Bayesian Statistics the Fun Way: Understanding Statistics and Probability with Star Wars, Lego, and Rubber Ducks
暫譯: 有趣的貝葉斯統計:透過星際大戰、樂高和橡膠鴨理解統計與機率

Kurt, Will



Fun guide to learning Bayesian statistics and probability through unusual and illustrative examples.

Probability and statistics are increasingly important in a huge range of professions. But many people use data in ways they don't even understand, meaning they aren't getting the most from it. Bayesian Statistics the Fun Way will change that.

This book will give you a complete understanding of Bayesian statistics through simple explanations and un-boring examples. Find out the probability of UFOs landing in your garden, how likely Han Solo is to survive a flight through an asteroid shower, how to win an argument about conspiracy theories, and whether a burglary really was a burglary, to name a few examples.

By using these off-the-beaten-track examples, the author actually makes learning statistics fun. And you'll learn real skills, like how to:

- How to measure your own level of uncertainty in a conclusion or belief
- Calculate Bayes theorem and understand what it's useful for
- Find the posterior, likelihood, and prior to check the accuracy of your conclusions
- Calculate distributions to see the range of your data
- Compare hypotheses and draw reliable conclusions from them

Next time you find yourself with a sheaf of survey results and no idea what to do with them, turn to Bayesian Statistics the Fun Way to get the most value from your data.






- 如何衡量自己在結論或信念中的不確定性
- 計算貝葉斯定理並理解其用途
- 找出後驗、似然和先驗以檢查結論的準確性
- 計算分佈以查看數據的範圍
- 比較假設並從中得出可靠的結論



Will Kurt currently works as a Senior Data Scientist at Bombora, and has been using Bayesian statistics to solve real business problems for over half a decade. He frequently blogs about probability on his website, Will is the author of Get Programming with Haskell (Manning Publications) and lives in Reno, Nevada.


Will Kurt 目前在 Bombora 擔任資深數據科學家,並且已經使用貝葉斯統計解決實際商業問題超過五年。他經常在他的網站 上撰寫有關概率的博客。Will 是《Get Programming with Haskell》(Manning Publications)的作者,現居於內華達州的雷諾。