The Square Kilometre Array: A Science Mega-Project in the Making, 1990-2012

Schilizzi, Richard T., Ekers, Ronald D., Dewdney, Peter E.

  • 出版商: Springer
  • 出版日期: 2024-06-22
  • 售價: $2,510
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$2,385
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 614
  • 裝訂: Hardcover - also called cloth, retail trade, or trade
  • ISBN: 3031513738
  • ISBN-13: 9783031513732
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)


The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) is a grand vision project to build the most sensitive radio telescope in the world. This open access book tells the story of its development - a story of transformational science, innovative engineering, and global collaboration. Its journey has been long and complex, reflecting the many issues faced in creating an affordable design, choosing a site, and developing a viable global organisation starting from a simple working group of far-sighted and persistent astronomers in 1993.

The book begins with the emergence of the SKA concept and the first working group. It traces the development of global scientific and engineering collaborations and ever more comprehensive governance structures for the SKA, the involvement and roles of funding agencies and governments, and the long, political site selection process. This occurred alongside efforts to overcome technical barriers and the difficult process of selecting technology. It follows these themes up to the point in 2012 when the project had just transitioned from a collaboration to a legal entity and the dual site decision was made - a pivotal moment when it was clear the SKA arrays would be built.

The book is based on the authors' personal experience at the leading edge of the project over many years, as well as access to hitherto unpublished material from project archives, interviews, and presentations from many of the key players at a specially convened conference. It has a Foreword written by John Womersley, former Chair of the Agencies SKA Group and SKA Organisation Board. The book is intended for an audience ranging from funding agencies and governments involved in major research infrastructures, to historians of science and professional researchers studying mega-projects, to the astronomy and physics communities in general and interested lay readers.


「平方公里陣列(Square Kilometre Array,簡稱SKA)」是一個宏大的計畫,旨在建造世界上最敏感的無線電望遠鏡。這本開放存取的書籍講述了它的發展故事 - 一個關於革命性科學、創新工程和全球合作的故事。這個計畫的歷程漫長而複雜,反映了在1993年由一群有遠見且堅持不懈的天文學家組成的工作小組開始,創建一個負擔得起的設計、選擇適當地點和發展可行的全球組織所面臨的許多問題。

本書以SKA概念的出現和第一個工作小組為起點,追溯了全球科學和工程合作的發展,以及為SKA建立越來越全面的治理結構、資金機構和政府的參與和角色,以及漫長而政治化的選址過程。這些努力同時伴隨著克服技術障礙和選擇技術的困難過程。本書一直追蹤這些主題,直到2012年,當時該計畫剛從合作轉變為法律實體,並做出了雙重選址的決定 - 這是一個關鍵時刻,當時明確了SKA陣列將會建造。

本書基於作者多年來在該計畫的前沿個人經驗,以及從計畫檔案、訪談和特別召開的會議中獲得的迄今未發表的資料。書中還有前英國SKA機構主席和SKA機構董事會成員約翰·沃默斯利(John Womersley)撰寫的前言。本書的目標讀者包括參與重大研究基礎設施的資金機構和政府、科學史學家和研究大型項目的專業研究人員,以及天文學和物理學界的廣大群眾和感興趣的一般讀者。


Richard Schilizzi - First International SKA Director, 2003-2011; at-large member of the International SKA Steering Committee, 1999-2002; Foundation Director of the Joint Institute for VLBI in Europe, 1993-2002. Current position: Emeritus Professor of Astrophysics, University of Manchester

Ronald Ekers - One of the founding fathers of the SKA, and first chair of the International SKA Steering Committee (ISSC), 1999-2002; member ISSC, 1999-2007; Foundation Director of the CSIRO Australia Telescope National Facility, 1988-2003; first VLA Director, 1980-1988. Fellow of the Royal Society, the Australian Academy of Sciences, and the US National Academy of Science. Current position: CSIRO Fellow and Adjunct Professor at Curtin University in Australia.

Peter Dewdney - SKA Architect, 2012-present; SKA Project Engineer, 2008-2012; member of the International SKA Steering Committee, 1999-2007, one of the early proponents of the SKA.

Philip Crosby -Industry Participation Manager, SKA Program Development Office, 2009-2011; Business Strategy and Major Project Specialist, CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science, 2006-2008 & 2012-2017; preceded by many years of experience in industry. Current position: Honorary Fellow, CSIRO and Major Projects Consultant.


Richard Schilizzi - 第一任國際SKA主任,2003年至2011年; 國際SKA指導委員會成員,1999年至2002年; 歐洲VLBI聯合研究所基金會主任,1993年至2002年。現任職位: 曼徹斯特大學天體物理學名譽教授。

Ronald Ekers - SKA的創始人之一,國際SKA指導委員會(ISSC)首任主席,1999年至2002年; ISSC成員,1999年至2007年; 澳大利亞CSIRO天文台國家設施基金會基金會主任,1988年至2003年; 第一任VLA主任,1980年至1988年。皇家學會、澳大利亞科學院和美國國家科學院的院士。現任職位: 澳大利亞CSIRO研究員和澳洲柯廷大學兼職教授。

Peter Dewdney - SKA架構師,2012年至今; SKA項目工程師,2008年至2012年; 國際SKA指導委員會成員,1999年至2007年,是SKA的早期倡導者之一。

Philip Crosby - SKA計劃開發辦公室的產業參與經理,2009年至2011年; 澳大利亞CSIRO天文與太空科學部門的商業策略和重大項目專家,2006年至2008年和2012年至2017年; 在業界擁有多年經驗。現任職位: 澳大利亞CSIRO榮譽研究員和重大項目顧問。