Reliability of High Mobility SiGe Channel MOSFETs for Future CMOS Applications (Hardcover)
暫譯: 未來 CMOS 應用中高流動性 SiGe 通道 MOSFET 的可靠性 (精裝版)
Jacopo Franco, Ben Kaczer, Guido Groeseneken
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Due to the ever increasing electric fields in scaled CMOS devices, reliability is becoming a showstopper for further scaled technology nodes. Although several groups have already demonstrated functional Si channel devices with aggressively scaled Equivalent Oxide Thickness (EOT) down to 5Å, a 10 year reliable device operation cannot be guaranteed anymore due to severe Negative Bias Temperature Instability.
This book focuses on the reliability of the novel (Si)Ge channel quantum well pMOSFET technology. This technology is being considered for possible implementation in next CMOS technology nodes, thanks to its benefit in terms of carrier mobility and device threshold voltage tuning. We observe that it also opens a degree of freedom for device reliability optimization. By properly tuning the device gate stack, sufficiently reliable ultra-thin EOT devices with a 10 years lifetime at operating conditions are demonstrated.
The extensive experimental datasets collected on a variety of processed 300mm wafers and presented here show the reliability improvement to be process - and architecture-independent and, as such, readily transferable to advanced device architectures as Tri-Gate (finFET) devices. We propose a physical model to understand the intrinsically superior reliability of the MOS system consisting of a Ge-based channel and a SiO2/HfO2 dielectric stack.
The improved reliability properties here discussed strongly support (Si)Ge technology as a clear frontrunner for future CMOS technology nodes.
由於縮放的CMOS裝置中電場不斷增加,可靠性已成為進一步縮放技術節點的障礙。儘管已有幾個團隊展示了功能性矽(Si)通道裝置,其等效氧化層厚度(Equivalent Oxide Thickness, EOT)已縮小至5Å,但由於嚴重的負偏壓溫度不穩定性(Negative Bias Temperature Instability),無法再保證10年的可靠裝置運作。
在這裡展示的各種處理過的300mm晶圓上收集的廣泛實驗數據集顯示,可靠性改善是與製程和架構無關的,因此可以輕易轉移到先進的裝置架構,如三閘極(Tri-Gate, finFET)裝置。我們提出了一個物理模型,以理解由Ge基通道和SiO2/HfO2介電堆疊組成的MOS系統的內在優越可靠性。