Information Theory: 50 Years Of Discovery W/cd-rom Of Indexes For Ieee Info Theory Transactions Since 1953 (a Selected Reprint Volume)
暫譯: 資訊理論:50年的發現(附IEEE資訊理論期刊自1953年以來索引的CD-ROM選集)
- 出版商: Wiley
- 出版日期: 1999-09-16
- 售價: $7,870
- 貴賓價: 9.5 折 $7,477
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 768
- 裝訂: Hardcover
- ISBN: 0780353633
- ISBN-13: 9780780353633
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Electrical Engineering Information Theory 50 Years of Discovery In 1948 Claude Shannon published "The Mathematical Theory of Communication," the paper that single-handedly started the field of information theory and laid the foundation for virtually all aspects of modern-day communications. Now, Information Theory celebrates the discovery of this dynamic field with a major collection of 25 tutorial articles spanning the last 50 years. With over 3,000 references, this book is an ideal resource for industry researchers, practicing engineers, and graduate students in communications, signal processing, and computing. Written by leaders in the field, these articles provide insightful introductions and useful summaries bridging 50 years of work on the theory and practice of:
- Data compression
- Error correction
- Modulation and coding
- Detection and estimation
- Shannon theory
- Signal Processing
Information Theory also includes a CD-ROM that contains the author, subject, and transaction indexes of the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory Digital Library. This CD-ROM includes a complete listing of, and hyperlinks to, all papers from IEEE Transactions on Information Theory since its inception in 1953.
Table of Contents:
Preface (S. McLaughlin).
Guest Editorial (S. Verdú).
On the Role of Pattern Matching in Information Theory (A. Wyner, et al.).
Fifty Years of Shannon Theory (S. Verdú).
The Interactions Between Ergodic Theory and Information Theory (P. Shields).
Information-Theoretic Image Formation (J. O'Sullivan, et al.).
Universal Prediction (N. Merhav & M. Feder).
Reliable Communication Under Channel Uncertainty (A. Lapidoth & P. Narayan).
Learning Pattern Classification—A Survey (S. Kulkarni, et al.).
Zero-Error Information Theory (J. Körner & A. Orlitsky).
Detection of Stochastic Processes (T. Kailath & H. Poor).
Codes for Digital Recorders (K. Immink, et al.).
Statistical Inference Under Multiterminal Data Compression (T. Han & S. Amari).
Quantization (R. Gray & D. Neuhoff).
Modulation and Coding for Linear Gaussian Channels (G. Forney & G. Ungerboeck).
Information Theory and Communication Networks: An Unconsummated Union (A. Ephremides & B. Hajek).
Data Compression and Harmonic Analysis (D. Donoho, et al.).
Association Schemes and Coding Theory (P. Delsarte & V. Levenshtein).
The Method of Types (I. Csiszár).
Comments on Broadcast Channels (T. Cover).
Applications of Error-Control Coding (D. Costello, et al.).
The Art of Signaling: Firty Years of Coding Theory (A. Calderbank).
Algebraic-Geometry Codes (I. Blake, et al.).
Fading Channels: Information-Theoretic and Communications Aspects (E. Biglieri, et al).
Lossy Source Coding (T. Berger & J. Gibson).
Quantum Information Theory (C. Bennett & P. Shor).
The Minimum Description Length Principle in Coding and Modeling (A. Barron, et al.).
Author Index.
Subject Index.
電機工程資訊理論五十年的發現。1948年,克勞德·香農(Claude Shannon)發表了《通訊的數學理論》('The Mathematical Theory of Communication'),這篇論文單槍匹馬地開創了資訊理論的領域,並為現代通訊的幾乎所有方面奠定了基礎。如今,資訊理論慶祝這一動態領域的發現,推出了一部涵蓋過去五十年的25篇教程文章的重大合集。這本書擁有超過3000個參考文獻,是通訊、信號處理和計算領域的行業研究人員、實踐工程師和研究生的理想資源。這些文章由該領域的領導者撰寫,提供了深入的介紹和有用的總結,橋接了五十年來在以下理論和實踐方面的工作:
- 數據壓縮
- 錯誤更正
- 調變與編碼
- 偵測與估計
- 香農理論
- 信號處理
前言(S. McLaughlin)。
特約社論(S. Verdú)。
資訊理論中模式匹配的角色(A. Wyner 等)。
香農理論的五十年(S. Verdú)。
遍歷理論與資訊理論之間的互動(P. Shields)。
資訊理論的影像形成(J. O'Sullivan 等)。
通用預測(N. Merhav & M. Feder)。
在通道不確定性下的可靠通訊(A. Lapidoth & P. Narayan)。
學習模式分類—調查(S. Kulkarni 等)。
零錯誤資訊理論(J. Körner & A. Orlitsky)。
隨機過程的偵測(T. Kailath & H. Poor)。
數位錄音機的編碼(K. Immink 等)。
多端數據壓縮下的統計推斷(T. Han & S. Amari)。
量化(R. Gray & D. Neuhoff)。
線性高斯通道的調變與編碼(G. Forney & G. Ungerboeck)。
資訊理論與通訊網路:未完成的聯盟(A. Ephremides & B. Hajek)。
數據壓縮與調和分析(D. Donoho 等)。
關聯方案與編碼理論(P. Delsarte & V. Levenshtein)。
類型方法(I. Csiszár)。
對廣播通道的評論(T. Cover)。
錯誤控制編碼的應用(D. Costello 等)。
信號的藝術:編碼理論的五十年(A. Calderbank)。
代數幾何編碼(I. Blake 等)。
衰落通道:資訊理論與通訊方面(E. Biglieri 等)。
有損源編碼(T. Berger & J. Gibson)。
量子資訊理論(C. Bennett & P. Shor)。
編碼與建模中的最小描述長度原則(A. Barron 等)。