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This collection of important papers provides a comprehensive overview of low-power system design, from component technologies and circuits to architecture, system design, and CAD techniques. LOW POWER CMOS DESIGN summarizes the key low-power contributions through papers written by experts in this evolving field.
Table of Contents:
Low Power Microelectronics: Retrospect and Prospect (J. Meindl).
Micropower IC (E. Vittoz).
Low-Power CMOS Digital Design (A. Chandrakasan, et al.).
CMOS Scaling for High Performance and Low-Power—The Next Ten Years (B. Davari, et al.).
Low-Voltage Technologies and Circuits (T. Kuroda & T. Sakurai).
Threshold Voltage Scaling and Control.
Ion-Implanted Complementary MOS Transistors in Low-Voltage Circuits (R. Swanson & J. Meindl).
Trading Speed for Low Power by Choice of Supply and Threshold Voltages (D. Liu & C. Svensson).
Limitation of CMOS Supply-Voltage Scaling by MOSFET Threshold-Voltage Variation (S. Sun & P. Tsui).
Multiple Threshold CMOS (MTCMOS).
1-V Power Supply High-Speed Digital Circuit Technology with Multithreshold Voltage CMOS (S. Mutoh, et al.).
A 1-V Multi-Threshold Voltage CMOS DSP with an Efficient Power Management Technique for Mobile Phone Application (S. Mutoh, et al.).
Substrate Bias Controlled Variable Threshold CMOS.
50% Active-Power Saving Without Speed Degradation Using Standby Power Reduction (SPR) Circuit (K. Seta, et al.).
A 0.9V, 150MHz 10mW 4mm2, 2-D Discrete Cosine Transform Core Processor with Variable Threshold-Voltage (VT) Scheme (T. Kuroda, et al.).
Silicon-on-Insulator Based Technologies.
SOI CMOS for Low Power Systems (D. Antoniadis).
Back Gated CMOS on SOIAS for Dynamic Threshold Voltage Control (I. Yang, et al.).
Design of Low Power CMOS/SOI Devices and Circuits for Memory and Signal Processing Applications (L. Thon & G. Shahidi).
A Dynamic Threshold Voltage MOSFET (DTMOS) for Very Low Voltage Operation (F. Assaderaghi, et al.).
A 0.5V SIMOX-MTCMOS Circuit with 200ps Logic Gate (T. Douseki, et al.).
Efficient Low Voltage DC-DC Converter Design.
A Low-Voltage CMOS DC-DC Converter for a Portable Battery-Operated System (A. Stratakos, et al.).
Ultra Low-Power Control Circuits for PWM Converters (A. Dancy & A. Chandrakasan).
Adaptive Power Supply Systems.
A Voltage Reduction Technique for Battery Operated Systems (V. von Kaenel, et al.).
Automatic Adjustment of Threshold and Supply Voltage for Minimum Power Consumption in CMOS Digital Circuits (V. von Kaenel, et al.).
Low-Power Operation Using Self-Timed Circuits and Adaptive Scaling of the Supply Voltage (L. Nielsen, et al.).
A Low-Power Switching Power Supply for Self-Clocked Systems (G. Wei & M. Horowitz).
Variable-Voltage Digital-Signal Processing (V. Gutnik & A. Chandrakasan).
Scheduling for Reduced CPU Energy (M. Weiser, et al.).
Conventional Circuit and Logic Styles.
Silicon-Gate CMOS Frequency Divider for the Electronic Wrist Watch (E. Vittoz, et al.).
CODYMOS Frequency Dividers Achieve Low Power Consumption and High Frequency (H. Oguey & E. Vittoz).
Short-Circuit Dissipation of Static CMOS Circuitry and Its Impact on the Design of Buffer Circuits (H. Veendrick).
A 3.8ns CMOS 16x16 Multiplier Using Complementary Pass Transistor Logic (K. Yano, et al.).
A High-Speed, Low-Power, Swing Restored Pass-Transistor Logic Based Multiply and Accumulate Circuit for Multimedia Applications (A. Parameswar, et al.).
Static Power Driven Voltage Scaling and Delay Driven Buffer Sizing in Mixed Swing QuadRail for Sub-IV I/O Swings (R. Krishnamurthy, et al.).
The Power Consumption of CMOS Adders and Multiliers (T. Callaway & E. Swartzlander, Jr.).
Delay Balanced Multipliers for Low Power/Low Voltage DSP Core (T. Sakuta, et al.).
Asynchronous Does Not Imply Low Power, But, ... (K. Van Berkel, et al.).
Latches and Flip-Flops for Low-Power Systems (C. Svensson & J. Yuan).
Adiabatic Logic Circuits.
Zig-Zag Path to Understanding (R. Landauer).
A Low-Power Multiphase Circuit Technique (B. Watkins).
Asymptotically Zero Energy Split-Level Charge Recovery Logic (S. Younis & T. Knight).
Low Power Ditigal Systems Based on Adiabatic Switching Principles (W. Athas, et al.).
Adiabatic Dynamic Logic (A. Dickinson & J. Denker).
Sub-1-V Swin Internal Bus Architecture for Future Low-Power ULSIs (Y. Nakagome, et al.).
Data-Dependent Logic Swing Internal Bus Architecture for Ultra Low-Power LSIs (M. Hiraki, et al.).
An Asymptotically Zero Power Charge-Recycling Bus Architecture for Battery-Operated Ultra-High Data Rate ULSIs (H. Yamauchi, et al.).
Bus-Invert Coding for Low Power I/O (M. Stan & W. Burleson).
A Sub-CV2 Pad Driver with 10 ns Transition Time (L. Svensson, et al.).
Reviews and Prospects of Low-Power Memory Circuits (K. Itoh).
Trends in Low-Power RAM Circuit Technologies (K. Itoh, et al.).
Standby/Active Mode Logic for Sub-1V Operating ULSI Memory (D. Takashima, et al.).
A Charge Recycle Refresh for Gb-scale DRAM's in File Application (T. Kawahara, et al.).
A 1-V 1-Mb SRAM for Portable Equipment (H. Morimura & N. Shibata).
A Single Bitline Cross-Point Cell Activation (SCPA) Architecture for Ultra-Low-Power SRAMs (M. Ukita, et al.).
Techniques to Reduce Power in Fast Wide Memories (B. Amrutur & M. Horowitz).
A 2-ns, 5-mW, Synchronous-Powered Static-Circuit Associative TLB (H. Higuchi, et al.).
Driving Source-Line (DSL) Cell Architecture for Sub-1-V High Speed Low Power Applications (H. Mizuno & T Nagano).
General Purpose Processor Design.
Energy Dissipation in General Purpose Microprocessors (R. Gonzalez & M. Horowitz).
Energy Efficient CMOS Microprocessor Design (T. Burd & R. Brodersen).
A 160MHz 32b 0.5W CMOS RISC Microprocessor (J. Montanaro, et al.).
A 320MHz, 1.5mW @ 1.35V CMOS PLL for Microprocessor Clock Generation (V. Von Kaenel, et al.).
Dedicated and Programmable Digital Signal Processors.
A Low-Power Chipset for a Portable Multimedia I/O Terminal (A. Chandrakasan, et al.).
A Portable Real-Time Video Decoder for Wireless Communication (T. Meng, et al.).
Low Power Design of Memory Intensive Functions (D. Lidsky & J. Rabaey).
A 16b Low-Power Digital Signal Processor (K. Ueda, et al.).
A 1.8V 36mW DSP for the Half-Rate Speech CODEC (T. Shiraishi, et al.).
Design of a 1-V Programmable DSP for Wireless Communication (P. Landman, et al.).
Stage-Skip Pipeline: A Low Power Processor Architecture Using a Decoded Instruction Buffer (M. Hiraki, et al.).
Power Analysis Techniques.
Transition Density: A New Measure of Activity in Digital Circuits (E. Najm).
Estimation of Average Switching Activity in Combinational and Sequential Circuits (A. Ghosh, et al.).
Power Estimation for Sequential Logic Circuits (C. Tsui, et al.).
A Monte Carlo Approach for Power Estimation (R. Burch, et al.).
Stratified Random Sampling for Power Estimation (C.-S. Ding, et al.).
A Survey of High-Level Power Estimation Techniques (P. Landman).
Activity-Sensitive Architectural Power Analysis (P. Landman & J. Rabaey).
Power Analysis of Embedded Software: A First Step Towards Software Power Minimization (V. Tiwari, et al.).
Power Optimization Techniques.
Technology Mapping for Low Power (V. Tiwari, et al.).
POSE: Power Optimization and Synthesis Environment (S. Iman & M. Pedram).
Transformation and Synthesis of FSMs fo Low-Power Gated-Clock Implementation (L. Benini & G. De Micheli).
Precomputation-Based Sequential Logic Optimization for Low Power (M. Alidina, et al.).
Glitch Analysis and Reduction in Register Transfer Level Power Optimization (A. Raghunathan, et al.).
Exploiting Locality for Low-Power Design (R. Mehra, et al.).
HYPER-LP: A System for Power Minimization Using Architectural Transformations (A. Chandrakasan, et al.).
Variable Voltage Scheduling (S. Raje & M. Sarrafzadeh).
System)-Level Transformations for Low Power Data Transfer and Storage (F. Catthoor, et al.).
Author Index.
低功耗微電子學:回顧與展望(J. Meindl)。
微功率IC(E. Vittoz)。
低功耗CMOS數位設計(A. Chandrakasan,等)。
高效能與低功耗的CMOS縮放——未來十年(B. Davari,等)。
低電壓技術與電路(T. Kuroda & T. Sakurai)。
在低電壓電路中的離子植入互補MOS晶體管(R. Swanson & J. Meindl)。
通過選擇供電與閾值電壓來權衡速度與低功耗(D. Liu & C. Svensson)。
MOSFET閾值電壓變化對CMOS供電電壓縮放的限制(S. Sun & P. Tsui)。
1V電源高效能數位電路技術與多閾值電壓CMOS(S. Mutoh,等)。
一個1V多閾值電壓CMOS DSP,具備高效能電源管理技術,適用於手機應用(S. Mutoh,等)。
使用待機功率減少(SPR)電路實現50%的主動功率節省而不降低速度(K. Seta,等)。
一個0.9V、150MHz、10mW、4mm²的2-D離散餘弦變換核心處理器,具備可變閾值電壓(VT)方案(T. Kuroda,等)。
SOI CMOS用於低功耗系統(D. Antoniadis)。
在SOIAS上進行背閘CMOS的動態閾值電壓控制(I. Yang,等)。
為記憶體和信號處理應用設計的低功耗CMOS/SOI元件與電路(L. Thon & G. Shahidi)。
用於超低電壓操作的動態閾值電壓MOSFET(DTMOS)(F. Assaderaghi,等)。
一個0.5V的SIMOX-MTCMOS電路,具備200ps邏輯閘(T. Douseki,等)。
一個用於便攜式電池供電系統的低電壓CMOS DC-DC轉換器(A. Stratakos,等)。
用於PWM轉換器的超低功耗控制電路(A. Dancy & A. Chandrakasan)。
一種用於電池供電系統的電壓降低技術(V. von Kaenel,等)。
自動調整閾值與供電電壓以實現CMOS數位電路的最低功耗(V. von Kaenel,等)。
使用自定時電路和自適應供電電壓縮放的低功耗操作(L. Nielsen,等)。
一個用於自時鐘系統的低功耗開關電源(G. Wei & M. Horowitz)。
可變電壓數位信號處理(V. Gutnik & A. Chandrakasan)。
減少CPU能量的排程(M. Weiser,等)。
用於電子手錶的矽閘CMOS頻率分頻器(E. Vittoz,等)。
CODYMOS頻率分頻器實現低功耗消耗與高頻率(H. Oguey & E. Vittoz)。
靜態CMOS電路的短路耗散及其對緩衝電路設計的影響(H. Veendrick)。
使用互補通過晶體管邏輯的3.8ns CMOS 16x16乘法器(K. Yano,等)。
一個高效能、低功耗、擺幅恢復的通過晶體管邏輯基礎乘法與累加電路,適用於多媒體應用(A. Parameswar,等)。
靜態功率驅動的電壓縮放與延遲驅動的緩衝器大小調整,適用於混合擺幅的QuadRail以實現Sub-IV I/O擺幅(R. Krishnamurthy,等)。
CMOS加法器與乘法器的功耗(T. Callaway & E. Swartzlander, Jr.)。
低功耗/低電壓DSP核心的延遲平衡乘法器(T. Sakuta,等)。
非同步不意味著低功耗,但……(K. Van Berkel,等)。
適用於低功耗系統的鎖存器與觸發器(C. Svensson & J. Yuan)。
理解的鋸齒形路徑(R. Landauer)。
一種低功耗多相電路技術(B. Watkins)。
漸近零能量的分層充電回收邏輯(S. Younis & T. Knight)。
基於絕熱開關原則的低功耗數位系統(W. Athas,等)。
絕熱動態邏輯(A. Dickinson & J. Denker)。
未來低功耗ULSI的Sub-1-V Swin內部總線架構(Y. Nakagome,等)。
超低功耗LSI的數據依賴邏輯擺幅內部總線架構(M. Hiraki,等)。
一種漸近零功率的充電回收總線架構,適用於電池供電的超高數據速率ULSI(H. Yamauchi,等)。
低功耗I/O的總線反轉編碼(M. Stan & W. Burleson)。
一個具備10 ns過渡時間的Sub-CV²墊驅動器(L. Svensson,等)。
低功耗記憶體電路的回顧與展望(K. Itoh)。
低功耗RAM電路技術的趨勢(K. Itoh,等)。
適用於Sub-1V操作ULSI記憶體的待機/主動模式邏輯(D. Takashima,等)。
用於文件應用的Gb級DRAM的充電回收刷新(T. Kawahara,等)。
一個1V 1-Mb SRAM,適用於便攜設備(H. Morimura & N. Shibata)。
一種超低功耗SRAM的單位比特線交叉點單元激活(SCPA)架構(M. Ukita,等)。
降低快速寬記憶體功耗的技術(B. Amrutur & M. Horowitz)。
一個2-ns、5-mW的同步供電靜態電路關聯TLB(H. Higuchi,等)。
驅動源線(DSL)單元架構,適用於Sub-1-V高速低功耗應用(H. Mizuno & T Nagano)。
通用微處理器中的能量耗散(R. Gonzalez & M. Horowitz)。
能量高效的CMOS微處理器設計(T. Burd & R. Brodersen)。
一個160MHz 32b 0.5W的CMOS RISC微處理器(J. Montanaro,等)。
一個320MHz、1.5mW @ 1.35V的CMOS PLL,用於微處理器時鐘生成(V. Von Kaenel,等)。
一個便攜式多媒體I/O終端的低功耗晶片組(A. Chandrakasan,等)。
一個用於無線通信的便攜式實時視頻解碼器(T. Meng,等)。
記憶體密集型功能的低功耗設計(D. Lidsky & J. Rabaey)。
一個16b低功耗數位信號處理器(K. Ueda,等)。
一個1.8V 36mW的DSP,用於半速語音編解碼器(T. Shiraishi,等)。
設計一個1-V可編程DSP,用於無線通信(P. Landman,等)。
階段跳躍管線:一種使用解碼指令緩衝器的低功耗處理器架構(M. Hiraki,等)。
轉換密度:數位電路活動的新度量(E. Najm)。
估算組合與序列電路中的平均開關活動(A. Ghosh,等)。
序列邏輯電路的功率估算(C. Tsui,等)。
一種用於功率估算的蒙地卡羅方法(R. Burch,等)。