieth),法學博士,是甘登森國家兒童保護培訓中心的高級主任和創始人。他還是兒童倡導研究培訓(CAST)計劃的創始人和主任。作為明尼蘇達州鄉村的檢察官,維克多因其在小社區解決兒童虐待問題的工作而獲得全國認可。維克多已培訓來自所有50個州和17個國家的數千名兒童保護專業人員,涵蓋有關兒童虐待調查、起訴和預防的多個主題,並在實施22個州和國際法醫面談培訓計劃以及許多本科和研究生的兒童虐待課程方面發揮了重要作用。維克多已發表無數有關兒童虐待和忽視的調查、起訴和預防的文章,並撰寫了《第三代的承諾》,這是一項大膽的倡議,概述了我們必須採取的必要步驟,以在三代內消除美國的兒童虐待。