Six Sigma Software Quality Improvement (Hardcover)

Vic Nanda, Jeffrey Robinson




Complete with 23 case studies, this in-depth guide provides a roadmap for using Six Sigma to improve the quality of software/IT companies. Six Sigma Software Quality Improvement demonstrates how Six Sigma is applicable to the IT industry, with compelling success stories from today's leading IT companies, including Motorola, IBM, Xerox, Infosys, EMC, TCS, Convergys, Seagate, Cisco, and Thomson Reuters. The book offers a true roadmap for software quality improvement from those who have been in the trenches and have won the battles handily.
This practical guide illustrates how successful IT companies employ Six Sigma to improve their processes using DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control) and DMADV (Define, Measure, Analyze, Design, Verify) and identify and eliminate waste from their processes using Lean Six Sigma. The book also reveals how companies develop new, robust products using Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) concepts.
Six Sigma Software Quality Improvement
  • Provides detailed insight into problems and opportunities that were addressed with the aid of Six Sigma in some of the largest, most successful IT companies
  • Features 23 detailed success stories identifying the problem/opportunity, the specific Six Sigma statistical tools used, and the resulting return that was realized, so you can replicate the scenarios in your own work situations
  • Written and contributed by leaders in the quality and software development fields
  • Provides a global perspective with international companies and global authors
Comprehensive coverage:
Executive Overview of Six Sigma; DMAIC Methodology Primer; Define - Measure - Analyze - Improve - Control (DMAIC) Case Studies (cycle time reduction, software defects reduction, help desk improvement, productivity improvement, test efficiency improvement, and more); DMAIC Conclusions & Lessons Learned; DFSS/DMADV Methodology Primer; Design for Six Sigma/Define - Measure - Analyze -Design - Verify (DFSS/DMADV) Case Studies (process redesign, new product design, test effectiveness improvement, system availability improvement, and more); DFSS/DMADV Conclusions & Lessons Learned; Lean Six Sigma Primer; Lean Six Sigma & Kaizen Case Studies (documentation reduction, defect reduction, and more); Lean Six Sigma Conclusions & Lessons Learned; Detailed description of Six Sigma programs from leading companies

NOTE: In case of questions on this book or to contact any of the authors, please join the "Six Sigma Software Quality Improvement book Users Group" on LinkedIn.


這本深入指南提供了23個案例研究,為使用Six Sigma改善軟體/IT公司的品質提供了一個路線圖。《Six Sigma軟體品質改善》展示了Six Sigma如何適用於IT行業,並提供了當今領先的IT公司(包括Motorola、IBM、Xerox、Infosys、EMC、TCS、Convergys、Seagate、Cisco和Thomson Reuters)的成功案例。這本書從那些曾經身臨其境並成功贏得戰鬥的人那裡提供了軟體品質改善的真實路線圖。

這本實用指南說明了成功的IT公司如何使用DMAIC(定義、測量、分析、改進、控制)和DMADV(定義、測量、分析、設計、驗證)來改善其流程,並使用精益Six Sigma識別和消除流程中的浪費。該書還揭示了公司如何使用Design for Six Sigma(DFSS)概念開發新的、堅固的產品。

《Six Sigma軟體品質改善》提供了詳細的洞察力,介紹了在一些最大、最成功的IT公司中使用Six Sigma解決的問題和機會。書中包含了23個詳細的成功案例,說明了問題/機會、使用的具體Six Sigma統計工具以及實現的回報,讓您可以在自己的工作環境中複製這些情景。該書由質量和軟體開發領域的領導者撰寫和貢獻,提供了全球視角,包括國際公司和全球作者。

- Six Sigma執行概述
- DMAIC方法論入門
- 定義-測量-分析-改進-控制(DMAIC)案例研究(週期時間縮短、軟體缺陷減少、幫助台改進、生產力提升、測試效率提升等)
- DMAIC結論與經驗教訓
- Design for Six Sigma/定義-測量-分析-設計-驗證(DFSS/DMADV)案例研究(流程重新設計、新產品設計、測試效果提升、系統可用性提升等)
- DFSS/DMADV結論與經驗教訓
- 精益Six Sigma入門
- 精益Six Sigma和改善案例研究(文件減少、缺陷減少等)
- 精益Six Sigma結論與經驗教訓
- 領先公司的Six Sigma計劃詳細描述

注意:如有關於本書的問題或與任何作者聯繫的需求,請加入LinkedIn上的「Six Sigma軟體品質改善書使用者群組」。