Dipankar Deb (M'05--SM'17) is a Senior Member of IEEE and has served a couple of years at IIT Guwahati as an Assistant Professor (AGP 8000) during 2010-2012. He has over 6 years of Industrial experience both in New York (USA) and GE Global Research (Bengaluru) India. From July 2015 to Jan 2019, he has served as an Associate professor, and from Jan 24, 2019, onward he is a Professor in Electrical Engineering at Institute of Infrastructure Technology Research and Management (IITRAM) Ahmedabad. He holds 6 US patents and 1 Indian Patent and has published 44 SCI indexed Journal articles and 40+ International conference papers. He has also authored 11 books with reputed publishers like Springer and Elsevier. He is a Book Series Editor with CRC Press on Control Theory and Applications, and an Associate Editor for IEEE Access. He has also worked extensively in areas such as Adaptive Control, Active flow control, Renewable Energy, Cognitive Robotics and Machine Learning. He is listed in the top 2% of Researchers worldwide for 2020-21 as published by Stanford University.
STEPAN OZANA was born in Bilovec, Czech Republic, 16th May 1977. He studied Electrical Engineering at VSB Technical university of Ostrava where he has got M.Sc. degree in Control and Measurement Engineering (2000) and Ph.D. degree inTechnical Cybernetics (2004). In 2015 he habilitated in Technical Cybernetics and since he works as an Associate Professor at the Department of Cybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science by VSB-Technical University of Ostrava. At present he gives lectures on Cybernetics and Control systems. His main area of interest and expertise is modeling and simulation of dynamic systems, control theory, automation, design, implementation and deployment of control algorithms using softPLC systems.