Managing Usenet (Paperback)

David Lawrence, Henry Spencer

  • 出版商: O'Reilly|英文2書85折
  • 出版日期: 1998-01-11
  • 定價: $1,050
  • 售價: 1.9$199
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 505
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 1565921984
  • ISBN-13: 9781565921986
  • 立即出貨(限量) (庫存=1)





Usenet, also called Netnews, is the world's largest discussion forum and it is doubling in size every year. There are Usenet discussion groups on every imaginable topic, from the technical and scientific, to the political and religious, and onto the truly bizarre and arcane. If you simply use the Netnews system, all of this discussion can be interesting and entertaining. But if you're a system administrator who has to set up and run a Netnews system, you suddenly have the unenviable task of making sure that your system can handle a data flow of thousands of megabytes per day. Unfortunately, Usenet administration is one area of network administration that is still learned primarily by word-of-mouth and Internet folklore. That is, until now.

This book, written by two of the foremost authorities on Usenet administration, is full of practical information about how to set up and run a news system. Managing Usenet covers C News and INN, the two most widely used news relayers on UNIX systems. It explains the basics of starting a Netnews system, from getting a news feed, to building and installing the news software, to keeping everything running smoothly. Managing Usenet also offers guidelines to help you make sure that your system is capable of handling news volume today and in the future. This book contains everything you need to know to administer a Netnews system, from a single news server inside your organization to a complicated system with multiple servers, several incoming news feeds, and outgoing feeds to a number of other hosts as well.


Table of Contents:


Chapter 1. Introduction
   1.1 Netnews and Usenet
   1.2 A Brief History
   1.3 How It Works
   1.4 What You Need

Chapter 2. Getting Ready
   2.1 Getting a Feed
   2.2 How Much News?
   2.3 Propagation Issues
   2.4 Hostnames
   2.5 Local Newsgroups
   2.6 Internal News Networks
   2.7 Filesystem Layout
   2.8 Choosing the Software

Chapter 3. News Operations
   3.1 Managing the Flow
   3.2 Control Messages
   3.3 Newsgroup Changes
   3.4 Expiry Policy
   3.5 Archives and Backups
   3.6 Unwanted Newsgroups
   3.7 Security Considerations
   3.8 Getting Help

Chapter 4. Installing C News
   4.1 The C News and NNTP Distributions
   4.2 Preparing to Build C News: quiz
   4.3 Building C News
   4.4 Checking C News
   4.5 Installing C News
   4.6 Preparing to Build the NNTP Reference Implementation
   4.7 Building the NNTP Reference Implementation
   4.8 Installing the NNTP Reference Implementation

Chapter 5. Configuring C News
   5.1 C News Control Files
   5.2 NNTP Reference Implementation Control Files
   5.3 Verifying C News Installation
   5.4 Loose Ends
   5.5 Cleaning Up

Chapter 6. Running C News
   6.1 Testing a New Installation
   6.2 Article Flow
   6.3 Common Problems
   6.4 Logs and Trouble Reports
   6.5 Wrapping Up

Chapter 7. Installing INN
   7.1 The INN Distribution
   7.2 Preparing to Build INN
   7.3 Building INN
   7.4 Installing INN

Chapter 8. Configuring INN
   8.1 How to Update Files
   8.2 Control Files
   8.3 Scripts

Chapter 9. Running INN
   9.1 Starting INN
   9.2 Testing the Installation
   9.3 Normal Operation
   9.4 Ongoing Maintenance
   9.5 Log Files
   9.6 Troubleshooting Common Problems
   9.7 Wrapping Up

Chapter 10. Choosing and Installing Newsreaders
   10.1 Installing Newsreaders
   10.2 Operational Issues
   10.3 Popular Newsreaders
   10.4 More Information

Chapter 11. You're a Network Manager Now
   11.1 Network Optimization
   11.2 Managing People
   11.3 Your Site and the Law

Chapter 12. Leaf Nodes
   12.1 Plenty of Power
   12.2 Maintaining the Active File
   12.3 Dealing with Your Feed
   12.4 Record Keeping

Chapter 13. Hub Nodes
   13.1 Volume, Volume, Volume
   13.2 Transmitters
   13.3 Additional Automation
   13.4 The Political View

Chapter 14. Gatewaying
   14.1 Known Worldwide Gateways
   14.2 Posting via Mail
   14.3 Setting Up a Gateway
   14.4 Programming a Gateway

Chapter 15. Moderating Newsgroups
   15.1 Creating a Moderated Group
   15.2 Getting Postings to the Moderator
   15.3 Preparing Articles for Distribution
   15.4 Putting the Articles in the Group
   15.5 Moderators' Software Tools
   15.6 The Political Side

Chapter 16. Newsgroups and Their Names
   16.1 A Brief Survey
   16.2 Namespace Theory
   16.3 Changing the Namespace

Chapter 17. A Brief History of Usenet
   17.1 Origins
   17.2 Growing Pains
   17.3 Namespace History

Chapter 18. Anatomy of a News Article
   18.1 Basic Layout and Character Codes
   18.2 Headers
   18.3 Body
   18.4 Control Messages
   18.5 MIME

Chapter 19. Flow and Processing of Traffic
   19.1 News Propagation
   19.2 Article Storage and Indexing
   19.3 Batching for Transmission
   19.4 Transmission by UUCP
   19.5 Transmission by NNTP
   19.6 Last-Resort Transmission Methods



Usenet,也被稱為Netnews,是世界上最大的討論區,每年都在以倍數增長。Usenet有關於各種主題的討論群組,從技術和科學到政治和宗教,再到真正奇怪和深奧的主題都有。如果你只是使用Netnews系統,所有這些討論都可能很有趣和娛樂。但如果你是一個系統管理員,必須設置和運行Netnews系統,你突然面臨著一個艱巨的任務,即確保你的系統能夠處理每天數千兆字節的數據流。不幸的是,Usenet管理是網絡管理中仍然主要通過口耳相傳和互聯網傳說學習的一個領域。直到現在,這本由兩位Usenet管理權威撰寫的書籍充滿了關於如何設置和運行新聞系統的實用信息。《管理Usenet》涵蓋了C News和INN,這兩個在UNIX系統上使用最廣泛的新聞中繼器。它解釋了從獲取新聞源到構建和安裝新聞軟件,再到確保一切運行順利的基本知識。《管理Usenet》還提供了指南,幫助您確保您的系統能夠處理今天和未來的新聞量。這本書包含了您需要知道的有關管理Netnews系統的一切,從組織內的單個新聞服務器到具有多個服務器、多個傳入新聞源和對其他主機的傳出源的複雜系統。

第1章 簡介
1.1 Netnews和Usenet
1.2 簡史
1.3 工作原理
1.4 所需材料

第2章 準備工作
2.1 獲取新聞源
2.2 新聞量有多大?
2.3 傳播問題
2.4 主機名
2.5 本地新聞組
2.6 內部新聞網絡
2.7 文件系統佈局
2.8 選擇軟件

第3章 新聞操作
3.1 管理流量
3.2 控制消息
3.3 新聞組更改
3.4 過期策略
3.5 存檔和備份
3.6 不需要的新聞組
3.7 安全考慮
3.8 獲取幫助

第4章 安裝C News
4.1 C News和NNTP發行版
4.2 準備構建C News:測驗
4.3 構建C News
4.4 檢查C News
4.5 安裝C News
4.6 準備構建NNTP參考實現
4.7 構建NNTP參考實現
4.8 安裝NNTP參考實現