97 Things Every UX Practitioner Should Know: Collective Wisdom from the Experts

Berlin, Daniel

  • 出版商: O'Reilly|英文2書85折
  • 出版日期: 2021-06-15
  • 定價: $1,700
  • 售價: 8.0$1,360
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 298
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 1492085170
  • ISBN-13: 9781492085171
  • 相關分類: 使用者經驗 UX
  • 立即出貨 (庫存=1)



Tap into the wisdom of experts to learn what every UX practitioner needs to know. With 97 short and extremely useful tips, you'll discover new approaches to old problems, pick up road-tested best practices, and hone your skills through sound advice.

Working in UX involves much more than just creating user interfaces. UX teams struggle with understanding what's important, which practices they should know deeply, or what approaches aren't helpful at all. With these 97 concise tips, editor Daniel Berlin presents a wealth of advice and knowledge from experts who have practiced UX throughout their careers.

  • Bring Themes, Not Interview Questions to Exploratory Research--Shanti Kanhai
  • Design for Content First--Marli Mesibov
  • Design for Universal Usability--Ann Chadwick-Dias
  • Be Wrong on Purpose--Skyler Taylor
  • A Diverse Participant Recruit Is Critical to Authentic User Research--Megan Campos
  • Put On Your InfoSec Hat to Improve Your Designs--Julie Meriden
  • Boost Your Emotional Intelligence to Move from Good UX to Great--Priyama Barua



從事使用者體驗工作不僅僅涉及創建使用者介面。使用者體驗團隊在理解重要性、深入了解哪些實踐以及哪些方法不起作用方面遇到困難。在這97個簡潔的提示中,編輯Daniel Berlin提供了來自在整個職業生涯中實踐使用者體驗的專家的豐富建議和知識。

- 將主題帶入探索性研究,而不是問題訪談 - Shanti Kanhai
- 先設計內容 - Marli Mesibov
- 設計通用可用性 - Ann Chadwick-Dias
- 故意犯錯 - Skyler Taylor
- 多樣化的參與者招募對於真實的使用者研究至關重要 - Megan Campos
- 戴上資訊安全帽,改善設計 - Julie Meriden
- 提升情商,從良好的使用者體驗邁向卓越 - Priyama Barua


After providing technical support for hard-to-use systems for a number of years, Dan discovered the world of user experience (UX) when he sat as a participant in a usability study. That's when he quit his job and went full time to Bentley University to earn an MBA + MS in Human Factors in Information Design. During his 10+ year UX career, Dan has lived the agency life and built up the research team and practice at Mad*Pow, an experience design agency in New England. He served on the UXPA Boston Board of Directors for eight years and still serves as the conference chairperson for their annual conference. Dan also teaches in the Bentley University UX Certificate program and can often be found kayaking along the Charles River or hiking with his dog Shadow.


在提供多年對於難以使用的系統的技術支援後,丹在參與一項可用性研究時發現了使用者體驗(UX)的世界。這時他辭去了工作,全職進入 Bentley 大學攻讀人因素資訊設計的 MBA + MS 學位。在他超過十年的 UX 職業生涯中,丹曾在新英格蘭的體驗設計代理公司 Mad*Pow 生活並建立了研究團隊和實踐。他在 UXPA 波士頓董事會擔任了八年的職務,並仍然擔任他們年度會議的主席。丹還在 Bentley 大學的 UX 證書課程中擔任教學工作,他經常在查爾斯河上划獨木舟,或者和他的狗 Shadow 一起徒步旅行。