Seeing Through Statistics, 3/e (Paperback)

Jessica M. Utts



This third edition of Jessica Utts' popular book develops statistical literacy and critical thinking through real-world applications, with an emphasis on ideas, not calculations. This text focuses on the key concepts that educated citizens need to know about statistics. These ideas are introduced in interesting applied and real contexts, without using an abundance of technicalities and calculations that only serve to confuse students.


這本由 Jessica Utts 所著的第三版暢銷書透過真實世界的應用來培養統計素養和批判性思維,強調的是概念而非計算。這本書專注於受過教育的公民需要了解的統計關鍵概念。這些概念在有趣的應用和真實情境中介紹,並不使用過多的技術細節和計算,以免讓學生感到困惑。