Make: The Maker's Manual: A Practical Guide to the New Industrial Revolution (Paperback)
暫譯: 製造:創客手冊:新工業革命的實用指南 (平裝本)

Paolo Aliverti, Andrea Maietta



The Maker's Manual is a practical and comprehensive guide to becoming a hero of the new industrial revolution. It features dozens of color images, techniques to transform your ideas into physical projects, and must-have skills like electronics prototyping, 3d printing, and programming. This book's clear, precise explanations will help you unleash your creativity, make successful projects, and work toward a sustainable maker business.

Written by the founders of Frankenstein Garage, which has organized courses since 2011 to help makers to realize their creations, The Maker's Manual answers your questions about the Maker Movement that is revolutionizing the way we design and produce things.


《創客手冊》是一本實用且全面的指南,幫助您成為新工業革命的英雄。書中包含數十幅彩色圖片、將您的想法轉化為實體專案的技術,以及電子原型製作、3D 列印和程式設計等必備技能。本書清晰、精確的解釋將幫助您釋放創造力,成功完成專案,並朝向可持續的創客事業邁進。

本書由 Frankenstein Garage 的創始人撰寫,自 2011 年以來,他們組織課程幫助創客實現創作。《創客手冊》解答了您對正在革新我們設計和生產事物方式的創客運動的疑問。