Practical Radio Frequency Test and Measurement : A Technician's Handbook

Joseph Carr





The book will teach readers the basics of performing the tests and measurements used in radio-frequency systems installation, proof of performance, maintenance, and troubleshooting.

Practical Radio Frequency Test and Measurement teaches readers the basics of performing the tests and measurements used in radio-frequency systems installation, proof of performance, maintenance, and troubleshooting. Anyone interested in gaining more practical proficiency with RF, whether engineer, technician, amateur radio buff, or hobbyist, needs a copy of this book. Joseph J. Carr, himself an accomplished practitioner in this field, examines the instruments used in the various types of measurement before moving on to specific measurement methods.

Carr includes information on basic theories of RF measurement, as well as test equipment, test set-ups, test and measurement procedures, and interpretation of results.


Table of Contents:


The Past, Present and Future of Satellite Communications (J. Evans).


Engineering Issues in Space Weather (L. Lanzerotti, et al.).

Space-to-Ground Interferometry for Radio Astronomy (H. Hirabayashi).

Future Generations of Mobile Communications System -- The Scientific Aspects (J. Andersen).


Commission A: EM Metrology Issues in Wireless Communications (Q. Balzano).

Commission B: Electromagnetic System Design Using Genetic Algorithms (E. Michielssen, et al.).

Commission C: Intelligent Antennas for Future Wireless Communications (G. Delisle, et al.).

Commission D: High-Impedance Electromagnetic Surfaces (D. Sievenpiper and E. Yablonovitch).

Commission E: ELF Sferics and Lightning Effects on the Middle and Upper Atmosphere (D. Jones).

Commission F: Remote Characterization of Geophysical Phenomena Using EM Waves (D. Gjessing).

Commission G: Radar Systems in Ionospheric Research (J. Röttger).

Commission H: The Measurement of Wave Distribution Functions (L. Storey).

Commission J: Radio Stars: The High Sensitivity Frontier (A. Taylor).

Commission K: An Assessment of the Bioeffects Induced by Power-Line Frequency Electromagnetic Fields (R. Reiter).

Inter-Commission Working Group: Spectrum Congestion (P. Delogne and W. Baan).