Real-Time Digital Signal Processing: Fundamentals, Implementations and Applications, 3/e (Hardcover)
暫譯: 即時數位信號處理:基礎、實作與應用,第3版(精裝本)

Sen M. Kuo, Bob H. Lee, Wenshun Tian



Combines both the DSP principles and real-time implementations and applications, and now updated with the new eZdsp USB Stick, which is very low cost, portable and widely employed at many DSP labs.

Real-Time Digital Signal Processing introduces fundamental digital signal processing (DSP) principles and will be updated to include the latest DSP applications, introduce new software development tools and adjust the software design process to reflect the latest advances in the field. In the 3rd edition of the book, the key aspect of hands-on experiments will be enhanced to make the DSP principles more interesting and directly interact with the real-world applications. All of the programs will be carefully updated using the most recent version of software development tools and the new TMS320VC5505 eZdsp USB Stick for real-time experiments. Due to its lower cost and portability, the new software and hardware tools are now widely used in university labs and in commercial industrial companies to replace the older and more expensive generation. The new edition will have a renewed focus on real-time applications and will offer step-by-step hands-on experiments for a complete design cycle starting from floating-point C language program to fixed-point C implementation, code optimization using INTRINSICS, and mixed C-and-assembly programming on fixed-point DSP processors. This new methodology enables readers to concentrate on learning DSP fundamentals and innovative applications by relaxing the intensive programming efforts, namely, the traditional DSP assembly coding efforts. The book is organized into two parts; Part One introduces the digital signal processing principles and theories, and Part Two focuses on practical applications. The topics for the applications are the extensions of the theories in Part One with an emphasis placed on the hands-on experiments, systematic design and implementation approaches. The applications provided in the book are carefully chosen to reflect current advances of DSP that are of most relevance for the intended readership.

  • Combines both the DSP principles and real-time implementations and applications using the new eZdsp USB Stick, which is very low cost, portable and widely employed at many DSP labs is now used in the new edition
  • Places renewed emphasis on C-code experiments and reduces the exercises using assembly coding; effective use of C programming, fixed-point C code and INTRINSICS will become the main focus of the new edition.
  • Updates to application areas to reflect latest advances such as speech coding techniques used for next generation networks (NGN), audio coding with surrounding sound, wideband speech codec (ITU G.722.2 Standard), fingerprint for image processing, and biomedical signal processing examples.
  • Contains new addition of several projects that can be used as semester projects; as well as new many new real-time experiments using TI’s binary libraries – the experiments are prepared with flexible interface and modular for readers to adapt and modify to create other useful applications from the provided basic programs.
  • Consists of more MATLAB experiments, such as filter design, algorithm evaluation, proto-typing for C-code architecture, and simulations to aid readers to learn DSP fundamentals.

Includes supplementary material of program and data files for examples, applications, and experiments hosted on a companion website.

A valuable resource for Postgraduate students enrolled on DSP courses focused on DSP implementation & applications as well as Senior undergraduates studying DSP; engineers and programmers who need to learn and use DSP principles and development tools for their projects.


結合了數位信號處理(DSP)原則及實時實現與應用,並且現在更新了新的 eZdsp USB Stick,這是一種非常低成本、便攜且在許多 DSP 實驗室廣泛使用的工具。

實時數位信號處理 介紹了基本的數位信號處理(DSP)原則,並將更新以包含最新的 DSP 應用,介紹新的軟體開發工具,並調整軟體設計過程以反映該領域的最新進展。在本書的第三版中,實驗的關鍵方面將得到加強,使 DSP 原則更具趣味性,並能直接與現實世界的應用互動。所有的程式將使用最新版本的軟體開發工具和新的 TMS320VC5505 eZdsp USB Stick 進行仔細更新,以便進行實時實驗。由於其較低的成本和便攜性,新的軟體和硬體工具現在在大學實驗室和商業工業公司中廣泛使用,以取代舊的、更昂貴的設備。新版本將重新聚焦於實時應用,並提供逐步的實驗,涵蓋從浮點 C 語言程式到定點 C 實現、使用 INTRINSICS 進行程式碼優化,以及在定點 DSP 處理器上進行混合 C 和組合語言編程的完整設計週期。這種新方法使讀者能夠專注於學習 DSP 基礎和創新應用,減輕了傳統 DSP 組合語言編碼的密集編程工作。該書分為兩部分;第一部分 介紹數位信號處理的原則和理論,第二部分 專注於實際應用。應用主題是第一部分理論的延伸,重點放在實驗、系統設計和實現方法上。書中提供的應用經過精心挑選,以反映當前 DSP 的最新進展,這些進展對於預期的讀者最具相關性。

  • 結合了數位信號處理(DSP)原則及實時實現與應用,使用新的 eZdsp USB Stick,這是一種非常低成本、便攜且在許多 DSP 實驗室廣泛使用的工具,現在已在新版本中使用。

  • 重新強調 C 語言程式的實驗,並減少使用組合語言編碼的練習;有效使用 C 編程、定點 C 程式碼和 INTRINSICS 將成為新版本的主要焦點。

  • 更新應用領域以反映最新進展,例如用於下一代網路(NGN)的語音編碼技術、環繞聲音的音頻編碼、寬頻語音編碼(ITU G.722.2 標準)、用於影像處理的指紋識別,以及生物醫學信號處理範例。

  • 新增幾個可以作為學期專案的項目;以及使用 TI 的二進位庫進行許多新的實時實驗——這些實驗準備了靈活的介面和模組,供讀者調整和修改,以從提供的基本程式創建其他有用的應用。

  • 包含更多 MATLAB 實驗,例如濾波器設計、演算法評估、C 語言架構的原型設計,以及模擬,以幫助讀者學習 DSP 基礎。


對於修讀專注於 DSP 實現與應用的研究生課程的學生,以及學習 DSP 的高年級本科生;需要學習和使用 DSP 原則及開發工具的工程師和程式設計師來說,這是一本寶貴的資源。