Transfer Learning for Natural Language Processing (Paperback)
暫譯: 自然語言處理的遷移學習 (平裝本)

Azunre, Paul



Transfer Learning for Natural Language Processing gets you up to speed with the relevant ML concepts before diving into the cutting-edge advances that are defining the future of NLP.

Building and training deep learning models from scratch is costly, time-consuming, and requires massive amounts of data. To address this concern, cutting-edge transfer learning techniques enable you to start with pretrained models you can tweak to meet your exact needs. In Transfer Learning for Natural Language Processing, you'll go hands-on with customizing these open source resources for your own NLP architectures.

Transfer Learning for Natural Language Processing gets you up to speed with the relevant ML concepts before diving into the cutting-edge advances that are defining the future of NLP. You'll learn how to adapt existing state-of-the art models into real-world applications, including building a spam email classifier, a movie review sentiment analyzer, an automated fact checker, a question-answering system and a translation system for low-resource languages.

Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.


《自然語言處理的遷移學習》讓您在深入探討定義 NLP 未來的尖端進展之前,快速掌握相關的機器學習(ML)概念。

從零開始建立和訓練深度學習模型既昂貴又耗時,並且需要大量數據。為了解決這個問題,尖端的遷移學習技術使您能夠從預訓練模型開始,並根據您的具體需求進行調整。在《自然語言處理的遷移學習》中,您將親自操作這些開源資源,以自訂您的 NLP 架構。

《自然語言處理的遷移學習》讓您在深入探討定義 NLP 未來的尖端進展之前,快速掌握相關的機器學習(ML)概念。您將學習如何將現有的最先進模型應用於實際應用,包括建立垃圾郵件分類器、電影評論情感分析器、自動事實檢查器、問答系統以及低資源語言的翻譯系統。

購買印刷版書籍可獲得 Manning Publications 提供的免費電子書,格式包括 PDF、Kindle 和 ePub。


Paul Azunre holds a PhD in Computer Science from MIT and has served as a Principal Investigator on several DARPA research programs. He founded Algorine Inc., a Research Lab dedicated to advancing AI/ML and identifying scenarios where they can have a significant social impact. Paul also co-founded Ghana NLP, an open source initiative focused using NLP and Transfer Learning with Ghanaian and other low-resource languages. He frequently contributes to major peer-reviewed international research journals and serves as a program committee member at top conferences in the field.


保羅·阿祖雷擁有麻省理工學院的計算機科學博士學位,並曾擔任多個DARPA研究計劃的首席研究員。他創立了Algorine Inc.,這是一個專注於推進人工智慧/機器學習(AI/ML)並識別其能夠產生重大社會影響的情境的研究實驗室。保羅還共同創立了Ghana NLP,這是一個專注於使用自然語言處理(NLP)和轉移學習的開源倡議,旨在支持加納及其他低資源語言的發展。他經常為主要的同行評審國際研究期刊貢獻文章,並擔任該領域頂級會議的程序委員會成員。