$1,880$1,786 -
$880$695 -
$1,260$1,197 -
$990$891 -
$600$588 -
$2,370$2,252 -
$1,488C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4, 2/e (Hardcover)
$620$490 -
$690$587 -
$620$527 -
$399Advanced Game Programming: A GameDev.net Collection (Paperback)
$580$383 -
$750$593 -
$570$542 -
$560$476 -
$490$387 -
$480$470 -
$580$458 -
$780$663 -
$580$464 -
$900Programming in Lua, 3/e (Paperback)
$1,575ZeroMQ: Messaging for Many Applications (Paperback)
This collection of articles record some of the existing wisdom and practice on how to program well in Lua. In well-written articles that go much beyond the brief informal exchange of tips in the mailing list or the wiki, the authors share their mastery of all aspects of Lua programming, elementary and advanced. The articles cover a wide spectrum of areas and approaches, with authors from both the industry and academia and titles about game programming, programming techniques, embedding and extending, algorithms and data structures, and design techniques.
這篇文章集記錄了一些現有的智慧和實踐,關於如何在 Lua 中進行良好的程式設計。在這些精心撰寫的文章中,作者們分享了他們在 Lua 程式設計各個方面的精湛技藝,無論是基礎還是進階。這些文章涵蓋了廣泛的領域和方法,作者來自業界和學術界,主題包括遊戲程式設計、程式設計技術、嵌入與擴展、演算法與資料結構,以及設計技術。