Designing a Data Warehouse: Supporting Customer Relationship Management (設計數據倉庫:支援客戶關係管理)

Chris Todman





The complete guide to building tomorrow's CRM-focused data warehouses.

  • A complete methodology for building CRM-focused data warehouses
  • Planning, ROI, conceptual and logical models, physical implementation, project management, and beyond
  • For database developers, architects, consultants, project managers, and decision-makers

Today's next-generation data warehouses are being built with a clear goal: to maximize the power of Customer Relationship Management. To make CRM-focused data warehousing work, you need new techniques, and new methodologies. In this book, Dr. Chris Todman—one of the world's leading data warehouse consultants—delivers the first start-to-finish methodology for defining, designing, and implementing CRM-focused data warehouses. Todman covers all this, and more:

  • Critical design challenges unique to CRM-focused data warehousing
  • A new look at data warehouse conceptual models, logical models, and physical implementation
  • The crucial implications of time in data warehouse modeling and querying
  • Project management: deliverables, assumptions, risks, and team-building—including a full breakdown of work
  • Estimating the ROI of CRM-focused data warehouses up front
  • Choosing software for loading, extraction, transformation, querying, data mining, campaign management, personalization, and metadata
  • DW futures: temporal databases, OLAP SQL extensions, active decision support, integrating external and unstructured data, search agents, and more

If you want to leverage the full power of your CRM system, you need a data warehouse designed for the purpose. One book shows you exactly how to build one: Designing Data Warehouses by Dr. Chris Todman.




如今的下一代數據倉庫的建立目標明確:最大限度地發揮客戶關係管理的威力。要使CRM專注的數據倉庫運作,您需要新的技術和新的方法論。在這本書中,世界領先的數據倉庫顧問之一Chris Todman博士提供了第一套從頭到尾的方法論,用於定義、設計和實施CRM專注的數據倉庫。Todman涵蓋了以下內容:

- CRM專注的數據倉庫所獨有的關鍵設計挑戰
- 數據倉庫概念模型、邏輯模型和物理實施的新觀點
- 數據倉庫建模和查詢中時間的重要影響
- 項目管理:交付成果、假設、風險和團隊建設,包括工作的全面分解
- 預估CRM專注的數據倉庫的投資回報率
- 選擇載入、提取、轉換、查詢、數據挖掘、活動管理、個性化和元數據的軟件
- 數據倉庫的未來:時間數據庫、OLAP SQL擴展、主動決策支持、整合外部和非結構化數據、搜索代理等等

如果您想充分利用CRM系統的威力,您需要一個專為此目的設計的數據倉庫。一本書向您展示了如何構建這樣一個數據倉庫:Chris Todman博士的《設計數據倉庫》。