First Person: New Media as Story, Performance, and Game
暫譯: 第一人稱:新媒體作為故事、表演與遊戲

Noah Wardrip-Fruin, Pat Harrigan

  • 出版商: MIT
  • 出版日期: 2006-03-03
  • 售價: $1,400
  • 貴賓價: 9.8$1,372
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 352
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 0262731754
  • ISBN-13: 9780262731751
  • 相關分類: 遊戲設計 Game-design
  • 立即出貨 (庫存 < 3)




Electronic games have established a huge international market, significantly outselling non-digital games; people spend more money on The Sims than on "Monopoly" or even on "Magic: the Gathering." Yet it is widely believed that the market for electronic literature -- predicted by some to be the future of the written word -- languishes. Even bestselling author Stephen King achieved disappointing results with his online publication of "Riding the Bullet" and "The Plant."

Isn't it possible, though, that many hugely successful computer games -- those that depend on or at least utilize storytelling conventions of narrative, character, and theme -- can be seen as examples of electronic literature? And isn't it likely that the truly significant new forms of electronic literature will prove to be (like games) so deeply interactive and procedural that it would be impossible to present them as paper-like "e-books"? The editors of First Person have gathered a remarkably diverse group of new media theorists and practitioners to consider the relationship between "story" and "game," as well as the new kinds of artistic creation (literary, performative, playful) that have become possible in the digital environment.

This landmark collection is organized as a series of discussions among creators and theorists; each section includes three presentations, with each presentation followed by two responses. Topics considered range from "Cyberdrama" to "Ludology" (the study of games), to "The Pixel/The Line" to "Beyond Chat." The conversational structure inspired contributors to revise, update, and expand their presentations as they prepared them for the book, and the panel discussions have overflowed into a First Person web site (created in conjunction with the online journal Electronic Book Review).

Noah Wardrip-Fruin is Assistant Professor of Communication at the University of California, San Diego.

Pat Harrigan is a writer and author of the novel Lost Clusters


Table of Contents

Dedication and Acknowledgments x
 Introduction xi
 Contributors xiii
I. Cyberdrama 1
II. Ludology 35
III. Critical Simulation 71
IV. Game Theories 117
V. Hypertexts & Interactives 165
VI. The Pixel/The Line 207
VII. Beyond Chat 237
VIII. New Readings 289
 Permissions 319
 Index 321



電子遊戲已經建立了一個龐大的國際市場,銷售量顯著超過非數位遊戲;人們在《模擬市民》(The Sims)上的花費超過了在《大富翁》(Monopoly)或甚至《魔法風雲會》(Magic: the Gathering)上的花費。然而,廣泛認為電子文學的市場——一些人預測它將是書面文字的未來——卻處於低迷狀態。即使是暢銷作家史蒂芬·金(Stephen King)在其線上出版的《騎著子彈》(Riding the Bullet)和《植物》(The Plant)中也取得了令人失望的結果。

然而,許多極為成功的電腦遊戲——那些依賴或至少利用敘事、角色和主題的故事講述慣例的遊戲——是否可以被視為電子文學的例子?而真正重要的新型電子文學形式是否會證明(像遊戲一樣)是如此深度互動和程序化,以至於無法將其呈現為類似紙本的「電子書」?《第一人稱》(First Person)的編輯們聚集了一群相當多樣的新媒體理論家和實踐者,來考慮「故事」與「遊戲」之間的關係,以及在數位環境中變得可能的新型藝術創作(文學、表演、遊戲)。

這本具有里程碑意義的合集以創作者和理論家之間的討論系列組織;每個部分包括三個報告,每個報告後面跟隨兩個回應。考慮的主題範圍從「網路劇」(Cyberdrama)到「遊戲學」(Ludology,遊戲的研究),再到「像素/線條」(The Pixel/The Line)和「超越聊天」(Beyond Chat)。這種對話結構激勵貢獻者在為書籍準備報告時進行修訂、更新和擴展,並且小組討論已經延伸到《第一人稱》網站(與線上期刊《電子書評》(Electronic Book Review)共同創建)。

諾亞·沃德里普-弗魯因(Noah Wardrip-Fruin)是加州大學聖地牙哥分校的傳播學助理教授。

帕特·哈里根(Pat Harrigan)是作家及小說《失落的星團》(Lost Clusters)的作者。


致謝與感謝 x

引言 xi

貢獻者 xiii

I. 網路劇 1

II. 遊戲學 35

III. 批判性模擬 71

IV. 遊戲理論 117

V. 超文本與互動 165

VI. 像素/線條 207

VII. 超越聊天 237

VIII. 新閱讀 289

許可 319

索引 321