PDE Toolbox Primer for Engineering Applications with MATLAB(R) Basics
暫譯: MATLAB(R) 基礎工程應用 PDE 工具箱入門
Burstein, Leonid
Partial differential equations (PDEs) describe technological phenomena and processes used for the analysis, design, and modeling of technical products. Solutions of spatial and transient PDEs are realized by using the PDE Toolbox included in the MATLAB(R) software. MATLAB(R) is introduced here as an essential foundation for PDE, and the Modeler of the PDE Toolbox, with appropriate explanatory solutions, is applied to engineering problems in mechanics, heat/mass transfer, tribology, materials science, physics, and biotechnology. The appendixes contain collections of commands and functions used to solve actual engineering problems.
- Includes the PDE Modeler interface with example solutions of two- and three-dimensional PDEs
- Presents methodologies for all types of PDEs as representative of any engineering problem
- Describes the ordinate differential equation (ODE) solver for initial value and boundary value problems (IVP and BVP) through practical examples from mechanics and the thermodynamic properties of materials
- Covers the basics of MATLAB(R) to solve both ODEs and PDEs
- Reviews spatially the one-dimensional PDE solver with actual engineering examples
PDE Toolbox Primer for Engineering Applications with MATLAB(R) Basics is aimed at scientists, students, professionals, practitioners, self-taught readers, and researchers who need concise and clear information to study and apply MATLAB(R) software and the PDE Toolbox in engineering.
偏微分方程 (PDEs) 描述了用於分析、設計和建模技術產品的技術現象和過程。空間和瞬態 PDE 的解是通過使用 MATLAB(R) 軟體中包含的 PDE 工具箱來實現的。這裡介紹 MATLAB(R) 作為 PDE 的基本基礎,並應用 PDE 工具箱的建模器,配合適當的解釋性解決方案,來解決機械學、熱/質量傳遞、摩擦學、材料科學、物理學和生物技術等工程問題。附錄包含用於解決實際工程問題的命令和函數的集合。
- 包括 PDE 模型器介面,並提供二維和三維 PDE 的示例解決方案
- 針對所有類型的 PDE 提出方法論,作為任何工程問題的代表
- 通過來自機械學和材料熱力學性質的實際示例,描述初值問題和邊界值問題 (IVP 和 BVP) 的常微分方程 (ODE) 解算器
- 涵蓋 MATLAB(R) 的基礎知識,以解決 ODE 和 PDE
- 回顧一維 PDE 解算器的空間性,並提供實際工程示例
PDE 工具箱入門:使用 MATLAB(R) 基礎的工程應用 旨在為科學家、學生、專業人士、實務工作者、自學者和研究人員提供簡明清晰的信息,以便他們學習和應用 MATLAB(R) 軟體及 PDE 工具箱於工程領域。
Dr. Leonid Burstein taught as an Associate Staff Member (ret) of the Software Engineering Department at the ORT Braude College of Engineering for 17 years. He also worked for many years as lecturer at large and taught in the Quality Assurance Department of the Kinneret Academic College and at Technion - ITI and was regularly invited as a lecturer at a number of leading universities and high schools of the Western and Lower Galilee.
Following a MA studying in thermo-physics at the Lomonosov Technological Institute at Odessa, Ukraine and a doctorate study in All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Physical-Technical and Radiotechnical Measurements at Mendeleevo, Moscow region, Russia. Burstein received his PhD in thermo-physical properties of materials from the Heat and Mass Transfer Institute of the Belarusian Academy of Sciences, Minsk in 1974.
After a short period of work in Russia and Belarus, Burstein continued his carrier at the Piston Ring Institute in Odessa, Ukraine, where he worked from 1974 to 1990 as Head of Projects and Head of the CAD/CAM group. Since 1991, he has worked at the Technion - IIT, first at the ME Faculty, then at the Quality Assurance and Reliability Program at the Faculty of IEM and later at the Taub Computer Centre as software science consultant. At the time, he also worked at the Technion Research and Development Foundation as the principal researcher in funded projects in various areas including diesel tribology and environment control. During this period, he also taught various courses at Haifa University, the Technion, the Kinneret Academic College and other institutions.
Dr Burstein is also the editor of a handbook published by the IGI Global and author of several patents. He is the author and contributor to published textbooks as well as an Editorial Broad member and reviewer for a number of international scientific journals.
萊昂尼德·布爾斯坦博士在ORT Braude工學院的軟體工程系擔任副職員(退休)長達17年。他還曾在多所大學擔任講師,並在基內瑞特學院的品質保證系及以色列理工學院(Technion - ITI)教授課程,並定期受邀在西部和下加利利的多所知名大學和高中講授課程。
在俄羅斯和白俄羅斯短暫工作後,布爾斯坦於1974年至1990年在烏克蘭的活塞環研究所繼續他的職業生涯,擔任專案負責人及CAD/CAM小組負責人。自1991年以來,他在以色列理工學院(Technion - IIT)工作,最初在機械工程系,然後在工業工程與管理系的品質保證與可靠性計畫,後來在陶布計算機中心擔任軟體科學顧問。當時,他還在以色列理工學院研究與發展基金會擔任主要研究員,負責多個資助項目,涵蓋柴油摩擦學和環境控制等不同領域。在此期間,他還在海法大學、以色列理工學院、基內瑞特學院及其他機構教授各種課程。
布爾斯坦博士也是IGI Global出版的手冊編輯,並擁有多項專利。他是多本教科書的作者和貢獻者,並擔任多個國際科學期刊的編輯委員會成員及審稿人。