Dr. Shuvra Das started working at the University of Detroit Mercy in January 1994 and is currently a Professor of Mechanical Engineering. Over this time, he served in a variety of administrative roles such as Mechanical Engineering Department Chair, Associate Dean for Research and Outreach, and Director of International Programs in the College of Engineering and Science. He has an undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, and a Master's and Ph.D. in Engineering Mechanics from Iowa State University. He was a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Notre Dame and worked in the industry for several years prior to joining Detroit Mercy.
Dr. Das has taught a variety of courses ranging from freshmen to advanced graduate levels such as Mechanics of Materials, Introductory and Advanced Finite Element Method, Engineering Design, Introduction to Mechatronics, Mechatronic Modeling and Simulation, Mathematics for Engineers, Electric Drives and Electromechanical Energy Conversion. He led the effort in the college to start several successful programs: an undergraduate major in Robotics and Mechatronic Systems Engineering, a graduate certificate in Advanced Electric Vehicles, and thriving partnerships for student exchange with several universities in China.
Dr. Das received many awards for teaching and research at Detroit Mercy as well as from organizations outside the university. His areas of research interest are modeling and simulation of multi-disciplinary engineering problems, engineering education, and curriculum reform. He has worked in areas ranging from mechatronics system simulation to multi-physics process simulation using CAE tools such as Finite Elements and Boundary Elements. He has authored or co-authored five published books on these topics.