Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor Drives and Controls (Hardcover)
暫譯: 永磁無刷直流電動機驅動與控制 (精裝版)

Chang-liang Xia



An advanced introduction to the simulation and hardware implementation of BLDC motor drives

A thorough reference on the simulation and hardware implementation of BLDC motor drives, this book covers recent advances in the control of BLDC motor drives, including intelligent control, sensorless control, torque ripple reduction and hardware implementation. With the guidance of the expert author team, readers will understand the principle, modelling, design and control of BLDC motor drives. The advanced control methods and new achievements of BLDC motor drives, of interest to more advanced readers, are also presented. Focuses on the control of PM brushless DC motors, giving readers the foundations to the topic that they can build on through more advanced reading

  • Systematically guides readers through the subject, introducing basic operational principles before moving on to advanced control algorithms and implementations
  • Covers special issues, such as sensorless control, intelligent control, torque ripple reduction and hardware implementation, which also have applications to other types of motors
  • Includes presentation files with lecture notes and Matlab 7 coding on a companion website for the book




  • 系統性地引導讀者了解該主題,先介紹基本操作原理,再進入先進控制演算法和實現

  • 涵蓋特殊議題,如無傳感器控制、智能控制、扭矩脈動減少及硬體實現,這些議題也適用於其他類型的電動機

  • 包括伴隨本書的網站上的演示檔案、講義和Matlab 7程式碼