Enterprise Games: Using Game Mechanics to Build a Better Business (Paperback)
暫譯: 企業遊戲:運用遊戲機制打造更好的商業模式 (平裝本)

Michael Hugos




Games and game mechanics provide as powerful a model for organizing knowledge and creative work as the assembly line once did for organizing industrial and repetitive work. As present economies falter, we’re learning that old notions of industrial efficiency and top-down command and control of labor no longer work. Enterprise Games points to a way out of the problems we’re facing.

Game mechanics provide a powerful set of field-tested techniques for organizing, motivating and managing work as well as play. These techniques go far beyond just giving workers a smiley face for producing more widgets. Michael Hugos provides real-world case studies from his own experience and that of other business executives and entrepreneurs to show how the merger of games and business operations can deliver widespread prosperity for the real-time economy we now live in.



遊戲機制提供了一套經過實地驗證的強大技術,用於組織、激勵和管理工作以及遊戲。這些技術遠不止於僅僅給予工人一個微笑的表情來鼓勵他們生產更多的產品。Michael Hugos 提供了來自他自己經驗以及其他商業高管和企業家的真實案例研究,展示了遊戲與商業運營的融合如何能為我們現在所生活的即時經濟帶來廣泛的繁榮。