This book examines the progress in the biotechnology sector in India towards knowledge and innovation driven Bioeconomy. The chapters of the book review different genome editing techniques and the GM crops focusing on the emerging potential in agricultural biotechnology. Chapters on Vaccines and AI in healthcare unfold huge opportunities in medical biotechnology. The book covers the advances in biotechnology towards delivering important benefits of healthcare, particularly through the pharmaceutical industry focusing on new healthcare interventions and delivering innovations. Further, it explores the major opportunities in industrial biotechnology related to bio-pharma, biorefinery, fermentation biotechnology, and growing synergies between industry-academia. Toward the end, the book also reviews the genetic regulation and the critical role of HRD. In summary, the book emphasizes on India as a strong bio-manufacturing hub for innovative, affordable and accessible products for the society and also for global markets while describing the sector wise strategies required.
Dr. George John is a former Senior Advisor, Dept. of Biotechnology, Govt of India and former Vice Chancellor, Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi. He has over 35 years of experience in various national and international organizations as a scientist, research manager, policy maker and institution builder. He has a Masters and a Ph.D from the University of Madras. He was a scientist in the Agricultural Research Service from 1978 to 1992, and later on in the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India from 1992 to 2013. He was the Vice Chancellor of Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi from Sept 2014 to Sept 2016. He contributed to the areas of animal biotechnology, aquaculture, marine biotechnology, and public private partnership. He was a senior scientist at WorldFish (CGIAR), Cairo from 2001 to 2006. He was involved in various national and international committees and also in creation of a new institute of animal biotechnology. Dr. John implemented the Small Business Innovation Research Initiative (SBIRI) for promoting public-private partnership and bio-entrepreneurship. He has published about 50 papers in peer reviewed national and international journals and book chapters.
Dr. Amulya K. Panda worked at National Institute of Immunology, New Delhi from 1990 to 2021 and retired as its Director in May 2021. He is past president, Association of Microbiologists of India 2017, Member, Scientific Board of Pharmacopeia Commission of India (2021-2024) and Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (Cambridge) since 2020. He has a B. Tech degree from HBTI, Kanpur, Master's from IIT Madras and Ph D from IIT Delhi. He was a visiting scientist at the Dept. of Chemical Engineering, University of California at Berkeley, USA (1994). His area of expertise is in bioprocess engineering that includes fermentation, protein refolding, and formulation of biologicals using nanoparticles. Dr. Panda reported the highest amount of recombinant protein expression among the earliest Indian studies (1999). Novel protein refolding methods developed by him have been accepted worldwide for high throughput recovery of bioactive protein from inclusion bodies of E. coli (2005). He was awarded Young Asian Biotechnologist Prize from the Society for Biotechnology, Japan, for the year 2004. He has published 165 research papers, 12 book chapters and is an inventor of 35 patents. Currently he is Associate Director at Panacea Biotec Limited, New Delhi.
喬治·約翰博士(Dr. George John)曾任印度政府生物技術部的高級顧問及比爾薩農業大學(Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi)的前校長。他在各種國內外組織中擁有超過35年的科學家、研究經理、政策制定者和機構建設者的經驗。他擁有馬德拉斯大學的碩士和博士學位。從1978年到1992年,他是農業研究服務的科學家,之後於1992年至2013年在印度政府生物技術部工作。他於2014年9月至2016年9月擔任比爾薩農業大學的校長。他在動物生物技術、水產養殖、海洋生物技術和公私合營等領域做出了貢獻。他於2001年至2006年在世界魚類研究所(WorldFish, CGIAR)開羅擔任高級科學家。他參與了各種國內外委員會的工作,並參與創建了一個新的動物生物技術研究所。約翰博士實施了小型企業創新研究計劃(Small Business Innovation Research Initiative, SBIRI),以促進公私合營和生物創業。他在同行評審的國內外期刊和書籍章節上發表了約50篇論文。
阿穆利亞·K·潘達博士(Dr. Amulya K. Panda)於1990年至2021年在新德里的國家免疫學研究所工作,並於2021年5月退休,擔任該所所長。他曾於2017年擔任印度微生物學會的前會長,並於2021年至2024年擔任印度藥典委員會的科學委員會成員,自2020年起成為劍橋皇家化學學會的院士。他擁有坎普爾HBTI的工程學士學位、馬德拉斯IIT的碩士學位和德里IIT的博士學位。他曾於1994年擔任美國加州大學伯克利分校化學工程系的訪問科學家。他的專業領域是生物過程工程,包括發酵、蛋白質重折疊和使用納米顆粒的生物製劑配方。潘達博士報告了在最早的印度研究中重組蛋白質表達的最高量(1999年)。他開發的新型蛋白質重折疊方法已在全球範圍內被接受,用於從大腸桿菌的包涵體中高通量回收生物活性蛋白(2005年)。他於2004年獲得日本生物技術學會的青年亞洲生物技術獎。他已發表165篇研究論文、12章書籍章節,並擁有35項專利。目前,他是新德里Panacea Biotec Limited的副總監。