Marketing Strategy: Text and Cases 7/e AE【含Access Code,刮除不受退】
暫譯: 行銷策略:文本與案例 第7版 AE【含Access Code,刮除不受退】
O. C. Ferrell, Michael Hartline
- 出版商: 滄海
- 出版日期: 2019-01-01
- 定價: $1,320
- 售價: 9.8 折 $1,294
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 580
- ISBN: 9814834610
- ISBN-13: 9789814834612
行銷/網路行銷 Marketing
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Given this marketing landscape, Marketing Strategy: Text and Cases, 7th Edition provides a practical, straightforward approach to analyzing, planning, and implementing marketing strategies. Our focus is based on the creative process involved in applying the knowledge and concepts of marketing to the development and implementation of marketing strategy. Our goal is to encourage students of marketing to think and act like a marketer. By discussing the key concepts and tools of marketing strategy, our emphasis on critical thinking, both analytical and creative, allows students to understand the essence of how marketing decisions fit together to create a coherent strategy.
Our approach in Marketing Strategy: Text and Cases, 7th Edition is also grounded in the development and execution of the marketing plan. Throughout the text, we provide a comprehensive planning framework based on conducting sound background research, developing market capabilities and competitive advantages, designing integrated marketing programs, and managing customer relationships for the long term. We also emphasize the need for integrity in the strategic planning process as well as the design of marketing programs that are both ethical and socially responsible. We also stress the integration and coordination of marketing decisions with other functional business decisions as the key to achieving an organization's overall mission and vision. Throughout the text, we offer examples of successful planning and implementation to illustrate how firms face the challenges of marketing strategy in today's economy.
O. C. Ferrell is the James T. Pursell Sr. Eminent Scholar Chair in Ethics and director of the Center for Ethical Organizational Cultures in the Raymond J. Harbert College of Business at Auburn University. He served as the Distinguished Professor of Leadership and Ethics at Belmont University and University Distinguished Professor of Marketing in the Anderson School of Management at University of New Mexico. He also taught at University of Wyoming, Colorado State University, University of Memphis, Texas A&M University, Illinois State University and Southern Illinois University. Dr. Ferrell received his Ph.D. in marketing from Louisiana State University. He is a past president of the Academic Council of the American Marketing Association and previously chaired the American Marketing Association Ethics Committee that developed the AMA Code of Ethics and the AMA Code of Ethics for Marketing on the Internet. In addition, Dr. Ferrell is past president of the Academy of Marketing Science, where he also served as vice president of publications. He is a member of the Academy of Marketing Science Board of Governors and is a Society of Marketing Advances and Southwestern Marketing Association Fellow and an Academy of Marketing Science Distinguished Fellow. Dr. Ferrell has received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Macromarketing Society, an Southeast Doctoral Consortium award for service to doctoral students as well as the Harold Berkman Lifetime Service Award and the Cutco Vector Distinguished Marketing Educator Award -- both from the Academy of Marketing Science. Dr. Ferrell has co-authored 20 books and more than 100 articles and papers in journals such as Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Business Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science and Journal of Public Policy & Marketing.
Michael D. Hartline is dean and Charles A. Bruning Professor of Business Administration in the College of Business at Florida State University. Prior to becoming dean in 2015, Dr. Hartline served the FSU College of Business as associate dean from 2011 to 2015 and functioned as chair of the Department of Marketing from 2006 to 2011. Dr. Hartline earn his Ph.D. from the University of Memphis. He has authored or co-authored numerous books and articles, including several publications in top-tier journals. He has served on the editorial review boards of several academic journals, made numerous presentations to industry and academic audiences and has co-chaired two international conferences for the American Marketing Association. He is also the former vice president of development for the Academy of Marketing Science. Dr. Hartline has won numerous teaching and research awards, has taught M.B.A. courses in marketing strategy and corporate reputation management and has taught undergraduate courses in services marketing and retailing. In addition, he has served as a consultant to several for-profit and nonprofit organizations in the areas of marketing plan development, market feasibility analysis, customer satisfaction measurement, customer service training and pricing policy. His research interests include customer-contact issues in service delivery, service quality and productivity, new service development and non-ownership consumption.
**O. C. Ferrell** 是奧本大學雷蒙德·J·哈伯特商學院的詹姆斯·T·普塞爾高級學者倫理學椅及倫理組織文化中心的主任。他曾擔任貝爾蒙特大學的領導與倫理學傑出教授,以及新墨西哥大學安德森管理學院的市場營銷大學傑出教授。他還曾在懷俄明大學、科羅拉多州立大學、孟菲斯大學、德克薩斯農工大學、伊利諾伊州立大學和南伊利諾伊大學任教。Ferrell博士在路易斯安那州立大學獲得市場營銷博士學位。他曾擔任美國市場營銷協會學術委員會的前任主席,並曾主持制定AMA倫理準則及AMA網絡市場營銷倫理準則的美國市場營銷協會倫理委員會。此外,Ferrell博士是市場營銷科學學會的前任會長,並曾擔任出版副會長。他是市場營銷科學學會理事會的成員,也是市場營銷進步學會和西南市場營銷協會的研究員,以及市場營銷科學學會的傑出研究員。Ferrell博士曾獲得宏觀市場營銷學會的終身成就獎、東南博士聯盟的博士生服務獎,以及哈羅德·伯克曼終身服務獎和Cutco Vector傑出市場營銷教育者獎——這兩項獎項均來自市場營銷科學學會。Ferrell博士合著了20本書籍和超過100篇文章,發表於《市場營銷研究期刊》、《市場營銷期刊》、《商業倫理期刊》、《商業研究期刊》、《市場營銷科學學會期刊》和《公共政策與市場營銷期刊》等期刊。
**Michael D. Hartline** 是佛羅里達州立大學商學院的院長及查爾斯·A·布魯寧商業管理教授。在2015年成為院長之前,Hartline博士於2011年至2015年擔任佛羅里達州立大學商學院的副院長,並於2006年至2011年擔任市場營銷系主任。Hartline博士在孟菲斯大學獲得博士學位。他著作或合著了多本書籍和文章,包括幾篇發表於頂級期刊的出版物。他曾擔任多個學術期刊的編輯審查委員會成員,並向業界和學術界的觀眾做過多次演講,還共同主持了美國市場營銷協會的兩場國際會議。他也是市場營銷科學學會的前發展副會長。Hartline博士獲得了多項教學和研究獎項,教授過市場營銷策略和企業聲譽管理的MBA課程,並教授過服務市場營銷和零售的本科課程。此外,他還擔任過多個營利和非營利組織的顧問,涉及市場計劃開發、市場可行性分析、顧客滿意度測量、顧客服務培訓和定價政策等領域。他的研究興趣包括服務交付中的顧客接觸問題、服務質量和生產力、新服務開發以及非擁有消費。
1. Marketing in Today’s Economy.
2. Strategic Marketing Planning.
3. Collecting and Analyzing Marketing Information.
4. Developing Competitive Advantage and Strategic Focus.
5. Customers, Segmentation, and Target Marketing.
6. The Marketing Program.
7. Branding and Positioning.
8. Ethics and Social Responsibility in Marketing Strategy.
9. Marketing Implementation and Control.
10. Developing and Maintaining Long-Term Customer Relationships.
1. Marketing in Today’s Economy.
2. Strategic Marketing Planning.
3. Collecting and Analyzing Marketing Information.
4. Developing Competitive Advantage and Strategic Focus.
5. Customers, Segmentation, and Target Marketing.
6. The Marketing Program.
7. Branding and Positioning.
8. Ethics and Social Responsibility in Marketing Strategy.
9. Marketing Implementation and Control.
10. Developing and Maintaining Long-Term Customer Relationships.