$580$493 -
$680$537 -
$780$616 -
$980$774 -
$100$95 -
$940$700 -
$2,050$1,948 -
$816Lobbyists at Work (Paperback)
$480$379 -
$450$428 -
$360$284 -
$780$616 -
$200$190 -
$80$76 -
$560$442 -
$305DOS / BIOS 高手真經
$490$387 -
$420$332 -
$490$417 -
$620$527 -
$380$296 -
$356算法圖解 (Grokking Algorithms: An illustrated guide for programmers and other curious people)
$760$501 -
$556$523 -
What do you get when you combine an electronics hobbyist, hacker, garage mechanic, kitchen table inventor, tinkerer, and entrepreneur? A “maker,” of course. Playful and creative, makers are—through expertise and experimentation—creating art, products, and processes that change the way we think and interact with the world.
As you’ll see from the 21 interviews in Makers at Work, inquisitive makers are just as apt to pick up a laser cutter or an Arduino as a wrench to fashion something new. For example, you’ll meet Jeri Ellsworth, who might provide a video lecture on magnetic logic one day and a tutorial on welding a roll bar on a stock car the next. You’ll also meet Eben Upton, who put cheap, powerful computing in the hands of everyone with the Raspberry Pi; Becky Stern, who jazzes up clothing with sensors and LEDs; and bunnie Huang, who knows the ins and outs of the Shenzhen, China, electronics parts markets as well as anyone. As all the interviews in Makers at Work show, makers have something in common: reverence for our technical past coupled with an aversion to convention. If they can’t invent new processes or products, it’s simply not worth doing.
Crazy as foxes, makers—working in the spirit of Tesla, Wozniak, Edison, Gates, Musk and many others—can bring sophisticated products to the people or to the market as fast or faster than large corporations. And they are not just enabling new technologies and devices—they are changing the way these devices are funded, manufactured, assembled, and delivered.
Makers at Work puts a spotlight on the maker mindset and motivation of those who are reinventing the world one object or idea at a time. You will:
- Meet the individuals who define what it means to be a maker.
- Learn about the tools and technologies driving the new industrial revolution.
- Discover ways to scale your weekend project into a profitable business.
- See how others have used to crowdfunding to make their visions a reality.
- Learn how open-source hardware and software is enabling whole new categories of products by removing barriers of entry for inventors.
The new masters of the “Makerverse” ask two questions: Can it be done? Is it fun? As these interviews will show, the answer to both questions is, “Let’s find out.”
What you’ll learn
You will:
- Learn about 3d printing and how it is changing manufacturing.
- Discover new software tools for designing things on your own.
- Learn how to source parts, code, or ideas for your creations.
- Meet maker pioneers who helped open up a new world, and makers who have used crowdfunding to support their efforts.
- Uncover recipes for success or failure when bringing physical products to market.
- Learn ways to scale your weekend project into a profitable business from experienced entrepreneurs.
- Learn how open-source hardware and software is enabling new classes of products by removing the barrier of entry for inventors.
- Open your mind to new ideas, methods, things, and possibilities.
Who this book is for
This book is for anyone with an independent spirit, creative bent, or natural curiosity who believes you can create whatever your mind can conceive and wants to see how others have done just that.
Table of Contents
- Erik Kettenburg, Founder, Digistump
- David Merrill, Cofounder, Sifteo
- Nathan Seidle, CEO, SparkFun Electronics
- Laen, Founder, OSH Park
- Zach Kaplan, Founder and CEO, Inventables
- Emile Petrone, Founder, Tindie
- bunnie Huang, Founder, bunnie studios
- Natan Linder, Founder, FormLabs
- Ben Heck, Host, The Ben Heck Show
- Becky Stern, Director of Wearable Electronics, Adafruit Industries
- Eric Stackpole, Cofounder, OpenROV
- Eben Upton, Founder, Raspberry Pi Foundation
- Catarina Mota, Founder, OpenMaterials.org
- Ward Cunningham, Inventor, Wiki
- Jeri Ellsworth, Founder, Technical Illusions
- Sylvia Todd, Maker, Sylvia’s Super Awesome Maker Show!
- Dave Jones, Host, EEVBlog
- Bre Pettis, CEO, MakerBot
- Eric Migicovsky, CEO, Pebble Technology
- Ian Lesnet, Slashdot Troll, Dangerous Prototypes
- Massimo Banzi, Cofounder, Arduino
從《創客在工作》中21次訪談中你將看到,充滿好奇心的創客們同樣會拿起雷射切割機或Arduino,像使用扳手一樣來製作新事物。例如,你將會見到Jeri Ellsworth,她可能某天會提供有關磁性邏輯的視頻講座,隔天則會教你如何在量產車上焊接滾籃。你還會見到Eben Upton,他將便宜而強大的計算能力帶給每個人,透過Raspberry Pi;Becky Stern,利用感應器和LED燈為服裝增添活力;以及bunnie Huang,他對中國深圳電子零件市場的內幕瞭若指掌。正如《創客在工作》中的所有訪談所顯示,創客們有一個共同點:對我們技術過去的尊重以及對傳統的厭惡。如果他們無法發明新的過程或產品,那麼這樣的工作就沒有意義。
- 認識那些定義創客意義的個體。
- 了解推動新工業革命的工具和技術。
- 發現如何將你的週末項目擴展為盈利的業務。
- 看看其他人如何利用眾籌實現他們的願景。
- 了解開源硬體和軟體如何通過消除發明者的進入障礙,促進全新類別產品的誕生。
- 了解3D列印及其如何改變製造業。
- 發現設計自己物品的新軟體工具。
- 學習如何為你的創作尋找零件、代碼或想法。
- 認識幫助開啟新世界的創客先驅,以及利用眾籌支持他們努力的創客。
- 揭示將實體產品推向市場時成功或失敗的秘訣。
- 向經驗豐富的企業家學習如何將你的週末項目擴展為盈利的業務。
- 了解開源硬體和軟體如何通過消除發明者的進入障礙,促進新類別產品的誕生。
- 打開你的思維,接納新想法、新方法、新事物和新可能性。
- Erik Kettenburg,創辦人,Digistump
- David Merrill,聯合創辦人,Sifteo
- Nathan Seidle,執行長,SparkFun Electronics
- Laen,創辦人,OSH Park
- Zach Kaplan,創辦人兼執行長,Inventables
- Emile Petrone,創辦人,Tindie
- bunnie Huang,創辦人,bunnie studios
- Natan Linder,創辦人,FormLabs
- Ben Heck,主持人,The Ben Heck Show
- Becky Stern,穿戴電子產品總監,Adafruit Industries
- Eric Stackpole,聯合創辦人,OpenROV
- Eben Upton,創辦人,Raspberry Pi Foundation
- Catarina Mota,創辦人,OpenMaterials.org
- Ward Cunningham,發明者,Wiki
- Jeri Ellsworth,創辦人,Technical Illusions
- Sylvia Todd,創客,Sylvia’s Super Awesome Maker Show!
- Dave Jones,主持人,EEVBlog
- Bre Pettis,執行長,MakerBot
- Eric Migicovsky,執行長,Pebble Technology
- Ian Lesnet,Slashdot Troll,Dangerous Prototypes
- Massimo Banzi,聯合創辦人,Arduino