Plant-Based Therapeutics, Volume 2: The Brassicaceae Family

Ross, Ivan a.

  • 出版商: Springer
  • 出版日期: 2024-11-03
  • 售價: $6,950
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$6,603
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 810
  • 裝訂: Hardcover - also called cloth, retail trade, or trade
  • ISBN: 3031636805
  • ISBN-13: 9783031636806
  • 尚未上市,無法訂購


For centuries, research has been conducted on the therapeutics of Brassicaceae plants and their health-promoting effects. Cato the Elder (234-149 BCE) documented their properties in his work De agri cultura and recommended using cabbage to compress wounds, swelling, burns, and bone dislocations. For arthritis, he recommended chopped raw cabbage mixed with coriander and cured cabbage mixed with vinegar and honey.

In a groundbreaking discovery in the 1990s, scientists at Johns Hopkins University isolated sulforaphane from broccoli, revealing its potent anticancer properties. This naturally occurring compound has proven highly effective, safe, and tolerable and holds immense promise as a chemoprevention agent. It has the potential to combat various cancers, including breast, prostate, gastrointestinal, melanoma, lung, brain, and bladder. But its potential does not stop there. It also shows promise in treating cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases and diabetes, offering hope for those affected.

The cancer-protecting properties of Brassica plants are mediated through compounds that induce a variety of physiological processes, including antioxidant action, detoxifying enzymes, inducing apoptosis, and cell cycle regulation. Glucosinolate breakdown products can affect several stages of cancer development, including the inhibition of activation enzymes (phase I) and the induction of detoxification enzymes (phase II). Isothiocyanates and indole products formed from glucosinolates regulate cancer cell development by regulating target enzymes, controlling apoptosis, inhibiting angiogenesis, metastasis, and the migration of cancer cells, and blocking the cell cycle.

Sulforaphane, found in abundance in broccoli sprouts, plays a crucial role in upregulating the transcriptional activity of specific genes and restoring epigenetic alterations. This is particularly significant as it modifies epigenetic pathways by targeting histone deacetylases and DNA methyltransferases. These modifications, in turn, alter gene transcription and expression, particularly in the case of cancers. This intricate process of gene regulation is a fascinating study area, making broccoli sprouts a compelling component of the 'epigenetic diet.'

Sulforaphane induces the cytoprotective enzyme NQO1. The inducible expression of NQO1 is regulated principally through the Keap1-Nrf2-ARE signaling pathway. The activation of the Nrf2-Keap1 signaling pathway heralds the beneficial actions of drugs known to affect Nrf2 signaling, such as dimethyl fumarate, an FDA-approved treatment for multiple sclerosis, and bardoxolone methyl for chronic kidney disease. There is optimism that the overall strategies are moving forward. Sulforaphane-rich broccoli sprout extracts provide one avenue toward this end.


幾個世紀以來,研究一直在進行有關十字花科植物的療效及其促進健康的效果。古羅馬的卡圖斯(Cato the Elder,公元前234-149年)在他的著作《農業論》(De agri cultura)中記錄了這些植物的特性,並建議使用捲心菜來壓縮傷口、腫脹、燒傷和骨頭脫位。對於關節炎,他建議使用切碎的生捲心菜與香菜混合,或用醋和蜂蜜混合的醃製捲心菜。




硫代葡萄糖素誘導細胞保護酶NQO1。NQO1的誘導表達主要通過Keap1-Nrf2-ARE信號通路進行調控。Nrf2-Keap1信號通路的激活預示著已知影響Nrf2信號的藥物的有益作用,例如二甲基富馬酸(dimethyl fumarate),這是一種FDA批准的多發性硬化症治療藥物,以及用於慢性腎病的巴多克隆甲基(bardoxolone methyl)。對於整體策略的推進,人們持樂觀態度。富含硫代葡萄糖素的西蘭花芽提取物提供了一條通往這一目標的途徑。


Ivan A. Ross, Biologist (Ret'd), U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), participated in planning and conducting toxicology research projects and related programs and policies to ensure they meet the needs of the United States of America's food programs and responsibilities. He also developed, validated, and documented state-of-the-art analytical methods for specific specimens, compounds, or classes of compounds as necessary for increased efficiency and assurance of accuracy. Dr. Ross has published several research articles; four reference books, Medicinal Plants of the World: Chemical Constituents, Traditional and Modern Medicinal Uses, and Volume One of this series, Plant-Based Therapeutics, Volume One, Cannabis sativa.


伊凡·A·羅斯(Ivan A. Ross),生物學家(退休),曾任美國食品藥品監督管理局(FDA),參與規劃和執行毒理學研究項目及相關計畫和政策,以確保滿足美國食品計畫和責任的需求。他還根據需要開發、驗證和記錄最先進的分析方法,針對特定樣本、化合物或化合物類別,以提高效率和準確性。羅斯博士已發表多篇研究文章;四本參考書籍,包括《世界藥用植物:化學成分、傳統與現代藥用用途》,以及本系列的第一卷《植物基療法,第一卷:大麻(Cannabis sativa)》。