This book provides a conceptual understanding of deep learning algorithms. The book consists of the four parts: foundations, deep machine learning, deep neural networks, and textual deep learning. The first part provides traditional supervised learning, traditional unsupervised learning, and ensemble learning, as the preparation for studying deep learning algorithms. The second part deals with modification of existing machine learning algorithms into deep learning algorithms. The book's third part deals with deep neural networks, such as Multiple Perceptron, Recurrent Networks, Restricted Boltzmann Machine, and Convolutionary Neural Networks. The last part provides deep learning techniques that are specialized for text mining tasks. The book is relevant for researchers, academics, students, and professionals in machine learning.
本書提供了對深度學習演算法的概念理解。全書分為四個部分:基礎、深度機器學習、深度神經網絡和文本深度學習。第一部分介紹了傳統的監督式學習、傳統的非監督式學習和集成學習,作為學習深度學習演算法的準備。第二部分探討了如何將現有的機器學習演算法修改為深度學習演算法。第三部分涉及深度神經網絡,如多層感知器(Multiple Perceptron)、遞迴網絡(Recurrent Networks)、限制玻爾茲曼機(Restricted Boltzmann Machine)和卷積神經網絡(Convolutionary Neural Networks)。最後一部分提供了專門針對文本挖掘任務的深度學習技術。本書對於機器學習領域的研究人員、學者、學生和專業人士均具有相關性。
The author, Taeho Jo, is president and founder of Alpha Lab AI. He received Bachelor, Master, and PhD degree, from Korea University in 1994, from Pohang University in 1997, and from University of Ottawa, 2006. As his research achievements, since 1996, he has published more than 200 research papers, and his research interests are text mining, machine learning, neural networks, and information retrieval. He has awarded three times in the world-wide biography, "Marquis who's who in the World", in 2016, 2018, and 2019, and is granted the noble title, "Duke" from United Kingdom, in August 2018. He previously published two books, titled, "Text Mining: Concept, Implementation, and Big Data Challenge" and titled "Machine Learning Foundations: Supervised, Unsupervised, and Advanced Learning".
作者趙泰浩(Taeho Jo)是Alpha Lab AI的總裁及創辦人。他於1994年在韓國大學獲得學士學位,1997年在浦項科技大學獲得碩士學位,2006年在渥太華大學獲得博士學位。自1996年以來,他已發表超過200篇研究論文,研究興趣包括文本挖掘(text mining)、機器學習(machine learning)、神經網絡(neural networks)和信息檢索(information retrieval)。他在2016年、2018年和2019年三度獲得全球傳記《世界名人錄》(Marquis Who's Who in the World)的獎項,並於2018年8月獲得英國的貴族頭銜「公爵」(Duke)。他之前出版了兩本書,分別為《文本挖掘:概念、實現與大數據挑戰》(Text Mining: Concept, Implementation, and Big Data Challenge)和《機器學習基礎:監督式、非監督式及進階學習》(Machine Learning Foundations: Supervised, Unsupervised, and Advanced Learning)。