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Book Description
Master the newest version of SUSE Linux with SUSE Linux 10 Unleashed. This comprehensive guide to SUSE Linux includes a DVD with the full version of SUSE Linux 10.0 and provides you with intermediate and advanced information to guide you through the installation, management and maintenance of your SUSE Linux 10.0 system. You will gain expert insight into the most important topics, including:
- Configuring with YaST2 and SaX2
- Launching your desktop
- Productivity tools
- Using the Internet and creating websites
- Secure file transfer
- Managing users and data
- Keeping your system current
- Setting up networks and Samba
- Managing databases
Learn how to make the most of your SUSE Linux 10.0 system with the help of SUSE Linux 10 Unleashed.
Table of Contents
1. Welcome to SUSE Linux.
What Is SUSE Linux?
SUSE Linux
The SUSE Linux Install Program
File Systems in SUSE Linux
64-Bit SUSE Linux
Getting Help: Documentation and Other Sources
Printed Documentation and the SUSE Help Center
Searching the Help Center
Man and Info Pages
SUSE Online Support
The Linux Documentation Project
The SUSE Mailing Lists
Linux User Groups
2. Preparing to Install SUSE Linux.
Planning Your SUSE Linux Installation
System Requirements
Linux on Laptops
SUSE Linux and Legacy Hardware
Avoiding Potential Hardware Problems
Software-Based Modems
Universal Serial Bus Devices
"Peripherals" on the Motherboard
Thinking About Dual Booting, Partitioning, and Other Worries
Dual Booting with Windows
How to Partition Your Drive(s)
3. Installing SUSE Linux.
Methods of Installing SUSE Linux
Preparing to Install from a CD-ROM or DVD
Installing SUSE Linux with YaST
Initial Installation Settings
Setting Your Time Zone
Installing Software Packages
Creating the root User
Configuring Network and Internet Connections
Creating a User
Configuring Hardware for the X Window System
Logging In and Shutting Down the First Time
4. Further Configuration with YaST and SaX2.
Troubleshooting Installation Problems
Configuring Hardware with YaST
Gathering Information About Your Hardware
Modifying Disk Controller Settings
Configuring a Joystick
Adjusting Your Keyboard Layout
Configuring Your Mouse
Configuring Your Scanner
Configuring Your TV or Radio Card
Setting Date and Time
Using the Network Time Protocol (NTP) to Keep Accurate Time
Power Management
YaST Power Management
Portable PC Issues
Power Management for Laptops
Working with PCMCIA Cards
Configuring Bluetooth Wireless Support
Configuring Infrared Interface (IrDA) Mode
Configuring CD, DVD, and Rewritable Drives
Integrating CD and DVD Drives into Your System
Speeding Up Your CD Drive Through Direct Memory Access (DMA)
5. Getting Started with SUSE Linux.
Logging In to SUSE Linux
Logging In from the Shell
Logging Out of the Shell
Working with the Linux File System
Essential File System Commands from the /bin and /sbin Directories
Using the /boot and /dev Directories
Editing Configuration Files in the /etc Directory
Where All the Good Stuff Goes: Your /home Directory
Finding Desktop Programs in /opt
Where Most of the Programs Go: The /usr Directory
Variable Data: The /var Directory
Changing User Information and the Finger Program
Choosing and Using a Shell
Cool Stuff That All Shells Have in Common
Running bash
Running tcsh
Running zsh
Managing Files with Midnight Commander
ksh and ash
Choosing a Shell
Editing Text
Working with vim and Its Clones
Working with Emacs and Its Clones
Some of the Others
Why Can't I Edit This File? How Permissions Work
Changing Permissions
Directory Permissions
Working as Root
Creating and Deleting Users
Shutting Down and Rebooting the System
File System
Working as Root
6. Launching Your Desktop.
Understanding the X Window System
Configuring X in SUSE Linux
Choosing a Desktop Environment: KDE and GNOME
KDE: The K Desktop Environment
GNOME: The GNU Network Object Model Environment
Managing Files from Your Desktop
Using Konqueror in KDE
Using Krusader in KDE
Using Nautilus in GNOME
Configuring Your Desktop Environment
KDE Control Center
Customizing GNOME
What Is a Window Manager and Why Would I Want to Use It?
Why Run a Window Manager?
Starting Up with a Window Manager
Running fvwm
Running WindowMaker
Running IceWM
7. Printing with SUSE Linux.
Printing: An Overview
Common Unix Printing System (CUPS)
Configuring Printers with YaST
Configuring CUPS and Network Printers with KDEPrint
Printing with CUPS
Working with the Portable Document Format (PDF)
Console Print Control
Using Basic Print Commands
Avoiding Printing Problems
Multifunction (Print/Fax/Scanner) Devices
USB and Older Inkjet Printers
8. Shaking Hands with Your Shell.
The Power of the Command Line
Pattern-Matching in the Shell
Redirecting Input and Output
Piping Data
Background Processing
Writing a Shell Script: The Basics
Scripting in bash
Variables in Shell Scripts
Assigning Values to Variables
Accessing Variable Values
Positional Parameters
Using Positional Parameters to Get Command-Line Variables
Automating Tasks with Scripts
Built-In Variables
9. Being Productive: Office Suites and Other Tools.
Comparing Linux Office Suites
Running OpenOffice.org
Running Koffice
Running GNOME Office
Running Softmaker Office
Other Commercial Suites
PDA Connectivity
Command-Line PDA Software for SUSE Linux
Managing Your Finances
More Tools to Make You Productive
Desktop Publishing with Scribus
Diagramming and Flowcharting with Dia
Mindmapping with VYM
Fax and Scanner Applications
10. Sights, Sounds, and Other Fun Things.
Starting Out: Configuring Your Sound and Video Cards
Configuring Sound Cards in YaST
Playing Music and Listening to the Radio
Sound Formats
Internet Radio and Other Streaming Media
Making Your Own Music
Burning CDs and DVDs
Creating CDs and DVDs from Your Desktop
Creating a CD from the Shell
Creating DVDs from the Shell
TV and Video: Xine and Mplayer
TV and Video Hardware
Linux and Your Digital Camera
Editing Images with The GIMP
Graphics Formats
Gaming on Linux
KDE Games
Freeciv: A Free Strategy Game
11. Going Cross-Platform.
Viewing Files from the Windows Side of Your Computer
Emulating Other Operating Systems in Linux: An Overview
A Few Misconceptions About Cross-Platform Tools
Using Wine to Run Windows Applications
Installing and Configuring Wine
Installing Windows Applications Under Wine
Running Wine
Crossover Office
Running Windows Applications with Win4Lin
Installing Win4Lin
Running Win4Lin
Running Windows Applications with Vmware
Installing Vmware
Running Vmware
Emulating a Mac with Basilisk II
Using dosemu and DOSBox
Xen: The Future of Virtualization?
12. Connecting to the Internet.
Basic Connectivity Information
Starting with a localhost Interface
Configuring localhost Manually
Configuring Your Dial-up Internet Connection
Using YaST to Set Up Your Dial-up Connection
Configuring a Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Connection
Using YaST to Set Up Your DSL Connection
Connecting Your Computer to a Wireless Network
Getting Firmware and Drivers in Place
Finding an Access Point
Configuring Your Wireless Card
When to Call Your Internet Service Provider
13. Using the Internet: Browsing the Web and Writing Email.
Choosing a Web Browser
Mozilla and Mozilla Firefox
Setting Up Your SUSE Linux Email Account
Choosing a Mail Client (Mail User Agent)
KDE Personal Information Manager: Kmail/KOrganizer and Kontact
Mozilla Mail and Thunderbird
Sending File Attachments
Using UUDeview to Decode a File Attachment
14. Creating Basic Websites.
Choosing a Web Development Tool
For the Beginner
Browser-Based Page Creators
Specialized Web Tools
Übergeek Web Page Tools
Practice: Building a Site with Quanta Plus
Weblogging with SUSE Linux
Blogging with Blosxom
Movable Type and Typepad
Blogging with WordPress
Popular Blog Services
Syndicating Your Blog
15. Managing Email Servers.
How Email Works
MTA Configuration
Remote SMTP Connections
Incoming Mail Protocols
Delivery Mode
Virtual Domains
Fighting Spam and Viruses
Antispam Tools
Client-Side Spam Filters
Antivirus Tools
Alternatives to Postfix
Microsoft Exchange Server
CommuniGate Pro
Novell GroupWise
Samsung Connect
OpenGroupware (Ogo)
16. Collaborating with Others.
Usenet News Today
Choosing a Usenet Newsreader
Mail/News Clients
Standalone GUI Newsreaders
Text-Based Newsreaders
Collaborating with Wikis
Hosting Electronic Mailing Lists
Installing Mailman
Running a Mailman List
Working with Instant Messengers and Internet Relay Chat
Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
Linux Instant Messaging
Linux Videoconferencing
17. Secure File Transfer.
Choosing a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Client
Text-Based FTP Clients
Using sftp for Secure File Transfers
GUI FTP Clients
Peer-to-Peer File Transfer
Napster-Style File Sharing
Wrangling the BitTorrent
Building an FTP Server
Configuring xinetd for Secure File Transfer
Configuring Secure File Transfer Servers
18. Managing Files, Volumes, and Drives.
Choosing a File System
Understanding the Physical Structure of a Disk
Working with ReiserFS
The Extended File System (ext2, ext3)
Choosing a File System
Creating and Managing File Systems with Expert Partitioner
Using Expert Partitioner
Mounting a File System
The mount Command
The umount Command
Using /etc/fstab to Automatically Mount File Systems
Logical Volume Management (LVM)
Finding Files
Using find
Using locate
Using which
Using whereis
Using kfind
Using Beagle
File System Manipulation
Creating a File System for Testing
Mounting a Read-Only Partition on a Running System
Examining a Floppy Image File
Managing Files for Character Devices, Block Devices, and Special Devices
19. Managing Users, Managing Security.
User Accounts and Permissions
Setting Up User Accounts in YaST
System Users
RWX: Understanding Permissions
Who Needs What? Managing Groups
Adding Groups
Passwords: The First Line of Security
The passwd and shadow Files
Selecting Passwords
User Authentication Settings with Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM)
Monitoring User Activity
Shell Tools for Watching Users
Letting Mortals Play at Wizardry: SuperUsers
Changing User Identity with su
Using sudo to Grant Root Privileges
20. Managing Data: Backup, Restoring, and Recovery.
Preparing for Preventing Data Loss
How to Lose Data
Assessing Your Needs and Resources
Choosing a Backup Strategy
Choosing Your Backup Medium
Mirrors and RAID Arrays
Removable Storage Media
Network Storage
Tape Drive Backup
Using YaST System Backup
Backup Software
Backups with tar
Using Ark
Using GNOME File Roller
Setting Up Mirror Disks and RAID Arrays
Rescuing a Broken System
Booting from the SUSE Linux CD
Booting from a Rescue Disk Set
Using System Restore
21. Keeping Your System Current: Package Management.
Installing Software with YaST
The Basics of the Red Hat Package Management System (RPM)
Downloading RPM Packages Outside of YaST
Updating Your System with YaST Online Update (YOU)
Running YOU
Using SUSEwatcher to Monitor YOU Servers
Updating Your System with apt
Updating Your System with Red Carpet
Installing Red Carpet
Running Red Carpet from the Command Line (rug)
Updating with the Red Carpet GUI
Compiling Software from Source
22. Managing the Boot Process and Other Services.
Understanding the Boot Process
Starting to Boot: BIOS to Boot Manager
Choosing a Boot Manager: GRUB Versus LILO
Loading the Kernel
System Services and Runlevels
Controlling Services at Boot with the YaST Runlevel Editor
Using the Runlevel Editor
Expert Mode
Manually Starting and Stopping Services
System Monitoring Tools
KDiskFree and KwikDisk
23. Securing Your Machines.
Understanding Computer Attacks
Assessing Your Vulnerability
Protecting Your Machine
Securing a Wireless Network
Another Word on Passwords and Physical Security
Configuring the SUSE Firewall
Other Security Utilities to Consider
What to Do if You've Been Hacked
Keeping Up to Date on Linux Security Issues
24. Kernel and Module Management.
Linus's Baby: The Linux Kernel
The Linux Source Tree
Types of Kernels
Managing Modules
When to Recompile
Kernel Versions
Getting New Kernel Sources
Patching the Kernel
Compiling the Kernel
Troubleshooting Problems
Errors During Compile
Runtime Errors, Bootloader Problems, and Kernel Oops
Kernel Tuning with sysctl
25. Setting Up Networks and Samba.
Networking with TCP/IP
TCP/IP Addressing
The Next Step: Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6) Addressing
Network Organization
Network Address Translation (NAT)
Hardware Devices in Networking
Network Interface Cards (NICs)
Network Cable
Routers and Bridges
Initializing New Network Hardware
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
How DHCP Works
DHCP Software Installation and Configuration
Setting Up a DHCP Server
Using the Network File System
Starting and Configuring the NFS Server
Importing Directories with the NFS Client
Playing Nice with Microsoft Windows with Samba
Securing Network Services
26. Managing Your Apache Web Server.
What Is Apache?
Installing Apache
Building Apache from the Source Code
Starting and Stopping Apache
Runtime Server Configuration Settings
Additional Settings in httpd.conf
File System Authentication and Access Control
Restricting Access with allow and deny
Apache Modules
Virtual Hosting
Name-Based Virtual Hosting
IP-Address-Based Virtual Hosting
Dynamic Content
CGI Programs
Server-Side Includes
Active Content Modules
Other Web Servers
Caudium WebServer
掌握最新版本的 SUSE Linux,參考《SUSE Linux 10 Unleashed》。這本全面的 SUSE Linux 指南包含一張 DVD,內含 SUSE Linux 10.0 的完整版本,並提供中級和高級資訊,幫助您安裝、管理和維護您的 SUSE Linux 10.0 系統。您將深入了解最重要的主題,包括:
- 使用 YaST2 和 SaX2 進行配置
- 啟動桌面
- 生產力工具
- 使用網際網路和創建網站
- 安全檔案傳輸
- 管理用戶和數據
- 保持系統更新
- 設置網絡和 Samba
- 管理數據庫學習如何充分利用您的 SUSE Linux 10.0 系統,請參考《SUSE Linux 10 Unleashed》。
- 引言
- I. 安裝與配置
1. 歡迎來到 SUSE Linux
- SUSE Linux 是什麼?
- SUSE Linux
- OpenSUSE.org
- SUSE Linux 安裝程式
- SUSE Linux 中的檔案系統
- 64 位元 SUSE Linux
- 獲取幫助:文檔和其他來源
- 印刷文檔和 SUSE 幫助中心
- 搜尋幫助中心
- Man 和 Info 頁面
- SUSE 在線支持
- Linux 文檔專案
- SUSE 郵件列表
- Linux 用戶組
- 參考資料
2. 準備安裝 SUSE Linux
- 計劃您的 SUSE Linux 安裝
- 系統需求
- 筆記型電腦上的 Linux
- SUSE Linux 和舊硬體
- 避免潛在的硬體問題
- 基於軟體的調製解調器
- 通用串行匯流排設備
- 主機板上的「外圍設備」
- 考慮雙重啟動、分區和其他問題
- 與 Windows 雙重啟動
- 如何分區您的硬碟
- 參考資料
3. 安裝 SUSE Linux
- 安裝 SUSE Linux 的方法
- 準備從 CD-ROM 或 DVD 安裝
- 使用 YaST 安裝 SUSE Linux
- 初始安裝設置
- 分區
- 設定您的時區
- 安裝軟體包
- 創建 root 用戶
- 配置網絡和網際網路連接
- 創建用戶
- 配置 X Window 系統的硬體
- 第一次登錄和關機
- 參考資料
4. 使用 YaST 和 SaX2 進行進一步配置
- 故障排除安裝問題
- 使用 YaST 配置硬體
- 收集有關您的硬體的信息
- 修改磁碟控制器設置
- 配置搖桿
- 調整鍵盤佈局
- 配置滑鼠
- 配置掃描儀
- 配置電視或收音機卡
- 設定日期和時間
- 使用網絡時間協議 (NTP) 保持準確時間
- 電源管理
- YaST 電源管理
- 可攜式電腦問題
- 筆記型電腦的電源管理
- 使用 PCMCIA 卡
- 配置藍牙無線支持
- 配置紅外線接口 (IrDA) 模式
- 配置 CD、DVD 和可重寫驅動器
- 將 CD 和 DVD 驅動器整合到您的系統中
- 通過直接記憶體存取 (DMA) 加速您的 CD 驅動器
- 參考資料
- II. 使用 SUSE Linux
5. 開始使用 SUSE Linux
- 登錄到 SUSE Linux
- 從 Shell 登錄
- 從 Shell 登出
- 使用 Linux 檔案系統
- /bin 和 /sbin 目錄中的基本檔案系統命令
- 使用 /boot 和 /dev 目錄
- 編輯 /etc 目錄中的配置檔案類似商品
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