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Praise for Service-Oriented Architecture Compass
"A comprehensive roadmap to Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). SOA is, in reality, a business architecture to be used by those enterprises intending to prosper in the 21st century. Decision makers who desire that their business become flexible can jumpstart that process by adopting the best practices and rules of thumb described in SOA Compass."
–Bob Laird, MCI IT Chief Architect
"The book Service-Oriented Architecture Compass shows very clearly by means of real projects how agile business processes can be implemented using Service-Oriented Architectures. The entire development cycle from planning through implementation is presented very close to practice and the critical success factors are presented very convincingly."
–Professor Dr. Thomas Obermeier, Vice Dean of FHDW Bergisch Gladbach, Germany
"This book is a major improvement in the field. It gives a clear view and all the key points on how to really face a SOA deployment in today's organizations."
–Mario Moreno, IT Architect Leader, Generali France
"Service-Oriented Architecture enables organizations to be agile and flexible enough to adopt new business strategies and produce new services to overcome the challenges created by business dynamism today. CIOs have to consider SOA as a foundation of their Enterprise Applications Architecture primarily because it demonstrates that IT aligns to business processes and also because it positions IT as a service enabler and maximizes previous investments on business applications.
To understand and profit from SOA, this book provides CIOs with the necessary concepts and knowledge needed to understand and adapt it into their IT organizations."
–Sabri Hamed Al-Azazi, CIO of Dubai Holding, Sabri
"I am extremely impressed by the depth and scale of this book! The title is perfect–when you know where you want to go, you need a compass to guide you there! After good IT strategy leads you to SOA, this book is the perfect vehicle that will drive you from dream to reality. We in DSK Bank will use it as our SOA bible in the ongoing project."
–Miro Vichev, CIO, DSK Bank, Bulgaria, member of OTP Group
"Service-Oriented Architecture offers a pathway to networking of intra- and inter-corporate business systems. The standards have the potential to create far more flexible and resilient business information systems than have been possible in the past. This book is a must-read for those who care about the future of business IT."
–Elizabeth Hackenson, CIO, MCI
"Service-Oriented Architecture is key to help customers become on demand businesses–a business that can quickly respond to competitive threats and be first to take advantage of marketplace opportunities. SOA Compass is a must-read for those individuals looking to bridge the gap between IT and business in order to help their enterprises become more flexible and responsive."
–Michael Liebow, Vice President, Web Services and Service-Oriented Architecture, IBM Business Consulting Services
"This book is a welcome addition to SOA literature. It articulates the business case and provides practical proven real-world advice, guidance, tips, and techniques for organizations to make the evolution from simple point-to-point web services to true SOA by addressing such topics as planning, organization, analysis and design, security, and systems management."
–Denis O'Sullivan, Fireman's Fund Enterprise Architect
Maximize the business value and flexibility of your SOA deployment
In this book, IBM Enterprise Integration Team experts present a start-to-finish guide to planning, implementing, and managing Service-Oriented Architecture. Drawing on their extensive experience helping enterprise customers migrate to SOA, the authors share hard-earned lessons and best practices for architects, project managers, and software development leaders alike.
Well-written and practical, Service-Oriented Architecture Compass offers the perfect blend of principles and "how-to" guidance for transitioning your infrastructure to SOA. The authors clearly explain what SOA is, the opportunities it offers, and how it differs from earlier approaches. Using detailed examples from IBM consulting engagements, they show how to deploy SOA solutions that tightly integrate with your processes and operations, delivering maximum flexibility and value. With detailed coverage of topics ranging from policy-based management to workflow implementation, no other SOA book offers comparable value to workingIT professionals.
Coverage includes
SOA from both a business and technical standpoint–and how to make the business case
Planning your SOA project: best practices and pitfalls to avoid
SOA analysis and design for superior flexibility and value
Securing and managing your SOA environment
Using SOA to simplify enterprise application integration
Implementing business processes and workflow in SOA environments
Case studies in SOA deployment
After you've deployed: delivering better collaboration, greater scalability, and more sophisticated applications
The IBM Press developerWorks® Series is a unique undertaking in which print books and the Web are mutually supportive. The publications in this series are complemented by resources on the developerWorks Web site on Icons throughout the book alert the reader to these valuable resources.
Table of Contents
Forewords by Vinton Cerf, Daniel Sabbah, and Jason Weisser.
About the Authors.
developerWorks and SOA.
1. Introducing SOA.
2. Explaining the Business Value of SOA.
3. Architecture Elements.
4. SOA Project Planning Aspects.
5. Aspects of Analysis and Design.
6. Enterprise Solution Assets.
7. Determining Non-Functional Requirements.
8. Securing the SOA Environment.
9. Managing the SOA Environment.
10. Case Studies in SOA Deployment.
11. Navigating Forward.
「《服務導向架構指南》是一本全面的服務導向架構(SOA)路線圖。SOA實際上是一種企業架構,用於那些希望在21世紀繁榮的企業。希望使企業變得靈活的決策者可以通過採用《SOA指南》中描述的最佳實踐和經驗法則來啟動這一過程。」- Bob Laird,MCI IT首席架構師
「《服務導向架構指南》通過真實項目清楚地展示了如何使用服務導向架構實現敏捷的業務流程。從計劃到實施的整個開發周期非常貼近實踐,關鍵的成功因素也被有力地呈現出來。」- Thomas Obermeier教授,FHDW Bergisch Gladbach副院長
「這本書在這個領域是一個重大的改進。它清晰地展示了如何真正應對當今組織中的SOA部署的所有關鍵點。」- Mario Moreno,Generali France IT架構師領導者
「服務導向架構使組織能夠靈活應對新的業務策略,並提供新的服務來應對當今業務動態所帶來的挑戰。CIO必須將SOA視為企業應用架構的基礎,主要是因為它展示了IT如何與業務流程相一致,並且將IT定位為服務的實現者,並最大限度地發揮以前對業務應用的投資。為了理解和從SOA中獲益,這本書為CIO提供了理解和適應它到他們的IT組織所需的概念和知識。」- Sabri Hamed Al-Azazi,Dubai Holding CIO
「我對這本書的深度和規模印象深刻!標題很完美-當你知道你想去哪裡時,你需要一個指南針來引導你!在良好的IT戰略引領下,你可以實現SOA,這本書是從夢想到現實的完美工具。我們在DSK Bank將把它作為我們正在進行的項目中的SOA聖經。」- Miro Vichev,DSK Bank CIO,保加利亞OTP集團成員
「服務導向架構為企業內部和企業間業務系統的網絡化提供了一條途徑。這些標準有潛力創建比過去更靈活和有彈性的業務信息系統。這本書是那些關心企業IT未來的人必讀的。」- Elizabeth Hackenson,MCI CIO
「服務導向架構是幫助客戶成為即時企業的關鍵-一個能夠迅速應對競爭威脅並首先利用市場機遇的企業。《SOA指南》是那些希望彌合IT和業務差距以幫助企業變得更靈活和應對能力更強的人必讀的。」- Michael Liebow,IBM商業諮詢服務部門副總裁,Web服務和服務導向架構