Free Google: Free SEO, Social Media, and AdWords Resources from Google for Small Business Marketing
暫譯: 免費的 Google:來自 Google 的小型企業行銷免費 SEO、社交媒體和 AdWords 資源

Jason McDonald



A Cornucopia of Free Google Resources

Google is the world's largest search engine, and a critical place to be found by your customers and potential customers. Even better the search giant produces a wealth of FREE resources for small business, ranging from free websites to free email alerts to free learning resources. For example, Google produces a free guide to SEO (Search Engine Optimization), which is the art and science of getting your company to the top of Google's organic listings. But do you know where it is? Similarly, in Google's Webmaster Tools, the company provides a wealth of tools and resources for the small business Web marketer to optimize his or her website, but finding Webmaster Tools and then utilizing it effectively are not easy. Even more esoteric are learning resources for Google Analytics, free tools like Google PageSpeed, and other esoteric but helpful hidden gems from deep inside the Googleplex.

This is your 'insider' 'ultimate' guide to everything by Google about Google for small business marketers!

Google's Left and Right Hands

Quite frankly, the left and the right hand at Google don't talk to each other! Google may produce a wonderful learning resource for Google Analytics (which it does) but then fail to connect this easily to the Analytics interface. The Google blog on Webmaster Tools doesn't tell you where Webmaster University is, and even AdWords (Google's paid advertising system) is guilty of this sin. Many of the best AdWords resources are hidden in the Googleplex! With this book, however, you can FIND the hidden resources of Google!

Free Google: Your Guide to Everything Free at Google

Yes, you could spend hours researching and finding these resources on Google yourself. Yes, they are all freely available to the general public. But do you have that kind of time? Do you know where to look? (We didn't think so). Let SEO expert, Jason McDonald, be your guide through the Google maze - saving you time and money, and enlightening you to the myriad ways that Google makes your marketing not just easy but free.

Topics Covered on Google: SEO, AdWords, and Social Media

Here are the topics covered, all with an eye to identifying and explaining the powerful free resources by Google about Google -
  • SEO - Search Engine Optimization resources
  • AdWords - Tips, Tools, and Tricks to be better at Google AdWords
  • Google Analytics - learn how to leverage the Gooogle Analytics platform to understand your Web traffic.
  • Social Media - find Google on Twitter, Google on Google+, Google on Facebook, and Google on YouTube
  • And more and more and more. A wealth of esoteric but fun Google resources like Google Page Speed.

Got Questions About the Book?

Got questions? Just Google 'Jason McDonald' or 'JM Internet Group,' and send us a question. We're happy to answer any questions before you buy this inexpensive but incredibly valuable guide to Google's resources for SEO, AdWords, and Social Media Marketing!


A Cornucopia of Free Google Resources

Google 是全球最大的搜尋引擎,也是客戶和潛在客戶找到您的關鍵場所。更棒的是,這家搜尋巨頭為小型企業提供了大量的免費資源,從免費網站到免費電子郵件提醒,再到免費學習資源。例如,Google 提供了一本免費的SEO(搜尋引擎優化)指南,這是將您的公司推向 Google 自然搜尋結果頂端的藝術與科學。但您知道它在哪裡嗎?同樣地,在 Google 的網站管理員工具中,該公司為小型企業的網路行銷人員提供了大量的工具和資源,以優化他們的網站,但找到網站管理員工具並有效利用它並不容易。更為深奧的是 Google Analytics 的學習資源、像 Google PageSpeed 這樣的免費工具,以及其他來自 Googleplex 深處的隱藏寶藏。

這是您對於 Google 為小型企業行銷人員提供的所有 Google 資源的「內部人」的「終極」指南!

Google's Left and Right Hands

坦白說,Google 的左右手並不互相溝通!Google 可能會為 Google Analytics 提供一個很棒的學習資源(確實如此),但卻未能輕易地將其與 Analytics 介面連接起來。Google 的網站管理員工具部落格並未告訴您網站管理員大學的位置,甚至 AdWords(Google 的付費廣告系統)也犯了這個錯誤。許多最佳的 AdWords 資源在 Googleplex 中是隱藏的!然而,透過這本書,您可以找到 Google 的隱藏資源!

Free Google: Your Guide to Everything Free at Google

是的,您可以花幾個小時自己在 Google 上研究和尋找這些資源。是的,這些資源對公眾都是免費的。但您有那麼多時間嗎?您知道該去哪裡找嗎?(我們不這麼認為)。讓 SEO 專家 Jason McDonald 成為您穿越 Google 迷宮的指南 - 為您節省時間和金錢,並啟發您了解 Google 如何使您的行銷不僅簡單而且免費的無數方法。

Topics Covered on Google: SEO, AdWords, and Social Media

以下是涵蓋的主題,所有主題都旨在識別和解釋 Google 關於 Google 的強大免費資源 -
- SEO - 搜尋引擎優化資源
- AdWords - 提升 Google AdWords 表現的技巧、工具和竅門
- Google Analytics - 學習如何利用 Google Analytics 平台來了解您的網站流量。
- 社交媒體 - 在 Twitter、Google+、Facebook 和 YouTube 上找到 Google
- 還有更多更多更多。大量深奧但有趣的 Google 資源,如 Google Page Speed。

Got Questions About the Book?

有問題嗎?只需 Google 搜尋「Jason McDonald」或「JM Internet Group」,並發送您的問題。我們很樂意在您購買這本便宜但極具價值的 Google 資源指南之前回答任何問題,該指南涵蓋了 SEO、AdWords 和社交媒體行銷!