Earthworms and Ecological Processes

Kooch, Yahya, Kuzyakov, Yakov

  • 出版商: Springer
  • 出版日期: 2024-10-22
  • 售價: $6,300
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$5,985
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 565
  • 裝訂: Hardcover - also called cloth, retail trade, or trade
  • ISBN: 303164509X
  • ISBN-13: 9783031645099
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Earthworms are the most important members of the soil detritivore community and function as soil engineers because of their effects on soil properties and their influence on the availability of resources for other organisms, including microorganisms and plants. Soil productivity and plant growth are strongly affected by biological activities of earthworms. They act on soil structures through creation of burrows which facilitate water and gas transport, incorporation of litter into soil, mixing of soil minerals, organic materials and breaking down of soil organic matter, ejection of surface and or subsurface casts. Earthworms have positive effects on the soil fabric and on the decomposition and mineralization of litter by breaking down organic matter and producing large amounts of feaces, thereby mixing litter with the mineral soil. Therefore, they play an important part humus form changes according to the patterns of plant communities succession. Consequently, they are also good bio-indicators for soil and site quality, and are thus useful when planning ecosystem function improvements. Earthworm's populations are indicators in degraded regions and in soil reclamations. Aristole called them "intestines of the earth" and the eminent nineteenth century biologist, Charles Darwin, spent many years observing their major influence on humus formation and soil transport . However, the links between their impacts on the soil environment and the resulting modification of natural selection pressures on engineers as well as on other organisms have received little attention. Based on papers recently published in the Science journal, Phillips et al. (2019) document an impressive group effort by 141 researchers from 35 countries to develop a global-scale atlas of earthworms. In addition, Fierer (2019) described the earthworms' place on earth. So, Darwin's legacy continues. Despite the vast increase in scientific literature on earthworms in recent years, much remains to be known of their basic biology, ecology and functioning. In this book we summarized the current knowledge in relation to ecological processes involved with earthworms in croplands, rangelands, forests and urban soils.


地球蠕蟲是土壤碎屑食物鏈中最重要的成員,並且因其對土壤特性的影響以及對其他生物(包括微生物和植物)資源可用性的影響而被視為土壤工程師。土壤的生產力和植物的生長受到地球蠕蟲生物活動的強烈影響。它們通過創建洞穴來作用於土壤結構,這有助於水和氣體的運輸,將落葉融入土壤,混合土壤礦物、有機物質,並分解土壤有機質,排出表面或地下的糞便。地球蠕蟲對土壤結構有正面影響,並通過分解有機物和產生大量糞便來促進落葉的分解和礦化,從而將落葉與礦物土壤混合。因此,它們在根據植物群落演替模式變化的腐植質形成中扮演著重要角色。因此,它們也是土壤和地點質量的良好生物指標,因此在規劃生態系統功能改善時非常有用。地球蠕蟲的種群在退化地區和土壤復育中是指標。亞里士多德稱它們為「地球的腸子」,而著名的十九世紀生物學家查爾斯·達爾文花了多年觀察它們對腐植質形成和土壤運輸的重大影響。然而,它們對土壤環境的影響與對工程師及其他生物的自然選擇壓力的隨之改變之間的聯繫卻鮮有關注。根據最近發表在《科學》期刊上的論文,Phillips 等人(2019)記錄了來自35個國家的141位研究者共同努力開發全球範圍的地球蠕蟲圖譜。此外,Fierer(2019)描述了地球蠕蟲在地球上的地位。因此,達爾文的遺產仍在延續。儘管近年來有關地球蠕蟲的科學文獻大幅增加,但對它們的基本生物學、生態學和功能仍有許多未知。在本書中,我們總結了與地球蠕蟲在農田、牧場、森林和城市土壤中相關的生態過程的當前知識。


Dr. Yahya Kooch is currently an Associate Professor of soil ecology at Tarbiat Modares University (TMU), Tehran, Iran.
His scientific activities concern soil ecology as well as biogeochemical cycles of carbon and nutients in ecosystems. His main research interests are i) pedodiversity in different land uses/covers, ii) linking soil biota communities with nutrient cycling processes, iii) Influence of soil properties and plant species on N availability, iv) evolution of organic matter in soils and sediments in relation to climate changes (sinks or sources of C?), and v) diversity of humus forms in terrestrial ecosystems.

Prof. Dr. Yakov Kuzyakov is currently a Professor of soil sciences at Georg-August-University of Göttingen, Germany.
His main research interests are in the fields of soil biogeochemistry, C and N turnover in the rhizosphere and other hotspots including drilosphere, and application of isotopes in ecosystem sciences. His expertise is soil ecology, biogeochemistry, rhizosphere ecology, soil degradation, C and N cycles, C sequestration, priming effects, nutrient mobilization, rhizodeposition, pedogenic carbonates, partitioning of CO2 fluxes, land use, low molecular weight organic substances, agroecology. stable and radioactive isotopes 'applications: labeling, natural abundance, isotope dilution, imaging.


Dr. Yahya Kooch目前是伊朗德黑蘭Tarbiat Modares University (TMU)的土壤生態副教授。他的科學活動涉及土壤生態以及生態系統中碳和養分的生物地球化學循環。他的主要研究興趣包括:i) 不同土地使用/覆蓋下的土壤多樣性,ii) 將土壤生物群落與養分循環過程聯繫起來,iii) 土壤特性和植物物種對氮可用性的影響,iv) 有機物在土壤和沉積物中的演變與氣候變化的關係(碳的匯或源?),以及v) 陸地生態系統中腐殖質形式的多樣性。

Prof. Dr. Yakov Kuzyakov目前是德國哥廷根大學的土壤科學教授。他的主要研究興趣集中在土壤生物地球化學、根際及其他熱點(包括蚯蚓土壤)中的碳和氮循環,以及同位素在生態系統科學中的應用。他的專業領域包括土壤生態學、生物地球化學、根際生態學、土壤退化、碳和氮循環、碳封存、啟動效應、養分動員、根際沉積、土壤碳酸鹽、二氧化碳通量的劃分、土地使用、低分子量有機物質、農業生態學、穩定和放射性同位素的應用:標記、自然豐度、同位素稀釋、成像。