Once upon a time in China, there lived a legendary magistrate who was known as Justice Bao! Also known as Bao Zheng, Bao Gong or Bao Qingtian, he was a wise and fearless man who disliked injustice and dishonesty, and he would never stand by and do nothing while there was a wrong to right.In these three books, you will read tales of Justice Bao's famous cases. You will also discover the origin story of this well-respected figure who remains a household name in many parts of the world!Taking classic stories from Asia and the West, Pop! Lit for Kids reimagines them into easy-to-read stories that provide the perfect introduction to classic tales. The most well-loved stories from around the world have been adapted into a form that will excite and entertain children everywhere.Series features: The story is complete with three volumes: .
從前在中國,有一位傳奇的知縣,他被稱為包公!他也被稱為包正、包公或包青天,是一位智慧且無畏的人,厭惡不公和不誠實,絕不會在有錯誤需要糾正的時候袖手旁觀。在這三本書中,你將閱讀到包公著名案件的故事。你還將發現這位備受尊敬的人物的起源故事,他在世界許多地方仍然是家喻戶曉的名字!《Pop! Lit for Kids》將亞洲和西方的經典故事重新構想成易讀的故事,為經典故事提供完美的入門介紹。來自世界各地最受喜愛的故事已被改編成一種能夠激發和娛樂孩子們的形式。系列特色:故事完整,共三卷。