Word 2007: The Missing Manual (Paperback)

Chris Grover

  • 出版商: O'Reilly|英文2書85折
  • 出版日期: 2007-01-30
  • 定價: $900
  • 售價: 1.1$99
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 524
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 059652739X
  • ISBN-13: 9780596527396
  • 相關分類: Word
  • 立即出貨(限量) (庫存=10)




Microsoft Word has grown considerably in power, sophistication and capability over the past decade, but one thing that hasn't changed since the early '90s is its user interface. The simple toolbar in version 2.0 has been packed with so many features since then that few users know where to find them all. Consequently, more and more people are looking for "insider" tips that will allow them to use these advanced and often hidden features. Microsoft has addressed this problem in Word 2007 by radically redesigning the user interface with a tabbed toolbar that makes every feature easy to locate and use. Unfortunately, Microsoft's documentation is as scant as ever, so even though you will be able to find advanced features, you might not know what to do with them.

Word 2007: The Missing Manual, written specifically for this version of the software, explains basics like how to create documents, enter and edit text, format, print, and fax. You will will also learn how to create sophisticated page layouts, insert forms and tables, use graphics, and create book-length documents with outlines and Master Documents. Coverage also includes how to share documents with other people and programs, create web pages, automate documents with fields, and automate tasks with macros and the Visual Basic scripting language. This book shows you how to do it all.


Table of Contents

The Missing Credits


Part One: Word Basics for Simple Documents

Chapter 1. Creating, Opening, and Saving Documents
     Launching Word
     Creating a New Document
            Creating a New Blank Document
            Creating a New Document from an Existing Document
            Creating a New Document from a Template
     Opening an Existing Document
     Your Different Document Views
            Document Views: Five Ways to Look at Your Manuscript
            Show and Hide Window Tools
            Zooming Your View In and Out
            The Window Group: Doing the Splits
     Saving and Closing Documents
            The Many Ways to Save Documents

Chapter 2. Entering and Editing Text
     Typing in Word
            Click and Type for Quick Formatting
     Selecting Text
            Selecting with the Mouse
            Selecting with the Keyboard
            Extending a Selection
            Selecting Multiple Chunks of Text in Different Places
     Moving Around Your Document
            Keyboarding Around Your Document
            Using the Scroll Bars
            Browsing by Headings and Other Objects
            Browsing by Bookmark
     Cutting, Copying, and Pasting
            Editing with the Ribbon
            Editing with Keyboard Shortcuts
            Editing with the Mouse
            Moving Text Between Two Documents
            Viewing and Pasting Clippings
     Finding and Replacing Text
     Saving Keystrokes with Quick Parts

Chapter 3. Setting Up the Document: Margins, Page Breaks, and More
     Choosing Paper Size and Layout
            Changing Paper Size
            Setting Paper Orientation
     Setting Document Margins
            Selecting Preset Margins
            Setting Custom Margins
            Setting Margins for Booklets
      Adding Page Background Features
            Adding Watermarks
            Choosing a Page Color
            Applying Page Borders
     Adding Headers and Footers
            Introducing the Header and Footer Tools
            Inserting and Modifying a Header Building Block
            Adding a Matching Footer Building Block
            Creating Custom Headers and Footers
            Removing Headers, Footers, and Page Numbers
     Working with Multiple Columns
            Customizing Columns
     Line Numbers
            Automatic Hyphenation
            Manual Hyphenation
            Removing Hyphenation from Your Document

Chapter 4. Formatting Text, Paragraphs, and Headings
     Formatting Basics
     Formatting Characters
            Formatting with the Ribbon or the Font Dialog Box
            Formatting with the Mini Toolbar
            Formatting with Keyboard Shortcuts
            Changing Capitalization
     Formatting Paragraphs
            Aligning Text
            Indenting Paragraphs
            Spacing Between Paragraphs
            Spacing Between Lines
            Inserting Page Breaks and Line Breaks
     Creating Bulleted and Numbered Lists
     Setting Tabs
            How Tab Stops Work
            Viewing Tab Marks in Your Text
            Deleting and Editing Tabs
            Types of Tabs
            Tab Leaders
     Using Word's Rulers
            Managing Tab Settings with the Ruler
            Setting Margins with the Ruler
            Adjusting Paragraph Indents with the Ruler
     Fast Formatting with Format Painter
     Formatting with Styles
            Applying Quick Styles
     Modifying Styles
     Managing Style Sets
            Creating Your Own Style Set

Chapter 5. Themes and Templates
     Choosing a Theme
            Finding More Themes
     Choosing a Template
            Starting a Document from a Template
            Using Installed Templates

Chapter 6. Spelling, Grammar, and Reference Tools
     Turning on Spelling and Grammar Checking
     Checking Spelling
            Checking Spelling As You Type
            Checking Spelling Manually
            Managing Custom Dictionaries
     Checking Grammar and Style
     Controlling AutoCorrect
            How AutoCorrect Works
            Fine-tuning AutoCorrect Options
            Autocorrecting Math, Formatting, and Smart Tags
     Exploring Word's Research Tools
            Finding Information with the Research Task Pane
     Accessing Word's Thesaurus
     Translating Text
            Translation ScreenTips
     Checking Your Word Count

Chapter 7. Printing Word Documents
     Quick and Easy Printing
     Print Preview
     Choosing a Printer
            Setting Your Default Printer
            Exploring Printer-Specific Properties
     Printing to an Adobe PDF File
     Faxing with Word
     Changing Print Settings
            Printing Part of Your Document
            Printing and Collating Multiple Copies
            Printing on Both Sides of the Page
     Printing Envelopes
     Printing Labels
     Setting Print Options

Part Two: Creating Longer and More Complex Documents

Chapter 8. Planning with Outlines
     Switching to Outline View
     Promoting and Demoting Headings
            Controlling Subheads During Promotion or Demotion
     Moving Outline Items
     Showing Parts of Your Outline
            Expanding and Collapsing Levels
            Showing and Hiding Text
            Showing Only the First Line
            Showing Text Formatting

Chapter 9. Working with Long Documents
     Navigating a Large Document
     Understanding Sections
            Inserting Section Breaks
     Creating a Table of Contents
            Updating Your Table of Contents
            Manually Adding a Table of Contents Entry
            Formatting Your Table of Contents
            Deleting a Table of Contents
     Creating an Index
            Marking an Index Entry
            Building an Index
            Using AutoMark with a Concordance File
            Updating an Index
            Deleting an Index
            Deleting an Index Entry
     Navigating with Hyperlinks
            Inserting Bookmarks
     Cross-Referencing Your Document
     Cross-Referencing Figures
            Making a Table of Figures
     Creating Footnotes and Endnotes
            Inserting Footnotes and Endnotes
            Formatting Footnotes and Endnotes
     Inserting Citations and Creating a Bibliography
            Adding a Citation
            Adding a Bibliography
     Working with a Master Document
            Creating a Master Document
            Working with Subdocuments
            Formatting Your Master Document
            Printing Your Master Document

Chapter 10. Organizing Your Information with Tables
     Creating Tables
            Creating a Table from the Ribbon
            Using the Insert Table Box
            Drawing a Table
            Choosing Quick Tables
     Moving Around a Table
     Selecting Parts of a Table
     Merging and Splitting Cells
     Adjusting Column Width and Row Height
            Inserting Columns and Rows
            Deleting Cells, Columns, Rows, and Tables
     Formatting Tables
            Using Table Styles
            Aligning Text, Numbers, and Data
            Applying Shading and Borders
     Doing Math in Tables

Chapter 11. Adding Graphics, Video, and Sound to Your Documents
     Drop Caps, Text Boxes, and WordArt
            Adding a Drop Cap to a Paragraph
            Inserting a Text Box
            Bending Words with WordArt
     Working with Pictures and Clip Art
            Inserting Pictures into Your Document
            Finding and Using Clip Art
     Working with SmartArt
            Choosing a SmartArt Graphic
            Inserting SmartArt into Your Document
            Modifying SmartArt
     Working with Shapes
     Inserting Charts and Graphs
     Inserting Sound, Video, and Other Objects
     Adding Captions and Figure Numbers to Graphics

Chapter 12. Mass Mailing with Mail Merge
     Understanding Mail Merge Basics
            Common Types of Merge Documents
            Mail Merge Recipient Lists
            The Six Phases of a Mail Merge
     Running the Mail Merge Wizard
            Select Document Type
            Select Your Recipients
            Write Your Letter
            Preview Your Letter
            Complete the Merge
     Merging to E-Mail
     Editing Your Recipient List
            Editing Your Recipient Lists
     Sorting Your Recipient List
            Filtering Your Recipient List
            Find Duplicates
            Find Recipient
     Applying Merge Rules

Part Three: Sharing Documents and Collaborating with Other People

Chapter 13. Creating Web Pages and Blogs
     Saving Word Documents As Web Pages
     Creating a Web Page from Scratch
            Creating the Web Page Document
            Create a Table for Your Page's Layout
            Add a Navigation Bar
            Create a Copyright Line
            Save Your Page as a Template
            Add Text and Images to Your Web Page
     Web Page Design Tips
     Blogging from Word
            Managing Blog Accounts
            Posting to Your Blog
     Setting Web Options

Chapter 14. Creating Forms with Word
     Creating a Paper Form
            Using a Table to Design Your Form
     Creating a Computer Form
            Understanding Content Controls
            Displaying the Developer Tab
            Adding Content Controls to Your Form
            Protecting Your Computer-based Form
     Setting Properties for Content Controls
     Testing Your Form
            Testing Your Printed Form
            Testing Your Computer-Based Form

Chapter 15. Word's XML Connection
     What's XML and Why Should I Care?
            How XML Works
            The Advantages of XML
     XML and Word's New File Format
            Reading XML Tags
            The Files That Make XML Work
     Tagging Information with Content Controls
     Attaching an XML Schema to Your Document

Chapter 16. Collaborating with Other People
     Adding Comments
            Adding Voice Comments
            Deleting Comments
            Highlighting Text
     Tracking Changes While Editing
            Tracking and Viewing Changes
            Modifying Your Markup View
            Printing Edits and Markup
     Accepting and Rejecting Changes
     Removing All Comments and Tracked Changes
     Combining and Comparing Documents
            Comparing Two Documents
     Protecting Your Document from Changes
            Applying Formatting Restrictions
            Allowing Changes in Parts of a Document

Part Four: Customizing Word with Macros and Other Tools

Chapter 17. Customizing Your Workspace
     Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar
            Adding Commands to the Quick Access Toolbar
     Creating Keyboard Shortcuts
     Personalizing Word Options
     Changing Word's Display
            The Popular Display Settings
            Changing Display Settings
            Advanced Display Options
     Customizing the Save Documents Settings
            Save Document Options
            Offline Editing Options
            Embedded Font Options
     Changing Editing Options
            Editing Options
            Cut, Copy, and Paste Options

Chapter 18. Changing Your Security Settings
     Using Digital Signatures
            Creating Your Own Digital Signature
            Signing a Document with Your Digital Signature
            Adding a Microsoft Office Signature Line
            Removing a Digital Signature
            Getting a Third-Party Digital Signature
            Checking a Digital Signature
     Customizing Trust Center Settings
            Protecting Yourself from Malicious Macros
            Choosing Trusted Publishers
            Creating a Trusted Location
            Setting Add-in Behaviors
            Setting ActiveX Control Behaviors
            Setting Macro Behaviors
     Showing Warnings
     Removing Personal Information

Chapter 19. Introducing Macros and Visual Basic
     Showing the Developer Tab
     Recording Macros
            Testing Your Macro
     Running Macros
            Adding a Macro to the Quick Access Toolbar
            Running a Macro from the Macros Box
     Reading Visual Basic Code
            Getting Help for Visual Basic
            Making Simple Changes to Visual Basic Code
     Using Digital Signatures
            Applying Your Digital Certificate to a Macro

Chapter 20. Creating Your Own Themes and Templates
     Designing Your Own Themes
            Defining Theme Colors
            Defining Theme Fonts
            Defining Theme Effects
            Modifying and Saving Themes
     Designing Document Templates
            Saving a Word Document as a Template
            Setting Up the Template Document
            Adding Boilerplate Text
            Adding Content Controls
            Adding a Header
            Adding an AutoText Entry
            Finishing and Saving Your Template
            Test Driving the Memo Template
     Using Global Templates
            Creating a Global Template
            Loading a Global Template

Part Five: Appendix

Appendix. Word Help and Beyond




Microsoft Word在過去十年中在功能、複雜度和能力方面有了很大的發展,但自從90年代初以來,它的用戶界面並未改變。從2.0版本的簡單工具欄開始,到現在已經添加了很多功能,很少有用戶知道如何找到它們。因此,越來越多的人正在尋找“內幕”提示,以便使用這些高級且常常隱藏的功能。Microsoft在Word 2007中通過徹底重新設計用戶界面,使用了一個帶有標籤的工具欄,使每個功能都易於找到和使用。不幸的是,Microsoft的文檔仍然很少,因此即使您能找到高級功能,您可能不知道如何使用它們。

《Word 2007:缺失的手冊》是專為這個軟件版本撰寫的,該書解釋了如何創建文檔、輸入和編輯文本、格式化、打印和傳真等基本操作。您還將學習如何創建複雜的頁面佈局、插入表單和表格、使用圖形以及創建包含大綱和主文檔的長篇文檔。內容還包括如何與其他人和程序共享文檔、創建網頁、使用字段自動化文檔,以及使用宏和Visual Basic腳本語言自動化任務。這本書向您展示如何完成所有這些操作。


- 啟動Word
- 創建新文檔
- 創建新空白文檔
- 從現有文檔創建新文檔
- 從模板創建新文檔
- 打開現有文檔
- 不同的文檔視圖
- 文檔視圖:五種查看手稿的方式
- 顯示和隱藏窗口工具
- 放大和縮小視圖
- 窗口組:分割窗口
- 保存和關閉文檔
- 保存文檔的多種方式
- 在Word中輸入
- 點擊並輸入以進行快速格式化
- 選擇文本
- 使用鼠標進行選擇
- 使用鍵盤進行選擇
- 擴展選擇
- 在不同位置選擇多個文本塊
- 在文檔中移動
- 使用鍵盤在文檔中移動
- 使用滾動條
- 通過標題和其他對象瀏覽