Design for Sustainable Inclusion: Cwuaat 2023

Goodman-Deane, Joy, Dong, Hua, Heylighen, Ann

  • 出版商: Springer
  • 出版日期: 2024-03-25
  • 售價: $8,600
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$8,170
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 224
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 3031285301
  • ISBN-13: 9783031285301
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)



This book, Design for Sustainable Inclusion, was inspired and informed by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. These include, among others, 'good health and well-being', 'reduced inequalities' and 'sustainable cities and communities'. Addressing this challenge requires a cross-disciplinary approach and close collaboration with many stakeholders. The Cambridge Workshop on Universal Access and Assistive Technology (CWUAAT) 2023 invited participants from a wide variety of disciplines to contribute to the discussion on this topic.

This book represents the papers presented at this conference, chosen by peer review by an international panel of currently active researchers. The chapters within the book provide a unique insight into current national and international research in the fields of inclusive design, universal access, and assistive and rehabilitative technology. The main sections of the book reflect the following key themes:

- Understanding people

- Designing for an ageing population

- Inclusive built environments

- Healthcare

- Assistive technology

- Design methods

- Education and training

We hope that this book will be useful to researchers, teachers, students and the general public who are interested in inclusive design and sustainable development.


Joy Goodman-Deane is a Senior Research Associate in the Inclusive Design group at the EDC. She gained a Ph.D. in Computing Science from Glasgow University in 2002 and worked as Research Associate there investigating the design of computer-based technology for older people. For the last 18 years, she has worked at the Engineering Design Centre (EDC) at the University of Cambridge where her research has focused on inclusive design. Her interests focus on developing tools and methods to help support designers in putting inclusive design into practice. Joy helped to develop and author the Inclusive Design Toolkit as well as tools such as the Exclusion Calculator, Cambridge impairment simulators, and digital personas.

Hua Dong is a Professor in Design at Brunel University London. Her Ph.D. research at the Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, has laid the foundation of her research expertise in inclusive design. Hua shares her passion and expertise through keynote speeches at international conferences, initiating new courses and research programs, and academic and popular publications. She has edited 6 books on the topics of inclusive design, assistive technology and universal access and authored/co-authored 200+ papers. Hua has extensive experience in providing specialized research consultancy to industries in the UK, Finland, and China to help designers adopt a more inclusive approach and support companies to implement inclusive practices. Hua was elected Fellow of the Design Research Society in 2019; she received the award of 'Engineering Heroes'--the Top 50 Women in Engineering 2021 from Women's Engineering Society in 2021. Hua had been Professor at Tongji University and Loughborough University before joining Brunel University London as Inaugural Dean of Brunel Design School.

Ann Heylighen is a Design Researcher with a background in architectural engineering. She is currently Professor of design studies andFrancqui Research Professor in the Department of Architecture at KU Leuven (University of Leuven), where she co-chairs the Research[x]Design group. Her main research interests are situated at the interface of architectural design and social sciences/humanities. She is particularly interested in how insight into human diversity may expand prevailing ways of understanding and designing space. Ann was awarded several research grants, including a Starting Grant and Proof-of-Concept Grant of the European Research Council. She is Fellow of the Design Research Society, Associate Editor of Design Studies and Member of the editorial board of CoDesign and of Building Research and Information. Ann studied architectural engineering at KU Leuven and ETH Zürich. After completing her Ph.D. at KU Leuven, she conducted postdoctoral research at Harvard University and the University of California, Berkeley, and she was Visiting Professor at Sapienza--University of Rome.

Jonathan Lazar, Ph.D., LLM is a Professor in the College of Information Studies (iSchool) at the University of Maryland. Professor Lazar has authored or edited 14 books, including Accessible Technology and the Developing World (co-edited with Michael Stein), Research Methods in Human-Computer Interaction (2nd edition, co-authored with Heidi Feng and Harry Hochheiser), Ensuring Digital Accessibility Through Process and Policy (co-authored with Dan Goldstein and Anne Taylor), Disability, Human Rights, and Information Technology (co-edited with Michael Stein), Universal Usability: Designing Computer Interfaces for Diverse User Populations, and Web Usability: A User-Centered Design Approach. Professor Lazar has published over 150 refereed articles in journals, conference proceedings, and edited books, frequently serves as Adviser to U.S. government agencies, regularly provides testimony at the federal and state levels, and multiple U.S. federal regulations cite his research. At the University of Maryland iSchool, he teaches courses on human-computer interaction, user-centered design, accessibility, and legal research methods. He is Recipient of the 2021 ACM SIGCHI Academy Award, the 2020 ACM SIGACCESS Award for Outstanding Contributions to Computing and Accessibility, the 2017 University System of Maryland Board of Regents Faculty Award for Excellence in Research, and the 2016 ACM SIGCHI Social Impact Award. Dr. Lazar recently served as General Chair of the ACM ASSETS 2021 conference. At the University of Maryland, Dr. Lazar is Faculty Member in the Human-Computer Interaction Lab (HCIL) and serves as Director of the Trace Research and Development Center, one of the world's oldest research centers on technology and disability.

John Clarkson is a Professor in the Department of Engineering at the University of Cambridge and in the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering at Delft University of Technology. He is Director of the Cambridge Engineering Design Centre and Co-Director of Cambridge Public Health. His research interests include process management, change management, healthcare design, inclusive design, and automotive design. As well as publishing over 800 papers, he has written and edited a number of books on medical equipment design, inclusive design, and process management. John is Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering and the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences. He was elected Fellow of the Design Society in 2021 and awarded the Sir Misha Black Medal in 2018 for services to Design Education.


Joy Goodman-Deane是劍橋大學工程設計中心(EDC)包容性設計小組的高級研究員。她於2002年在格拉斯哥大學獲得計算科學博士學位,並在那裡擔任研究員,研究面向老年人的基於計算機的技術設計。在過去的18年中,她一直在劍橋大學工程設計中心(EDC)工作,其研究重點是包容性設計。她的興趣在於開發工具和方法,以幫助設計師將包容性設計付諸實踐。Joy協助開發並撰寫了包容性設計工具包,以及排除計算器、劍橋損傷模擬器和數字人物等工具。

Hua Dong是倫敦布魯內爾大學設計學教授。她在劍橋大學工程系進行的博士研究奠定了她在包容性設計方面的研究專長。Hua通過在國際會議上發表主題演講、開設新課程和研究計劃以及學術和大眾出版物分享她的熱情和專業知識。她編輯了6本關於包容性設計、輔助技術和普遍訪問的書籍,並撰寫/合著了200多篇論文。Hua在為英國、芬蘭和中國的行業提供專業研究諮詢方面擁有豐富經驗,以幫助設計師採用更具包容性的方法並支持公司實施包容性實踐。Hua於2019年當選為設計研究學會會士;她於2021年獲得了女性工程學會頒發的“工程英雄”獎--2021年度工程界50位傑出女性獎。Hua在加入布魯內爾大學倫敦分校擔任布魯內爾設計學院創始院長之前,曾任教於同濟大學和拉夫堡大學。

Ann Heylighen是具有建築工程背景的設計研究員。她目前是魯汶大學(魯汶大學)建築系的設計研究教授和Francqui研究教授,並共同主持Research[x]Design小組。她的主要研究興趣位於建築設計和社會科學/人文學科的交界處。她尤其關注人類多樣性洞察如何擴展現有的空間理解和設計方式。Ann獲得了多項研究資助,包括歐洲研究委員會的起始資助和概念驗證資助。她是設計研究學會會士,Design Studies的副編輯,CoDesign和Building Research and Information的編輯委員會成員。Ann在魯汶大學和蘇黎世聯邦理工學院學習建築工程。在完成魯汶大學的博士學位後,她在哈佛大學和加利福尼亞大學伯克利分校進行博士後研究,並擔任過羅馬大學的客座教授。

Jonathan Lazar博士是馬里蘭大學信息研究學院(iSchool)的教授。Lazar教授撰寫或編輯了14本書籍,包括《可訪問技術與發展中國家》(與Michael Stein合編)、《人機交互研究方法》(第二版,與Heidi Feng和Harry Hochheiser合著)、《通過流程和政策確保數字可訪問性》(與Dan Goldstein和Anne Taylor合著)、《殘疾、人權和信息技術》(與Michael Stein合編)、《通用可用性:設計面向多樣用戶群體的計算機界面》和《網絡可用性:以用戶為中心的設計方法》。Lazar教授在期刊、會議論文集和編輯的書籍中發表了150多篇同行評審的文章,經常擔任美國政府機構的顧問,定期在聯邦和州一級提供證詞,多項美國聯邦法規引用了他的研究。在馬里蘭大學iSchool,Lazar教授