C# Game Programming Cookbook for Unity 3D (Paperback)
暫譯: C# 遊戲程式設計食譜:Unity 3D 版 (平裝本)

Jeff W. Murray



An Accessible, Modular Style of Game Building—Easily Start Making Games with Unity 3D

C# Game Programming Cookbook for Unity 3D presents a highly flexible core framework to create just about any type of game by plugging in different script components. Most scripts function within the game framework or in your own structures. The techniques and concepts discussed in the book give you a solid foundation in game development.


The first ten chapters set up the flexible, reusable framework based in C# and suitable for all game types. The book also explains scripting of generic, reusable, and common functionality.


The remainder of the text adds game-specific code to the framework to create four example games: a top-down arena shooter, a futuristic racing combat game, a tank arena deathmatch game, and a classic arcade-style vertical scrolling shoot ’em up. The games encompass artificial intelligence (path following, target chasing, and line-of-sight patrolling behaviors), game state control, wheel colliders, and weapon inventory management. The example files are available for download on the book’s CRC Press web page.


Reducing your recoding, repurposing, or adaptation time, this book provides script-based components that you can use to jump start your own projects. The book’s modular components can be mixed and matched to build various kinds of video games for the Unity game engine.


可接觸的模組化遊戲建構風格—輕鬆開始使用 Unity 3D 製作遊戲

C# 遊戲程式設計食譜 for Unity 3D 提供了一個高度靈活的核心框架,讓您可以透過插入不同的腳本元件來創建幾乎任何類型的遊戲。大多數腳本在遊戲框架內或您自己的結構中運作。本書中討論的技術和概念為遊戲開發提供了堅實的基礎。


前十章建立了一個基於 C# 的靈活、可重用的框架,適用於所有遊戲類型。本書還解釋了通用、可重用和常見功能的腳本編寫。


其餘的內容則為框架添加遊戲特定的代碼,以創建四個示例遊戲:一個俯視視角的競技場射擊遊戲、一個未來主義的賽車戰鬥遊戲、一個坦克競技場死亡競賽遊戲,以及一個經典的街機風格垂直捲軸射擊遊戲。這些遊戲涵蓋了人工智慧(路徑跟隨、目標追逐和視線巡邏行為)、遊戲狀態控制、輪子碰撞器和武器庫管理。示例檔案可在本書的 CRC Press 網頁上下載。


本書提供基於腳本的元件,幫助您減少重新編碼、重新利用或適應的時間,讓您能夠快速啟動自己的專案。本書的模組化元件可以混合搭配,以構建各種適用於 Unity 遊戲引擎的視頻遊戲。