Cracking the PM Career: The Skills, Frameworks, and Practices to Become a Great Product Manager (Paperback)
暫譯: 破解產品經理職涯:成為優秀產品經理的技能、框架與實踐 (平裝本)

Gayle Laakmann McDowell, Jackie Bavaro



Product management is a big role, and this a big book.


From the authors of the best-selling Cracking the PM Interview comes the comprehensive guide to the skills, frameworks, and practices to become a great product manager. It will help you level-up your skills and career from your first product management role through product leadership, addressing questions like:


  • What does it take to become a great product manager and great leader?
  • How can you reliably ship products that make a difference in the world?
  • How do you build your product intuition, hone your execution, strengthen your leadership, and develop your strategic skills?
  • What does it take to lead and inspire teams?
  • When is people management the right career move?
  • How does excellence in those skills translate into career success?


This book will teach you the reliable frameworks and best practices that improve your chances of shipping a successful product. The frameworks won't transform you into a great product manager overnight or guarantee that your products never fail, but they'll help you avoid the most common problems and give you the structure to start experimenting, reflecting, and improving.


You'll learn how to:

  • Design high-quality products that delight users and solve people's needs.
  • Run and deliver your projects quickly, smoothly, and effectively.
  • Create product visions and strategies to set direction and optimize for long-term impact.
  • Lead people and influence without authority.
  • Manage people, develop great PMs, build great teams, and create great product organizations.
  • Manage your career so you can translate your efforts into the recognition you deserve.


Topics include:


  • Getting Started: the product life cycle; the first 90 days
  • Product Skills: user research; A/B tests; problem solving frameworks; systems thinking; product discovery; design sprints; ethical product design; technical terms and concepts; product documentation (specs and PRDs)
  • Execution Skills: agile project management; minimum viable products (MVPs); incremental development; product launches; time management; overcoming obstacles
  • Strategic Skills: product vision; strategy; roadmaps; goals and OKRs
  • Leadership Skills: growth mindset; ownership mentality; influencing without authority; stakeholder management; collaboration; communication; inspiring a team; mentoring; working with designers, engineers, and executives
  • People Management Skills: becoming a people manager; being a member of the leadership team; reviewing work; holding people accountable; coaching and development; recruiting and interviewing; product processes; organizational structures
  • Careers: career ladders; career goals; partnering with your manager; picking the right team; negotiations; networking; handling bad situations; career options beyond PM
  • Product Leader Q&A: in-depth career interviews with eleven successful product leaders who have chosen career paths including CPO, head of product, CEO, social impact work, venture capital, angel investing, coaching, and starting their own companies.




- 成為優秀產品經理和偉大領導者需要什麼?
- 如何可靠地推出能夠改變世界的產品?
- 如何建立產品直覺、磨練執行力、增強領導力並發展戰略技能?
- 什麼是領導和激勵團隊所需的?
- 何時進行人員管理是正確的職業選擇?
- 在這些技能上的卓越表現如何轉化為職業成功?



- 設計高品質的產品,讓用戶滿意並解決人們的需求。
- 快速、順利且有效地運行和交付你的項目。
- 創建產品願景和策略,以設定方向並優化長期影響。
- 在沒有權威的情況下領導他人並影響他們。
- 管理人員,培養優秀的產品經理,建立優秀的團隊,創建卓越的產品組織。
- 管理你的職業生涯,將你的努力轉化為你應得的認可。


- **入門:** 產品生命週期;前90天
- **產品技能:** 用戶研究;A/B測試;問題解決框架;系統思維;產品發現;設計衝刺;倫理產品設計;技術術語和概念;產品文檔(規格和PRD)
- **執行技能:** 敏捷項目管理;最小可行產品(MVP);增量開發;產品發布;時間管理;克服障礙
- **戰略技能:** 產品願景;策略;路線圖;目標和OKR
- **領導技能:** 成長心態;擁有者心態;在沒有權威的情況下影響他人;利益相關者管理;協作;溝通;激勵團隊;指導;與設計師、工程師和高管合作
- **人員管理技能:** 成為人員經理;成為領導團隊的一員;審查工作;讓人負責;教練和發展;招聘和面試;產品流程;組織結構
- **職業生涯:** 職業階梯;職業目標;與經理合作;選擇合適的團隊;談判;建立人脈;處理不良情況;產品經理以外的職業選擇
- **產品領導者問答:** 與十一位成功產品領導者的深入職業訪談,他們選擇的職業道路包括CPO、產品負責人、CEO、社會影響工作、風險投資、天使投資、教練和創辦自己的公司。