Perfect Passwords: Selection, Protection and Authentication
暫譯: 完美密碼:選擇、保護與驗證

Mark Burnett

  • 出版商: Syngress Media
  • 出版日期: 2005-12-01
  • 定價: $980
  • 售價: 5.0$490
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 182
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 1597490415
  • ISBN-13: 9781597490412
  • 相關分類: 資訊安全
  • 立即出貨(限量) (庫存=1)




 Create Password Policies That Baffle the Bad Guys, Not Your Users

Perfect Passwords examines passwords from the perspective of administrators trying to secure their networks, users trying to not forget their passwords, and hackers trying to crack these passwords to gain unauthorized access to everything from corporate networks to private bank accounts to pornographic Web sites. Author Mark Burnett has accumulated and analyzed more than 4 million user passwords. Through his research, he has discovered what works, what doesn’t work, and how many people probably have dogs named Spot.


“As a penetration tester, password attacks were a zero-sum game; my victory caused their loss. Burnett's Perfect Passwords offers uncomplicated solutions for creating memorable passwords that preserve password strength.”

    --Erik Pace Birkholz, Founder & President, Special Ops Security


“Please DO NOT read this book; I still wanna get your passwords!”

         --Kevin Mitnick, Author, Lecturer, and Security Consultant, Mitnick Security Consulting LLC


“Dude, this is pretty cool stuff.”

--Jesper M. Johansson, Ph.D., ISSAP, Senior Security Strategist, Security Technology Unit, Microsoft Corporation


“When I first wrote l0phtCrack I thought to myself,‘why don't people understand passwords and more importantly, where the underlying mechanisms succeed and fail?’ I wish this book would have existed many years earlier.”

          --.mudge, creator of l0phtCrack, founder of @stake and Intrusic, and adviser to the U.S. Government


“Mark Burnett shows a remarkable level of creativity and ingenuity... This book is chock full of information that will have users looking forward to password change day!”

           --Thomas W. Shinder, M.D., Microsoft MVP - ISA Firewalls


“It's about time passwords got tackled in a way that makes sense... The administrator of our network changed the company's password policy the next day after reading this book.”

          --Caleb Sima, CTO & Founder SPI Dynamics


"Mark Burnett has written a number of security articles for my magazine, and they have always been top-notch. This book continues in that tradition. It's an outstanding compilation of password theory and practices that's guaranteed to make your own passwords, and your network, safer. Highly recommended."

          --Keith Ward, Editor, Redmond Magazine


"The most in-depth look at passwords ever done. Every administrator should read and understand this book!"

          --Roger A. Grimes, CISSP, Microsoft MVP - Windows Security


"Great book, qg98Z\!(#*. is no longer my password! That e-mail trick saved me."

          --Paul Craig, Security Consultant,


The ideas are so creative yet so easy to implement.”

          --Scott Forsyth, Director of IT, ORCS Web


“Burnett uses meticulous science to help analyze a real world lingering problem.”

         --James C. Foster, Fellow. Deputy Director, CSC Global Security Solutions


“Now I don't dread the monthly password change...great book, don't pass on this!”

     --K, NATO Aircrew  




《完美密碼》從管理員試圖保護其網絡、用戶試圖不忘記其密碼以及黑客試圖破解這些密碼以獲得未經授權的訪問(從企業網絡到私人銀行賬戶再到色情網站)的角度來檢視密碼。作者馬克·伯內特(Mark Burnett)收集並分析了超過400萬個用戶密碼。通過他的研究,他發現了什麼有效,什麼無效,以及有多少人可能有一隻名叫Spot的狗。

--埃里克·佩斯·比爾科茲(Erik Pace Birkholz),特種作戰安全公司創始人兼總裁

--凱文·米特尼克(Kevin Mitnick),作者、講師及安全顧問,Mitnick Security Consulting LLC

--耶斯珀·M·約翰遜(Jesper M. Johansson),博士,ISSAP,高級安全策略師,微軟公司安全技術部


--托馬斯·W·辛德(Thomas W. Shinder),醫學博士,微軟MVP - ISA防火牆

--凱勒布·西瑪(Caleb Sima),SPI Dynamics首席技術官及創始人

--基思·沃德(Keith Ward),編輯,《雷德蒙德雜誌》

--羅傑·A·格里姆斯(Roger A. Grimes),CISSP,微軟MVP - Windows安全

--保羅·克雷格(Paul Craig),安全顧問,

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