The Twitter Book (Paperback)

Tim O'Reilly, Sarah Milstein




"Media organizations should take note of Twitter's power to quickly reach their target consumers." --Tim O'Reilly (@timoreilly), in a Los Angeles Times interview, March 2009

This practical guide will teach you everything you need to know to quickly become a Twitter power user. It includes information on the latest third party applications, strategies and tactics for using Twitter's 140-character messages as a serious--and effective--way to boost your business, as well as how to turn Twitter into your personal newspaper, tracking breaking news and learning what matters to you and your friends.

Co-written by Tim O'Reilly and Sarah Milstein, widely followed and highly respected twitterers, the practical information in The Twitter Book is presented in a innovative, visually rich format that's packed with clear explanations and examples of best practices that show Twitter in action, as demonstrated by the work of over 60 twitterers.

This book will help you:

  • Use Twitter to connect with colleagues, customers, family, and friends
  • Stand out on Twitter
  • Avoid common Twitter gaffes and pitfalls
  • Build a critical professional communications channel with Twitter--and use the best third-party tools that help you manage it.

If you want to know how to use Twitter like a pro, The Twitter Book will quickly get you up to speed.

About the authors:

Tim O Reilly (@timoreilly), founder and CEO of O Reilly Media, has hundreds of thousands of followers on Twitter. Sarah Milstein (@SarahM) frequently writes, speaks and teaches about Twitter; she was the 21st user of Twitter.


媒體機構應該注意到Twitter迅速接觸到目標消費者的能力。-- Tim O'Reilly(@timoreilly),於2009年3月接受洛杉磯時報的採訪中提到。


《The Twitter Book》由廣受追蹤和高度尊重的Twitter使用者Tim O'Reilly和Sarah Milstein共同撰寫,以創新且視覺豐富的格式呈現實用資訊,內容充滿清晰的解釋和最佳實踐的示例,展示了超過60位Twitter使用者的實際操作。

- 使用Twitter與同事、客戶、家人和朋友建立聯繫
- 在Twitter上脫穎而出
- 避免常見的Twitter錯誤和陷阱
- 通過Twitter建立關鍵的專業溝通渠道,並使用最佳的第三方工具來管理它。

如果你想知道如何像專業人士一樣使用Twitter,《The Twitter Book》將快速讓你掌握要領。

- Tim O'Reilly(@timoreilly)是O'Reilly Media的創始人兼首席執行官,在Twitter上擁有數十萬追蹤者。
- Sarah Milstein(@SarahM)經常就Twitter撰寫、演講和教學;她是Twitter的第21位使用者。