Legacy and Innovation: Integrating Cultural Heritage Conservation with Contemporary Tourism Management

Castanho, Rui Alexandre, Pivac, Tatjana, Mandic, Ante

  • 出版商: Springer
  • 出版日期: 2025-01-07
  • 售價: $8,650
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$8,218
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 378
  • 裝訂: Hardcover - also called cloth, retail trade, or trade
  • ISBN: 3031593243
  • ISBN-13: 9783031593246
  • 尚未上市,無法訂購



This book explores the intersection of culture, sustainability, and tourism. Also, it explores the importance of integrating cultural heritage preservation, environmental sustainability, and economic considerations in the development of tourism destinations. It provides a deep understanding of how cultural tourism can be harnessed to create positive and responsible tourism experiences that benefit local communities, protect natural resources, and promote cultural diversity.

Drawing upon real-world examples and case studies, this book offers practical strategies and approaches for fostering sustainable tourism practices. It examines the role of technology in enhancing cultural tourism experiences, the impact of tourism on local economies, and the preservation of cultural vitality in peripheral areas. The book also analyzes the implications of the Covid-19 pandemic on the tourism industry and explores sustainable development models for the post-pandemic era.

With a multidisciplinary approach, this book is a valuable resource for tourism professionals, policymakers, researchers, and students interested in the field of sustainable tourism. It emphasizes the need for a balanced and holistic approach that considers the social, environmental, and economic dimensions of cultural tourism. By promoting cultural understanding, environmental stewardship, and inclusive community engagement, "Cultural Sustainable Tourism" paves the way for a more sustainable and responsible future in the tourism industry.

This book provides a diverse range of case studies and research insights into various aspects of sustainable tourism. It offers valuable perspectives on community-based approaches, cultural preservation, the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, destination modeling, heritage restoration, and the interconnections between tourism, media, and culture.

Throughout the book, readers will find a wealth of case studies, research insights, and practical examples from around the world. These real-world examples offer valuable lessons and best practices for implementing sustainable cultural tourism initiatives. The book also encourages critical thinking and reflection, inviting readers to consider the ethical dimensions of cultural tourism, the importance of local empowerment, and the long-term sustainability of tourism practices.








Rui Alexandre Castanho holds an International Ph.D. on Sustainable Planning in Borderlands. Nowadays, he is a Professor at the WSB University, Poland, and a visitor Professor at the University of Johannesburg, South Africa. He is an European Climate Pact Ambassador. Besides, he completed a post-doc researcher on the GREAT Project, University of Azores, Ponta Delgada, Portugal. Furthermore, he collaborates with the ECIDES Research Group - University International of La Rioja (UNIR), Spain; VALORIZA - Research Center for the Enhancement of Endogenous Resources, Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre (IPP), Portugal; CITUR - Madeira - Centre for Tourism Research, Development and Innovation, Madeira, Portugal (Vice-coordinator); and AQUAGEO Research Group - University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil. Moreover, he has Graduated in Green Spaces Engineering and Agricultural Engineering and holds a Master's Degree in Planning, Audit, and Control in Urban Green Spaces. He is also the author and/or editor of 20 books, more than a 120 indexed peer review papers, 80 indexed book chapters, 90 conference papers, and made several presentations worldwide academic events as keynote speaker. Tatjana Pivac Born in 1976 in Novi Sad. She graduated from the Faculty of Sciences, Novi Sad in 2000, received her MSc degree in 2004, and defended her PhD thesis in 2008. She was appointed Associate Professor in 2014, in the field of Tourism. She teaches at all levels of study at the Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management. At the bachelor level she teaches the following courses: Cultural Heritage in Tourism, Selective Forms of Tourism, Excursion Tourism, Cultural Tourism, and Wine Tourism. At the master level she teaches the following courses: Introduction to Event Management and Cultural Events Management, and at the doctoral level she teaches Contemporary Forms of Tourism and Organization of Leisure and Events. She is a member of numerous commissions and working groups at the Faculty of Sciences: Organizing Committee of the International Meeting Contemporary Trends in Tourism, Hotel Management and Gastronomy, Self-evaluation and Quality Board, Master and Doctoral Studies Enrolment Commission at the Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management, etc. She is the editor of an international scientific journal Tourism. She has participated in numerous national and international projects, reviewed a large number of papers in national and international journals. She has authored and co-authored over 100 scientific papers. Dr Ante Mandic is an assistant professor of sustainable tourism at the Faculty of Economics, Business and Tourism, University of Split, Croatia. He is also an affiliated faculty at the Human Dimensions of Natural Resources Department at Colorado State University. He serves as a manager of SmartCulTour Living Lab and an Associate Editor of the Journal of Ecotourism, and the Executive Committee member and coordinator of Knowledge development at the International Union for Conservation of Nature - World Commission for Protected Areas TAPAS. His teaching and research predominately focus on sustainable tourism development in nature-based destinations. He has published a number of academic papers and book chapters. His books on sustainable tourism in nature-based destinations were published with Springer Nature, Routledge and Edward Elgar. Dr Mandic has extensive experience working as a researcher or educator on international projects founded by INTERREG MEDITERRANEAN and HORIZON 2020 program.


Rui Alexandre Castanho 擁有國際博士學位,專攻邊境地區的可持續規劃。目前,他是波蘭 WSB 大學的教授,並且是南非約翰尼斯堡大學的訪問教授。他是歐洲氣候公約大使。此外,他在葡萄牙亞速群島大學的 GREAT 項目完成了博士後研究。進一步來說,他與西班牙拉里奧哈國際大學的 ECIDES 研究小組、葡萄牙波爾塔萊格理工學院的 VALORIZA - 內生資源增強研究中心、葡萄牙馬德拉的 CITUR - 旅遊研究、發展與創新中心(副協調員)以及巴西坎皮納斯大學的 AQUAGEO 研究小組合作。此外,他擁有綠地工程和農業工程的學位,並持有城市綠地規劃、審計與控制的碩士學位。他也是 20 本書的作者和/或編輯,發表了超過 120 篇經過索引的同行評審論文、80 篇索引的書籍章節、90 篇會議論文,並在全球學術活動中作為主題演講者進行了多次演講。

Tatjana Pivac 於 1976 年出生於諾維薩德。她於 2000 年從諾維薩德科學學院畢業,2004 年獲得碩士學位,並於 2008 年完成博士論文。她於 2014 年被任命為旅遊領域的副教授。她在地理、旅遊與飯店管理系教授各級課程。在學士階段,她教授以下課程:旅遊中的文化遺產、選擇性旅遊形式、考察旅遊、文化旅遊和葡萄酒旅遊。在碩士階段,她教授事件管理導論和文化事件管理,而在博士階段,她教授當代旅遊形式和休閒與事件組織。她是科學學院多個委員會和工作小組的成員,包括國際會議「當代旅遊、飯店管理與美食」的組織委員會、自我評估與質量委員會、地理、旅遊與飯店管理系的碩士和博士研究招生委員會等。她是國際科學期刊《旅遊》的編輯。她參與了多個國內和國際項目,並審查了大量國內外期刊的論文。她已發表和共同發表超過 100 篇科學論文。

Dr. Ante Mandic 是克羅埃西亞斯普利特大學經濟、商業與旅遊學院的可持續旅遊助理教授。他同時也是科羅拉多州立大學自然資源人文維度系的附屬教員。他擔任 SmartCulTour Living Lab 的經理,以及《生態旅遊期刊》的副編輯,並且是國際自然保護聯盟 - 世界保護區委員會 TAPAS 的執行委員會成員和知識發展協調員。他的教學和研究主要集中在基於自然的目的地的可持續旅遊發展上。他已發表多篇學術論文和書籍章節,關於基於自然的目的地的可持續旅遊的書籍由 Springer Nature、Routledge 和 Edward Elgar 出版。Mandic 博士在 INTERREG 地中海和 HORIZON 2020 項目資助的國際項目中擁有豐富的研究或教育經驗。