Second Person: Role-Playing and Story in Games and Playable Media
暫譯: 第二人稱:角色扮演與遊戲及可玩媒體中的故事


  • 出版商: MIT
  • 出版日期: 2010-03-31
  • 售價: $1,730
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$1,644
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 432
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 0262514184
  • ISBN-13: 9780262514187
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)


Shortlisted for the 2008 Diana Jones Award. and Finalist, 2007 Front Line Awards, given by Game Developer Magazine.

Games and other playable forms, from interactive fictions to improvisational theater, involve role playing and story—something played and something told. In Second Person, game designers, authors, artists, and scholars examine the different ways in which these two elements work together in tabletop role-playing games (RPGs), computer games, board games, card games, electronic literature, political simulations, locative media, massively multiplayer games, and other forms that invite and structure play.

Second Person—so called because in these games and playable media it is "you" who plays the roles, "you" for whom the story is being told—first considers tabletop games ranging from Dungeons & Dragons and other RPGs with an explicit social component to Kim Newman's Choose Your Own Adventure-style novel Life's Lottery and its more traditional author-reader interaction. Contributors then examine computer-based playable structures that are designed for solo interaction—for the singular "you"—including the mainstream hit Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time and the genre-defining independent production Façade. Finally, contributors look at the intersection of the social spaces of play and the real world, considering, among other topics, the virtual communities of such Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPGs) as World of Warcraft and the political uses of digital gaming and role-playing techniques (as in The Howard Dean for Iowa Game, the first U.S. presidential campaign game).

In engaging essays that range in tone from the informal to the technical, these writers offer a variety of approaches for the examination of an emerging field that includes works as diverse as George R.R. Martin's Wild Cards series and the classic Infocom game Planetfall.

Second Person features three complete tabletop role-playing games that demonstrate some of the variations possible in the form: in John Tynes's Puppetland, players take on the roles of puppets in a land ruled by the villainous Punch; Greg Costikyan's Bestial Acts imports the techniques of Bertolt Brecht's theater of alienation into a dark role-playing structure; and in James Wallis's The Extraordinary Adventures of Baron Munchausen, the gameplay revolves around spinning elaborate tales in the style of the famous raconteur.

Contributors: Ian Bogost, Rebecca Borgstrom, Greg Costikyan, Chris Crawford, Paul Czege, Jeremy Douglass, Bruno Faidutti, Nick Fortugno, Gonzalo Frasca, Fox Harrell, Pat Harrigan, Keith Herber, Will Hindmarch, Kenneth Hite, Adriene Jenik, Mark Keavney, Eric Lang, Lev Manovich, Mark Marino, George R. R. Martin, Michael Mateas, Jane McGonigal, Jordan Mechner, Talan Memmott, Steve Meretzky, Erik Mona, Nick Montfort, Torill Mortensen, Stuart Moulthrop, Kim Newman, Robert Nideffer, Celia Pearce, Teri Rueb, Marie-Laure Ryan, Joseph Scrimshaw, Lee Sheldon, Emily Short, Andrew Stern, Helen Thorington, Sean Thorne, Jonathan Tweet, John Tynes, Tim Uren, James Wallis, Jill Walker, Kevin Whelan, Kevin Wilson, Adrianne Wortzel, Eric Zimmerman, Robert Zubek




第二人稱——之所以這樣稱呼,是因為在這些遊戲和可玩媒體中,是「你」在扮演角色,是「你」在聽故事——首先考慮的桌上遊戲範圍從Dungeons & Dragons及其他具有明確社交成分的RPG,到金·紐曼的選擇你自己的冒險風格小說生命的彩券及其更傳統的作者-讀者互動。貢獻者接著探討為單人互動而設計的基於電腦的可玩結構——針對單一的「你」——包括主流熱門遊戲波斯王子:時之沙和定義該類型的獨立製作Facade。最後,貢獻者們考察遊玩的社交空間與現實世界的交集,考慮包括大型多人線上角色扮演遊戲(MMORPG)如魔獸世界的虛擬社群,以及數位遊戲和角色扮演技術的政治用途(如霍華德·迪恩愛荷華州遊戲,美國第一場總統競選遊戲)。



貢獻者: 伊恩·博戈斯特、瑞貝卡·博格斯特羅姆、格雷格·科斯提基安、克里斯·克勞福德、保羅·切格、傑瑞米·道格拉斯、布魯諾·法伊杜提、尼克·福圖尼奧、龐薩洛·弗拉斯卡、福克斯·哈雷爾、帕特·哈里根、基思·赫伯、威爾·亨德馬奇、肯尼斯·海特、阿德里安·珍尼克、馬克·基夫尼、埃里克·朗、列夫·馬諾維奇、馬克·馬里諾、喬治·R·R·馬丁、邁克爾·馬提亞斯、簡·麥戈尼戈、喬丹·梅克納、塔蘭·梅莫特、史蒂夫·梅雷茲基、埃里克·莫納、尼克·蒙特福特、托里爾·莫滕森、斯圖爾特·莫爾斯羅普、金·紐曼、羅伯特·尼德費、塞莉亞·皮爾斯、特里·魯布、瑪麗-洛爾·瑞安、約瑟夫·斯克里姆肖、李·謝爾登、艾米莉·肖特、安德魯·斯特恩、海倫·索林頓、肖恩·索恩、喬納森·推特、約翰·泰恩斯、蒂姆·尤倫、詹姆斯·沃利斯、吉爾·沃克、凱文·惠蘭、凱文·威爾遜、阿德里安·沃茲爾、埃里克·齊默曼、羅伯特·祖貝克


Pat Harrigan is a freelance writer and editor, most recently of Zones of Control: Perspectives on Wargaming, coedited with Matthew Kirschenbaum (MIT Press). His work has been published widely and he is the author of a novel, Lost Clusters, and a collection of short stories, Thin Times and Thin Places.

Noah Wardrip-Fruin is Professor of Computational Media at the University of California, Santa Cruz, where he codirects the Expressive Intelligent Studio. He is the author of Expressive Processing: Digital Fictions, Computer Games, and Software Studies (MIT Press).


帕特·哈里根(Pat Harrigan)是一位自由作家和編輯,最近編輯的作品是與馬修·基爾申鮑姆(Matthew Kirschenbaum)共同編輯的《控制區域:戰爭遊戲的觀點》(Zones of Control: Perspectives on Wargaming,麻省理工學院出版社)。他的作品廣泛發表,並且是小說《失落的星團》(Lost Clusters)和短篇故事集《薄弱的時光與薄弱的地方》(Thin Times and Thin Places)的作者。

諾亞·沃德里普-弗魯因(Noah Wardrip-Fruin)是加州大學聖克魯斯分校的計算媒體教授,並共同指導表現智能工作室(Expressive Intelligent Studio)。他是《表現處理:數位虛構、電腦遊戲與軟體研究》(Expressive Processing: Digital Fictions, Computer Games, and Software Studies,麻省理工學院出版社)的作者。