Contemporary Approaches to Renal Vessels Disorders: Updates and Management Strategies

Covic, Adrian, Burlacu, Alexandru

  • 出版商: Springer
  • 出版日期: 2024-12-12
  • 售價: $5,660
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$5,377
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 155
  • 裝訂: Hardcover - also called cloth, retail trade, or trade
  • ISBN: 3031719298
  • ISBN-13: 9783031719295
  • 尚未上市,無法訂購



In the last five years, there have been published novelties related to the management (e.g., diagnosis, drug treatment, minimally invasive interventional or surgical treatment) of renal vascular diseases or their consequences (e.g., arterial hypertension). In this volume we have added a chapter on the usefulness of knowledge of anatomy and anatomical variants in endovascular therapies or renal transplantation. We also presented an updated approach on paraclinical diagnostic techniques of the various renal vessels pathologies.

This book offers current protocols for treating renal artery or vein thrombosis, using (or not) combinations of the new antithrombotics.

As new data emerged concerning percutaneous interventions for renal artery stenosis, we comprehensively analyze published clinical trials to highlight the role of transcatheter renal artery stenting in contemporary cohorts of patients.

Given the recent news regarding theupdated techniques and the evidence supporting the indications of renal denervation in resistant hypertension, this volume dedicates three chapters to the new devices, indications from 2023, and extra-hypertensive uses of RDN.





鑒於最近有關更新技術的消息以及支持抗藥性高血壓中腎去神經化指徵的證據,本卷 dedicates 三章內容,專門介紹2023年的新設備、指徵以及RDN的額外高血壓用途。


Adrian COVIC

University Professor, University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Grigore T. Popa" Iasi

Vice-Rector "Scientific Research" - UMF "Gr. T. Popa" Iasi

Fellow - Royal College of Physicians, London (2007 - present)

Fellow - Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh

(2018 - present) Fellow - European Society of Cardiology (2016 - present)

Fellow - European Renal Association (2011 - present)

Primary physician Internal Medicine, primary

physician Nephrology Renal Transplant Coordinator, Hospital "Dr. C.I. Parhon" Iasi

Doctor of Medical Sciences

Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences

Corresponding Member of the Academy of Scientists from Romania

Prof. Covic began his clinical and research work as a fellow in Nephrology in Manchester and Amiens. He later conducted clinical research at Case Western University in Cleveland, Ohio. He received a PhD, on: "Cardiovascular abnormalities and determinants of chronic renal failure" in 1997. Since 2007, he is FRCP (London) and became a member of the Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences in 2009 and in 2018 FRCP (Edin.). He is also a fellow of ERA EDTA (FERA) and a fellow of the European Society of Cardiology (FESC).

Prof. Covic is a professor of nephrology and internal medicine at the "Grigore T. Popa" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, director of the Clinical Nephrology and Dialysis and Transplantation center in Iasi, Romania. In the past, he held the position of president of the Romanian Society of Nephrology and secretary-treasurer of ERA-EDTA, published more than 450 original and review papers in peer-reviewed journals, 16 books and 22 chapters, the current Hirsch index it is 48.​

He is Editor-in-Chief (Nephrology) for the International Journal of Urology and Nephrology and editor/reviewer for several prestigious journals. Prof. Covic is vice-rector (research) of the University of Medicine "Gr. T. POPA "Iași, Romania and member of the board of directors of KDIGO, ERBP and ERA-EDTA working groups - EURECAM and EUDIAL, organized several European regional educational courses under the auspices of ERA EDTA and ISN. For one term, he was president of ISN / COMGAN Eastern Europe.​

Alexandru BURLACU

Medical Director, Cardiovascular Diseases Institute - Iasi

Member of the ESC Working Group on Thrombosis & WG of e-Cardiology

Associate Professor at University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Grigore T. Popa" Iasi

Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology (FESC);

- > 18 years in interventional cardiology field;

- Associate Professor at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Gr. T. Popa" Iasi, Romania;

- he teaches Artificial Intelligence in Medicine - introductory Course;

- his researchand publishing field is at the crossroad of cardiology and nephrology (e.g., using complex antithrombotic therapies in ESKD patients, in

various cardiovascular settings: PCI, Afib, ACS, CCSs);

- Degree in Public Health Administration & experience in Government Health Administration


Adrian COVIC
醫學與藥學大學 'Grigore T. Popa' Iasi 大學教授
副校長 '科學研究' - UMF 'Gr. T. Popa' Iasi
英國皇家內科醫師學會會員,倫敦 (2007 - 現在)
英國皇家內科醫師學會會員,愛丁堡 (2018 - 現在)
歐洲心臟病學會會員 (2016 - 現在)
歐洲腎臟協會會員 (2011 - 現在)
內科主治醫師,腎臟科主治醫師,腎臟移植協調員,'Dr. C.I. Parhon' 醫院 Iasi

Prof. Covic 在曼徹斯特和亞眠的腎臟科擔任研究員,開始了他的臨床和研究工作。後來,他在俄亥俄州克里夫蘭的凱斯西儲大學進行臨床研究。他於1997年獲得博士學位,研究主題為「心血管異常與慢性腎衰竭的決定因素」。自2007年以來,他成為英國皇家內科醫師學會會員 (FRCP),並於2009年成為羅馬尼亞醫學科學學院的成員,2018年成為愛丁堡皇家內科醫師學會會員 (FRCP)。他也是歐洲腎臟協會 (ERA EDTA) 的會員及歐洲心臟病學會 (FESC) 的會員。

Prof. Covic 是 'Grigore T. Popa' 醫學與藥學大學的腎臟科和內科教授,並擔任羅馬尼亞 Iasi 的臨床腎臟科、透析和移植中心主任。過去,他曾擔任羅馬尼亞腎臟學會會長及ERA-EDTA的秘書兼財務主管,並在同行評審期刊上發表超過450篇原創和綜述論文,出版16本書籍和22個章節,目前的Hirsch指數為48。

他是《國際泌尿科與腎臟科期刊》的主編(腎臟科),並擔任多本知名期刊的編輯/審稿人。Prof. Covic 是羅馬尼亞 'Gr. T. POPA' 醫學大學的副校長(研究),並且是KDIGO、ERBP和ERA-EDTA工作小組 - EURECAM和EUDIAL的董事會成員,曾在ERA EDTA和ISN的支持下組織多個歐洲地區的教育課程。在一個任期內,他曾擔任ISN / COMGAN東歐的會長。

Alexandru BURLACU
心血管疾病研究所醫療主任 - Iasi
'Grigore T. Popa' 醫學與藥學大學副教授
歐洲心臟病學會會員 (FESC)
- 在介入心臟病學領域擁有超過18年的經驗;
- 擔任羅馬尼亞 'Gr. T. Popa' 醫學與藥學大學副教授;
- 教授醫學中的人工智慧 - 入門課程;
- 他的研究和出版領域位於心臟病學和腎臟科的交叉點(例如,在各種心血管情境下,對末期腎病患者使用複雜的抗血栓療法:PCI、心房顫動、急性冠狀動脈綜合症、慢性冠狀動脈綜合症);
- 擁有公共衛生管理學位及政府衛生管理經驗。